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File: picc.png (62.46 KiB)
>be me, male >second lockdown at this point >decide that this is the best time to grow out my hair, something I always wanted to try >ffw about a year later >hair finally long enough to be tied into a ponytail >make this badass, viking style haircut >peers see it >say i look like a samurai >mfw
Anonymous 10/02/21(Sat)20:19:01 No. fb-OEU9RI1P
>>fb-U43310VP (OP) i did this too, and i think i look fucking awesome
Anonymous 10/02/21(Sat)22:17:24 No. fb-KN2R3KP2
>>fb-U43310VP (OP) i want to cut all my hair and go bald instead. Sometimes it feels like im infested with small bugs running around my hair.

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