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File: picc.png (62.46 KiB)
>be me, male >second quarantine in my country >decides it's my chance to grow out my hair, something I wanted to try for a long time >ffw to yesterday >hair finally long enough to be tied into a ponytail >make this sickass viking style haircut >friends see it >they say I look like a samurai >mfw
Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)04:35:20 No. fb-Q3LJDK7C
>>fb-OT5M00EV (OP) But will it get you poosy? I always hated when my hair got even slightly over a couple inches, couldn't imagine having long hair.
Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)22:49:03 No. fb-392L8DCT
I tried growing out my hair everyone says I look like a yeti lul

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