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File: newspaper.png (293.17 KiB)
The Weekly Chans Anonymous 06/22/21(Tue)20:08:08 No. fb-UPLEUPGT
Get your latest news !HERE!
Anonymous 06/23/21(Wed)00:08:03 No. fb-PNDYL6WL
>>fb-UPLEUPGT (OP) wtf this is great please keep publishing them
Anonymous 06/23/21(Wed)02:16:36 No. fb-B334X3MI
>>fb-UPLEUPGT (OP) This is awesome, looking forward to more updates
>>fb-UPLEUPGT (OP) ERRATUM >CunChan >tor-only isn't cunchan mainly on lokinet now? it was originally tor-only but then op moved it to lokinet the original hidden service still remains but all images seem to be hosted on the lokinet so they don't even load CORRIGENDUM maybe replace it with >lokinet and add >tor front or >hidden service avaliable in small print or something like that likewise for funchan
Anonymous 06/23/21(Wed)18:11:39 No. fb-VLN1NA64
Anonymous 06/24/21(Thu)02:51:40 No. fb-1C5LUEKD >>fb-F5KMMZU7
>>fb-UPLEUPGT (OP) nice one op what software did you use to create this? >>fb-D4224ZDS → lol same It would be cool if each board added its own piece to the newspaper
Anonymous 06/25/21(Fri)19:24:10 No. fb-30XWPCZM
>>fb-UPLEUPGT (OP) based update
Anonymous 06/26/21(Sat)03:54:35 No. fb-WY5YIM5Y >>fb-F5KMMZU7
>>fb-UPLEUPGT (OP) this is actually awesome, props. how can we contribute?
Anonymous 06/27/21(Sun)01:04:40 No. fb-I4XFF462 >>fb-W1WFHUGR
>>fb-19U0J35S could you link funchan and cunchan? unless they're cp of course. i wanna see
>>fb-I4XFF462 http://cunnyem6udnpdthufbf6cl3jgiesispywidvhceeooga2nahhsb5cdyd.onion http://funion4ylmhcmta2woue7xapvquqt2rnpiccofeturwzd2b6b75si2id.onion
Anonymous 06/28/21(Mon)01:03:49 No. fb-Y9520D1W
>>fb-W1WFHUGR based. thenks
>>fb-W1WFHUGR they both redirect me to http://kyogi7dxn3mr6a7eabaqh3jnxbbqbhty46aqstuhmqmokcxgr4vnbpid.onion/ am i getting mitm'ed or something?
Anonymous 06/28/21(Mon)01:26:22 No. fb-G7N9V7C1
>>fb-0SFV0UAY They might be down, dunno, I got them from a thread on /prog/ Check the github
Anonymous 06/28/21(Mon)10:44:55 No. fb-9R1WVFOK
>>fb-0SFV0UAY yes, I'm stealing all your secrets t. man in the middle
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Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)14:23:31 No. fb-F5KMMZU7 >>fb-3OQ7FYK2
>>fb-WY5YIM5Y you can either just throw shit at me in this thread or engage in hijinks on the chans. That's all I can think of at least. >>fb-1C5LUEKD Gimp, because why not >>fb-19U0J35S thanks, tried my best to fixx the issues
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>>fb-4LFN2E3J Awesomesauce
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)15:31:40 No. fb-YJWWKQ7K >>fb-3OQ7FYK2
>>fb-4LFN2E3J >hey so how do I actually get into books It's tough if you don't know what you like, find something that seems interesting to you and try reading a bit before bed instead of browsing fchan, eventually you'll pick it up and not want to go to sleep. Also, great update anon!
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)16:13:42 No. fb-X2YRQ2SA
>>fb-4LFN2E3J awesome OP, keep it up this is great
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>>fb-F5KMMZU7 based. will try to post shit here. also for the books try reading something you actually like, even if it seems like baby shit, and make it a habit (e.g. read every night before bed like >>fb-YJWWKQ7K said) gl OP with you the best
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>>fb-UPLEUPGT (OP) sex
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Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)21:34:02 No. fvip-XQVGBSZJ
>>fb-4LFN2E3J Actually, I have some bad news: multichan had tor<-->clearweb first, on May 25, 2021 (about 1 month ago). These newspapers are cute as hell. Where is 0xchan, btw?
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Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)21:57:46 No. fb-8Y3XFRIX >>fb-NH0TKT8T
>>fb-UPLEUPGT (OP) captchas should only be valid with an accompanying image of the post with the captcha. anyone can easily refresh the page and get multiple captchas, its when you post that matters.
Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)01:36:51 No. fb-NH0TKT8T
>>fb-8Y3XFRIX :suicide:
Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)03:33:38 No. fb-X1GNQNV0
>>fb-UPLEUPGT (OP) https://fchan.xyz/pen/WGJGD2EZ#K03CPF3V
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>>fb-4LFN2E3J apple sauce
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Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)09:47:15 No. fb-DJ8N8FXA >>fb-WOW5OJ3H
really happy to see fchan glowing the newspaper is pretty kino too keep up the good work lads
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>>fb-DJ8N8FXA >fchan glowing Only the Tor instances
Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)18:37:35 No. 5WVDKDSP
>>fb-WOW5OJ3H don't know what you are talking about
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>>fb-5WVDKDSP → Whatever, dum-dum
what do you guys think about knn.jp.net?
Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)21:39:36 No. fb-XUNWBZH5 >>fb-H0PS2LB4
>>fb-XJOBFUSX goes nowhere
Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)21:42:17 No. fb-H0PS2LB4
>>fb-XUNWBZH5 huh?
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>>fb-UPLEUPGT (OP) where's the newsanon?
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Anonymous 07/06/21(Tue)16:47:35 No. fb-FU3GB2XV
>>fb-GW3HTN95 >>fb-RYK9GFTD OP blew his load on the first two issues
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>>fb-UPLEUPGT (OP) we require news
i never get interesting captchas. you people are 1 of 3 things: 1. extremely lucky 2. refreshing the page all day to get new captchas 3. spoofing captchas WHICH ONE IS IT??? TELL ME FUCKFACES!!!!
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>>fvip-V25YW54V >he doesn't know
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>>fb-UPLEUPGT (OP) I know I know, I'm late (and gay and muted). At least I delivered though, right?
Anonymous 07/06/21(Tue)19:33:44 No. fb-5IC3G9DM
>>fb-XJOBFUSX Oh fuck, it's actual imageboard news outlet thingy. Cool stuff
Anonymous 07/06/21(Tue)20:13:02 No. fb-IHDGAJ9E
>>fb-MT8YRJAX news has arrived!! thank you newschan, i was worried you might've taken the path of runit
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>>fvip-V25YW54V The code to generate captchas is open you can make them say whatever you want if you just follow the instructions. >>fb-MT8YRJAX This network map is insane. Thanks newschan love the paper!
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>>fb-MT8YRJAX So many typos, newschad. >Over the last week, practically out of nowhere, swathes of new imageboards suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Not really a typo, but repeating yourself like this sound stupid. And then right after: >We here at The Daily Chans Who is The Daily Chans? >This is now all however *not >but the was this is going *way You also forgot to mention how the frontpage now also has a place for news.
Anonymous 07/06/21(Tue)21:22:20 No. fb-HDNI7CBZ
>>fb-LVR0VPW9 >Who is The Daily Chans i think he meant weekly kek
Anonymous 07/06/21(Tue)21:26:22 No. fb-595EVGRF >>fvip-7C3QAYWW
>>fb-LVR0VPW9 Clearly rushed, but be appreciative or else we may not get these again :^(
>>fb-MT8YRJAX >>fb-MT8YRJAX awww, we at KTP Club aren't troublemakers or tricksters! We just call the /b/ board , /vip/ here, because that's how 2ch and the Western textboard community do it. As for why /fedi/ posts to /b/, it looks as if https://fchan.xyz/b subscribes to https://bbs.killthepresident.club/fedi according to the latest ``network map" thread. If /fedi/ were subscribed to https://fchan.xyz/b then the arrow would be pointed the other way around. In addition, someone else's /lit/ board subscribes to /philo/ in an attempt to pull our board into an overboard of /lit/ related content -- maybe I'm understanding the network maps wrong. In turn, your /g/ board should consider following our /fedi/ board so you can get fediverse related posts in your technology board. (Although it would be nicer if other admins were to simply make their own /philo/ or /fedi/ boards to link with ours, or something..) Cute release and nice work. For any questions concerning our domain name, we refer you to http://legal.killthepresident.club/ where you can see a statement from our attorneys.
>>fvip-55084285 first Fchan claims that they invented clearnet<-->tor federation of chans, then they take credit for pseudo tagging, finally they call 0chan.vip and Multichan "gay fed pedophiles". Multichan / 0chan releases a counter-statement: http://0chan.vip/threads/local/1625616959/
Anonymous 07/07/21(Wed)00:35:14 No. fb-NVI3WJ66
>>fvip-9LJ5YNJX fchan is not responsible for the weekly chan's or their statements.
Anonymous 07/07/21(Wed)01:07:46 No. fb-1YW3LECA
>>fvip-9LJ5YNJX i don't know if you know this but the weekly chan writer isn't the owner of fchan, shill your pedo chan somewhere else
Anonymous 07/07/21(Wed)01:21:01 No. fb-9TJXHZA5 >>fvip-9I0QFUGD
>>fb-MT8YRJAX BASED NEWSCHAD godbless OP thanks for another blessing ~mwah🗢. this is great but i don't get the striped colors in the network map
Anonymous 07/07/21(Wed)01:58:14 No. fvip-9I0QFUGD
>>fb-9TJXHZA5 maybe it's for one-way bridges?
fuck y'all for slandering 0chan, this site is shit anyway lmao
Anonymous 07/07/21(Wed)04:09:11 No. fb-HGWXCNFK
>>fb-6Q9TII50 didn't ask fagazoid
Anonymous 07/07/21(Wed)08:19:34 No. fb-FWWUKP9T
>>fvip-9LJ5YNJX News guy doesn't actually know that much about fchannel development, roughly half of the front page rework was written by someone else but it's credited to the dev. >>fb-6Q9TII50 Why are you so obtuse?
Anonymous 07/07/21(Wed)10:37:46 No. fb-O9WHOCBI
>>fb-595EVGRF But I am. I criticize because I love it. >>fb-RE1VDQL1 → True, but does not apply to the newspaper. We need high standards on that.
Anonymous 07/07/21(Wed)11:01:29 No. fb-XMIX3ZH8
>>fvip-55084285 mapanon here, yes fchan/b/ is following ktpclub/fedi/ and fchan/lit/ is following ktpclub/phi/, you got that right. as i said, the arrows show the flow of information, where posts are being pulled to.
Anonymous 07/07/21(Wed)13:38:15 No. fb-15L2PU1M
>>fb-6Q9TII50 no one cares btfo faggot
Anonymous 07/07/21(Wed)15:10:08 No. fb-K1V0W7RC
very cute, thanks for publishing
Anonymous 07/07/21(Wed)16:18:43 No. fvip-L8HWACZX
Make sure to tip your paperboy.
Anonymous 07/07/21(Wed)17:08:56 No. fb-J2GWNILM
These are so good, I'd give the author(s) a big ol kiss
>>fvip-55084285 why does /b/ stand for random anyway? and why does /vip/? why not call it /rnd/ or something like that?
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>>fb-MT8YRJAX this is literally the only thing thats holding this community together lol
Anonymous 07/09/21(Fri)08:42:25 No. fvip-7C3QAYWW
>>fb-595EVGRF I will not be blackmailed.
Anonymous 07/09/21(Fri)10:05:14 No. fb-ZUZ5LROJ
>>fb-MT8YRJAX this is exactly what the world needs. this is exactly what the world (the good parts) deserve.
Anonymous 07/09/21(Fri)16:09:24 No. fb-29NJJ61T >>fb-XXXBUQCU
>>fb-J29U1R7Q → >copying F-Bcuck someone should create an instance where random is /rnd/
Anonymous 07/09/21(Fri)16:12:52 No. fb-CL9A9KSC
>>fb-62WFSJYG b is used for random because of weeabo-isms
Anonymous 07/09/21(Fri)16:33:48 No. fb-XXXBUQCU
>>fb-29NJJ61T Ok, you do it lole
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>>fb-MT8YRJAX i vote for multi coloured and shaped captcha, also lmao at the captcha i got
Anonymous 07/12/21(Mon)20:55:04 No. fb-9TFV6PP9
>>fvip-9LJ5YNJX >>fb-6Q9TII50 actual fucking schizo. fchan developers never claimed anything, fchan developers are not writing the Weekly Chans, and fchan developers never called multichan "gay fed pedophiles". your shitty dev drama spilled over here, and some faggot started shitting on multichan because some faggot named kuz got kicked out. 100% chance that the guy that made those threads on fchan shitting on multichan was that kuz guy. OP read those schizo threads and reported on it with the information he had, probably not understanding who wrote them and why. the fact that you're even getting this drama already is the reason why only pedophile schizos use multich, kill yourselves
Anonymous 07/12/21(Mon)20:58:35 No. fb-V1NGH747
>>fb-SFEGX7TU there was a thread on /meta/ (hidden board) with a strawpol to vote on the captcha also /spotted/ nussy
File: newspaper_blueprint.png (206.93 KiB)
>>fb-UPLEUPGT (OP) I'll be real with you all, I kinda got bored of making these so here's the .xcf file and a funny thread that I would've reported on https://0chan.vip/threads/local/1625616959/ (save the image as a .xcf that should work)
Anonymous 07/13/21(Tue)16:05:42 No. fb-6OZ3P6SM >>fb-2NXE7W4W
>>fb-ZQJRARP6 this is saddening news. i can't believe you would give the file to the penfags they will create something horrible
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Anonymous 07/13/21(Tue)17:18:38 No. fb-2NXE7W4W
>>fb-6OZ3P6SM Get raped to death nukie was always a pen fag
Anonymous 07/13/21(Tue)20:57:47 No. fb-UUJEB6YX
>>fb-ZQJRARP6 it was good while it lasted you could also upload a .txt somewhere explaining how you used to make the newspaper (font used, how to organize the layout, etc.) so other anons can keep it alive with more or less the same aesthetic
Anonymous 11/10/21(Wed)17:00:53 No. fb-NQ9F6RK8
>>fb-UPLEUPGT (OP) rip

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