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Richard Stallman Anonymous 03/22/22(Tue)16:18:28 No. fb-OUH1YC76
Should Richard Stallman be given the death penalty? Fchan is very anti Richard Stallman because he is a druggie child fucker so the law should catch up to RmS before he rapes more kids!!!!!!
Anonymous 04/02/22(Sat)21:43:57 No. fb-DETWMNNK
Funny bait by funnier glowie/libtard, commit an 41%. Also funny that you'd berate one of your own.
All Fields 04/09/22(Sat)03:32:40 No. fb-PU70EGXX
>endorsing Cuckflare Do glowies really?
All Fields 04/09/22(Sat)03:35:29 No. fb-BIAYTAFE
>>fb-PU70EGXX Wrong thread, my bad. >something something death penalty Land of the free thread. Kek. Still saging, though.
Anonymous 05/01/22(Sun)01:30:36 No. fb-LCP051QS
>>fb-OUH1YC76 (OP) CUNT!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous 05/04/22(Wed)16:02:19 No. fb-FHZHIWCX
death to him jew faggot
Anonymous 05/23/22(Mon)04:50:13 No. fb-35G1E2L1
>>fb-OUH1YC76 (OP)

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