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Disappointed Anonymous 12/30/21(Thu)16:01:45 No. fb-TK11T5BX
This is the best board on the whole internet. Anonymous, decentralized, open source. Doesn't need an app (unlike Zeronet, Freenet, I2P) to function. Yet it exists since almost a year now, and has almost ZERO activity. Something is wrong.
Anonymous 12/30/21(Thu)18:46:58 No. fb-I2A0R6Q9
Beyond a handful of internet vagrants like you and I, people don't use "the best board on the whole internet"; they use the boards that many other people are using. They are defensive over their current home and offensive towards alternatives regardless of how inferior/superior they might objectively be, and they will only move elsewhere when absolutely necessary and enough other people are moving with them. That's just how people are, unfortunately.
Anonymous 12/30/21(Thu)19:16:24 No. fb-TYSQVKT6 >>fb-LGM6AEPM
>>fb-TK11T5BX (OP) unfortunately I don't think federation is conducive to image boards
Anonymous 12/30/21(Thu)23:06:49 No. Q4ZU8HMK
>>fb-TK11T5BX (OP) What are you even supposed to talk about here
Anonymous 12/31/21(Fri)00:14:23 No. fb-I75PCPTT
>>fb-TK11T5BX (OP) its better that way more faggots does not mean good
Anonymous 12/31/21(Fri)02:55:14 No. fb-DLGALHNK
>>fb-Q4ZU8HMK → Same thing than in 4chan, only in an open and decentralized platform. I don't trust centralized 4chan, and it's owners. They can be anyone.
Anonymous 01/01/22(Sat)19:01:14 No. YCIWQL6A
the dream has been dead for almost two decades now
>>fb-TK11T5BX (OP) >something is wrong the internet has changed. Imageboards aren't appealing to new users of the internet. The few people who DO see the appeal of imageboards flock to 4chan. The few schizos and castaways left come here, or the hundreds of other altchans. We are fighting a losing battle.
Anonymous 01/02/22(Sun)14:41:06 No. fb-ODIUOY3N
>>fb-MGDT5OHM 4chan userbase has grown a little the last years. It went from around 200000 current users to around 220000. So it's still growing.
Anonymous 01/02/22(Sun)18:02:45 No. fb-SKAF4HKO >>fb-IPUTR4JU
will fchan get more people as fediverse becomes more popular? or is the growth of one not related to the other?
Anonymous 01/02/22(Sun)19:19:30 No. fb-IPUTR4JU
>>fb-SKAF4HKO Good idea. FChan is not even listen in the Fediverse software platforms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fediverse#Fediverse_software_platforms For people to know about it, it should be in the list.
Anonymous 01/02/22(Sun)20:20:20 No. fb-2OH6WHLI >>fb-0ECP9PGB
>>fb-YCIWQL6A → The dream? Reminder that the internet was developed by DARPA. It was a network, made to spy it's users. Some pretend that all the libertarian thing at the begining at the internet was propaganda. Same with what happened with Bitcoin. Supposed to be libertarian, when in fact developed by the deep state.
Anonymous 01/02/22(Sun)21:04:34 No. fb-GSAI08RL
The Internet is normie territory now, if you seek to have many users for the sake of user count, you will end up over run by normalscum. Back when the Internet was the domain of the techno elite (autists who could operate a computer) there were very few users compared to now. I think it is more worthwhile to try to attract that rare kind on netizen than to try summoning the normalpest.
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>>GSAI08RL The normal Internet got really shitty with the arrival of smartphonefags, the iPhone started it. There are now more smartphones on the Internet than traditional desktop/laptop computers, so the quantity of people stuck in an Android or iOS portal is vast and they can't do a whole lot other than snap pictures, record videos and upload them to centralized corporate social media for the surveillance state to utilize in parallel. Smart people were already on the Internet ages ago, unless their age prevented it. If you want more people here, you need to go out and scour the Internet for enclaves of non-normies who you want to bring in. Going to Faceboig/Twatter and posting about your cool image board isn't going to attract many people, you need to explain why they should be interested. I would suspect the people to attract already know about social media monitoring, manipulation, censorship, etc. so those people would see the value in decentralized compared to centralized corporate gov lackeys. Breadcrumbs vs megaphone, or else you get the retards. It's inevitable these people will be either banned, alienated, or forced to conform to the COC of corporate spaces. If the prospects are not interested at the present, they surely will be when the above situations arise. If you can convince them to bookmark or save a link, a way back, it will provide them somewhere to go and maybe an epiphany will occur when it happens.
Anonymous 01/04/22(Tue)13:39:54 No. VKCIEXP3
>>fb-2OH6WHLI >DARPA reee stop calling me out dreams are psyops and artificial
Anonymous 01/05/22(Wed)07:24:53 No. fb-23T9GVVT
>>fb-MGDT5OHM This is just my humble theory. But because of tik tok and other platform's algorithms that curate a user's feed, more people get introduced to niche contents. Usually (atleast for me) these niche interests always brought me to 4chan archived threads. So i think more younger people are getting introduced to 4chan. In addition, 4chan memes are every where on the internet. Anyone curious enough will go to 4chan eventually.
Anonymous 01/05/22(Wed)07:26:45 No. fb-0ECP9PGB
>>fb-2OH6WHLI this is not true take your meds. now.
Anonymous 01/09/22(Sun)22:18:31 No. fb-LGM6AEPM
>>fb-TYSQVKT6 I think it is. Different moderation styles should attract different people. But is this site interoperable with Mastodon?
>>fb-MGDT5OHM once altchans get replaced by fedi nodes its gonna get better, since more altchans is gonna mean bigger networks, rather than stolen userbase
Anonymous 01/12/22(Wed)08:08:30 No. fb-9HQFZH6I >>fb-UJZUWQ32
>>fb-KWT2F9DR but that needs to happen. It would be good to shill just technology on other smaller boards. So that they don't need to switch software to FChannel but can just interact with it.
Anonymous 01/12/22(Wed)08:09:17 No. fb-UJZUWQ32
>>fb-9HQFZH6I >technology I mean ActivityPub interaction
Anonymous 01/12/22(Wed)17:55:18 No. fb-N5VPQM2M
>>fb-KWT2F9DR That's a good point of view. Since we cannot take over centralized 4chan, at least we can absorb the alt-chans. Which are have a dead userbase anyway.
Anonymous 01/13/22(Thu)11:33:53 No. fb-BN6FWK7O >>fb-ELIADAHW
>>fb-XRDIPYCA → In never go to centralized chan /pol. But yes, this would definitively attracts some.
>>fb-TK11T5BX (OP) overboard would be nice, like on nanochan
Anonymous 01/13/22(Thu)18:37:33 No. fb-FZ1955NB >>fb-CUSMF9UK
>>fb-PIJ1HR2C more on nanochan, I think it would be very cool if federation was possible with them. Here it is: http://nanochanqzaytwlydykbg5nxkgyjxk3zsrctxuoxdmbx5jbh2ydyprid.onion/
Anonymous 01/14/22(Fri)20:47:16 No. fb-CUSMF9UK
>>fb-FZ1955NB >>fb-PIJ1HR2C Let's FUSE these chans.
Anonymous 01/15/22(Sat)00:55:56 No. fb-8X75FJZK
fuck this thread. it makes fchan look bad. Its NOT fchans fault .
nanochan's main logo is the 2 girls...one has a nazi swastica in her hair. Fchan should remain less political... fuck nanochan and sites that are too political. It should be about the software / app . not politics. Fchan shits on nanochan... honestly nanochan is hard 2 install and it would not even be worth the effort... golang is a better option. Yes, lua is cool as fuck... but HELLO... when golang entered the scene, lua being so fast was not such a big deal. Golang is superior in terms of speed, ease of use, and accountability of code and user safety. Do NOT let some cunt "play" fchan users and get too political in order to try and drag fchan's reputation down. FRANKLY, fchan does NOT NEED nanochan or any other chan. Fchan has its own merit... very real and clear merit.
Anonymous 01/15/22(Sat)16:04:59 No. L5F57KY1
>>fb-0G2QP2R2 >FRANKLY, fchan does NOT NEED nanochan or any other chan. it needs literally anyone because it will die otherwise. >nanochan's main logo is the 2 girls...one has a nazi swastica in her hair. so what? >Fchan should remain less political... fuck nanochan and sites that are too political federation does not mean endorsement >It should be about the software / app . not politics. there can be only so many /g/'s in the world... >honestly nanochan is hard 2 install and it would not even be worth the effort... golang is a better option. Yes, lua is cool as fuck... but HELLO... when golang entered the scene, lua being so fast was not such a big deal. Golang is superior in terms of speed, ease of use, and accountability of code and user safety. Do NOT let some cunt "play" fchan users and get too political in order to try and drag fchan's reputation down. now you are just spouting nonsense fedinon
Anonymous 01/15/22(Sat)20:31:06 No. fb-4WRECOYH
>>fb-0G2QP2R2 nigger kys
Anonymous 01/17/22(Mon)00:03:47 No. fb-ELIADAHW
>>fb-XRDIPYCA → >>fb-BN6FWK7O > https://poopchan.org/pol heres your /pol/ bros lol
Anonymous 01/17/22(Mon)01:04:47 No. fb-1QJN9FMA
>>fb-0G2QP2R2 >nanochan is political have you ever been there and browsed past the ~scary~ anime girls on the home page, fedifag?
Anonymous 01/17/22(Mon)11:44:26 No. fb-C1QAI17X
>>fb-L5F57KY1 → >>FRANKLY, fchan does NOT NEED nanochan or any other chan. >it needs literally anyone because it will die otherwise. The most tragic thing is that FChan cannot even die. Nanochan could die any moment, being hacked, or his owner closing it. FChan is immortal.
Anonymous 01/26/22(Wed)07:49:18 No. fb-BOSSUKIN
>>fb-TK11T5BX (OP) maybe getting anons to contribute federation patches to shit like lainchain would be a good idea. We could see true adoption by converting already used software into pro-federation software.
Anonymous 01/27/22(Thu)07:21:59 No. 3B66ZDKJ
>>fb-CUSMF9UK Filesystem in USErspace?
Anonymous 01/27/22(Thu)07:25:22 No. 7IA3NIVC
>>fb-ZS6FAN54 → how did you guys even find this site? I was browsing fediverse.party and looked under the imageboard tag >inb4 glownigger
Anonymous 01/27/22(Thu)14:37:18 No. fb-1QOLUBY7
>>fb-ZS6FAN54 → The problem in 2022 is not "normalfags". But bots. Which are AI normalfags in a sort.
Anonymous 01/27/22(Thu)14:38:31 No. fb-4DOJFMU0
>>fb-7IA3NIVC → I found is on centralized 4chan. It was mentioned in /g by spring 2021.
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@fb-BOSSUKIN <lainretards remember when (((someone))) killed the little constant userbase federated [ao].*chan had left by introducing every single /pol/ during a global psychosis episode of course not federal retard fedifags > fedfags glowmore glowgorilla
Anonymous 02/13/22(Sun)13:30:36 No. S1ON6ON8
>>fb-MGDT5OHM Is there a list I can find for other altchans?
Anonymous 02/13/22(Sun)17:00:19 No. fb-XNQJ4Q5Y
>federation patches >trannychan not how it works and that chan is compeltely full of worthless faggots
Anonymous 02/14/22(Mon)16:33:20 No. CSRVYSC2
>>fb-I2A0R6Q9 >they will only move elsewhere when absolutely necessary and enough other people are moving with them. That's just how people are, unfortunately. wrong, they will never leave unless their site shuts down. people are willing to go any length to stick to what is familiar, these boards or sites have become a family to them. this is where their people are. i am glad i found this site, it's been cozy since i started here and people have been really nice. thank you guys for existing
Anonymous 02/25/22(Fri)04:34:17 No. E2INZAVV
>>fb-TK11T5BX (OP) Only blame falls in discoverability, and interest among likeminded individuals. An ad or two would do the trick.
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>>fb-E2INZAVV → There is ZERO dev updates for months- so ppl think the board is dead. PPL want a go to chan that is unser active dev. And the federation thing is OBVIOUSLY holding fchan back. Ppl just want thier own good board. No one wants dick pics from other federated boards ruining their site. Think about the stupidity of that. People value being unique- and the federated board is like going to a re-education camp in china. The software itself is REALLY good...how it is being implemented is a train wreck. Fchan is a great board with very poor management. >>fb-E2INZAVV →
>>fb-50DMRZ64 >And the federation thing is OBVIOUSLY holding fchan back. Ppl just want thier own good board. this is a retarded view. you might not want federated chans but many people do. go back to your centralized cucked chans.
Anonymous 02/25/22(Fri)22:48:47 No. fb-BP58QGYH
>>fb-6STWX9DJ Many people? Crickets. You are fucking delusional.
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>>fb-6STWX9DJ This is what people think of federation>>fb-6STWX9DJ
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@fb-50DMRZ64 holy fucking shit this retard knows >we are the jewish chinese elite >The software itself is REALLY good >federated shitware ever good but seriously off to the reeducation rape dungeon with this tremendous faggot wigger
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Anonymous 03/06/22(Sun)17:29:07 No. 9I33ONNI
>>fb-TK11T5BX (OP) it only really takes using it to have it proliferate and improve
Anonymous 05/20/22(Fri)21:15:28 No. fb-B8MQR3UN >>LPT88VIF >>fb-0EXUJ5LV
It has a strange format. Where the "Reply" button should be, the "Report" button is in its place. You have to do quite a bit of clicking to get to a reply box. It seems to require Javascript (didn't turn mine off to test, but hover-over links indicates Javascript). I'm not sure what the files that say "Tor Instance" with the green on them are for. Clicking on them shows a "broken" thumbnail image. Report trolls, lack of users, lack of new content, and shitty mods killed almost all alt-chans. I don't see how this is decentralized. It's running on the clear-net and can presumably be downed just as easy as any other chanboard.
Anonymous 05/21/22(Sat)08:01:02 No. LPT88VIF
>>fb-B8MQR3UN federated, not decentralized.
Anonymous 05/21/22(Sat)16:49:19 No. fb-0EXUJ5LV
>>fb-B8MQR3UN most your points are ignorance on your part lurk moar
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>>fb-0G2QP2R2 I'm experimenting with a concept that chans might be able to adapt to their own purposes: http://5uq5ubb66pa4d6pzsy2g6ka6zljlt3t2ynn2bmkilmvg44crnwia5fad.onion I don't run a chan, just a regular forum. But you can post in "THE DUMPSTER FIRE" subforum as a guest. Read through the "META" subforum to see what I'm talking about. I believe with some creativity it's possible to build a crypto market based on principles of anonymity & decentralization, from just doing things we already do anyway. >b-but spam, scams, ponzi schemes, it'll turn muh precious chans into shit. Money & business are part of life. Just like politics, technology and shit-posting. I'm proposing a model that will allow for us digital enclaves to self-monetize and attract more people. You just need well-defined rules and good moderation. My site is an experimental test-bed for establishing how to do this properly, and anonymously.
Anonymous 07/11/22(Mon)07:45:10 No. fb-CX8EK2X5
I'd use it, but I don't know what to post here
Anonymous 07/12/22(Tue)00:10:00 No. 6VK76GMF
>>fb-CX8EK2X5 Not sure where to start? We have a subforum called "DUMPSTER FIRE". You don't even have to register to post in the dumpster fire. Just go there and pretend it's /b/. That's pretty much what it's for.

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