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File: 41A14D45-9696-41D6-9D0C-68(...).jpeg (31.56 KiB)
Black person speaking, ama.
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)17:54:00 No. fb-R9T12HGM
>>fb-UVOH5X3L (OP) Are you black?
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)18:20:36 No. fb-OI7870J4
>>fb-UVOH5X3L (OP) what's the colour of your skin?
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)18:23:39 No. fb-WVSXVJ9L
>>fb-UVOH5X3L (OP) How because in via a or by so inside can black my bruh?
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)18:23:42 No. fb-70WM04UY
>>fb-UVOH5X3L (OP) Is your skin constantly burning?
File: 4ee7ea71652f7d4aa8f3c24055(...).png (528.65 KiB)
how do we solve the black people?
Anonymous 07/03/21(Sat)06:41:01 No. fb-AFM5BQ0F
>>fb-UVOH5X3L (OP) Dick or GTFO
Anonymous 07/03/21(Sat)07:41:49 No. fb-9TSJ4L79
>>fb-UVOH5X3L (OP) poopface
Anonymous 07/04/21(Sun)04:37:25 No. fvip-1WBJKG57
>>fb-UVOH5X3L (OP) rank each race on a scale of best to worst and why?
just be white !!HFKroFzy/. 12/05/21(Sun)06:22:10 No. R6RJTJ73
Ever considered breathing?

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