lol here is y to never copy a pic from another site and put it on ur own. She has a nazi swastica in her hair and other things when you look. pic from picoxhan logo
its from the picochan site ... its thier main logo
i like the pic so i was gonna put it on my site lol. glad i caught it.
god dammit... i meant nanochan not picochan. ALSO nanochan being a darknet board only, take a fucking guess on if there are viruses on nanochan? Between the feds and anons,,, there are shitloads of people who have interest on puttung viruses on the dark web. Feds are cunts who do it to scare ppl from wanting to be on the darknet, and some anons are cunts who put viruses on the darknet in order to test and feel like they are hackers n stuff. Look people, lets get real here. Lua USED to be cool as fuck, but now a days it is not THAT cool--- there is no reason to go to nanochan its just too risky overall. Thats the truth.
>>fb-YWA2TI0H >ALSO nanochan being a darknet board only, take a fucking guess on if there are viruses on nanochan? >there is no reason to go to nanochan its just too risky overall. Thats the truth. Do you even know how viruses work?
>>fb-GCFN20YF obviously you click and link and your computer is immediately hijacked by deepweb hackers
>>fb-SOPJQLWX (OP) anyone have the link to nano chan?
>>SVK65AA7 > http://nanochanqzaytwlydykbg5nxkgyjxk3zsrctxuoxdmbx5jbh2ydyprid.onion/
Nano is glow in the dark. As pointed out, not obvious swastika hidden in the hair (check the other one too.) "It's a Nazi website" her dur dur her. "Why you visiting Nazi websites?" her dur dur her. "Why are so many posters on that website obsessed with little anime girls???" "Why do the moderators allow spamming of pro-peado threads???" her dur dur her.
>>fb-QQT9JWDE >caught it op literally told you it was there... >Why you visiting Nazi websites? because the world made me on... i never considered myself right wing but the people on the left stray away from logic so far i want to get away from them. far left people are the worst kind of racists anyway.
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