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File: Ra4bc1bfd31c62eed6dbd36af6(...).jpg (56.11 KiB)
Imageboards can be a lot more than just trite shitposting, but the medium is wasted on a largely mediocre group of human beings. Memetic usage is mostly a crutch for those that can't generate spontaneous and organic banter on their own.
Anonymous 08/03/21(Tue)23:38:13 No. fb-5GF33049
>>fb-4JZ22AKO → It's moreso about quality. It's easy to post a meme everyone has seen a 1000 times, but it is more special to make them smile from a joke that originated from your head. Memetic oversaturation is analogous to empty consumerism.
Anonymous 08/03/21(Tue)23:40:18 No. fb-YGHG8DNB
>>fb-P1KLQ6DS → That's true, although I'm not crazy about the excessive number of dead boards out there.
Anonymous 08/04/21(Wed)03:35:46 No. fb-UURP82QC
>>fb-5KI4HTXO → Oof, you're giving me flashbacks of all the boards I've put hopes into, only to see them wither and die, lol. This is what fatigues me about the small chan scene, it's like every board starts on life support and you just watch as the pulse slows to a stop. It goes back to my original point about the anon crowd, for the most part, they're a bunch of idiots who don't have the patience and effort to build a community. Anyway, we'll see what happens and I always wish for the best.
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>>fb-S7W9AJBE → Idk, I'm just gonna park my ass here and click the reply button and make threads. Niches are already established and the best way to develop a culture is to let it just unfold naturally.
Anonymous 08/09/21(Mon)00:15:18 No. fb-H3TNS88L
>>fb-SPYZLCII → >You demand oc You can't make demands from those with nothing to give.
Anonymous 08/12/21(Thu)01:33:22 No. fb-SSXXC02Z
I'm so burnt out on imageboards, friends. I wish we lived in a world where we could just be ourselves, say what we wanted, and had the people to satisfy our social needs, irl. This shit is such a half-empty form of human interaction. I'm just tired of this shit.
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''So'' true, borther.

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