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File: Rowlands Photography A.K.A(...).K.A Dirkus.jpg (446.72 KiB)
Rowlands Photography A.K.A Dirkus Anonymous 01/29/22(Sat)14:51:02 No. fb-R3B3R107
there's this fat old farmer turned Photographer called Dirkus found out from the guy who I met her through during College, who was also at the time getting the occasional blowjob from her, that she was doing amateur porn and Lingerie modelling after college. I found out that she did a photoshoot with this guy and had sex with him a couple of times of which he filmed, so there's plenty of wins of her out there just haven't been able to find em anywhere
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Chloe-Jade Philips, this is her here
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another one

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