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Feels thread Anonymous 10/24/21(Sun)07:00:05 No. fb-VL9C8IY0
My family has put our dog of 15 years down today because she was in too much pain due to her age. Still processing it all. Seeing our beloved pet looking up at us, clueless she'd soon be gone forever had me crying a couple times. It's a strange, scary thing to see a pet lose its life before your eyes. For a second, you don't even realize what's happened. To me, it shows how fine the line is between life and death. I could be gone at any moment. I don't want to waste another day.
Anonymous 10/24/21(Sun)15:19:31 No. fb-P2WU037J
>>fb-VL9C8IY0 (OP) Sorry for your loss. Something similar happend a few months ago. Our dog all of a sudden got really weak to where he could not pick up his head or move and was getting cold. took him to the emergency animal clinic and they found out he had liquid filling up the sack around the heart causing pressure. They drained it, but discovered he has a tumor on his heart and his prognosis would be low. They asked what I wanted to do, so assuming the worst I said it would probably be best to just put him down if there is little chance he will recover. He is only 8 years old. Well, we they brought him in to have a final meeting with us but I couldnt help but notice that he looked to still have life in him. He wasnt the lifeless body I brought into the clinic but seemed alive. I couldnt imagine the thought of putting him down even if he only had a few weeks to live. We ended up bringing him home not knowing if he will make it a day or two or even a week. But it seemed to be worth the extra time so we rolled the dice. Fast forward to 6 months later he is still with us and seems to be back to his normal self. The tumor is still there and most likely spreading since it was on his heard so there will be a day when we have to face it. But for now its nice to spend that extra time with him. Dogs are great because they are oblivious to their health/age and still act as young pups. Or mamyb tthey arent oblvious but not letting their issues get to them show how strong they are. 15 is a good age for a dog Im sure she enjoyed every minute. I hope ours will make it to 10 years.
Anonymous 11/28/21(Sun)18:44:56 No. fb-RPJ858EA >>fb-CT8216KE
OP here. Just when we thought losing our dog was behind us, one of our cats (only five years) wakes us up at five in the morning wailing over and over, unable to use his hind legs. Turns out he had a blood clot that went unnoticed. The chances of treating him were quite slim, so now we've put him down too. I'm gutted that I can't play with, pet, nor cuddle my buddy after a long day anymore. Not another meow, not another nudge from his paw for attention, not another tuft of hair shed onto our beds. God damn it. >>P2WU037J That's fortunate. I hope he's still doing okay despite the tumor.
Anonymous 11/29/21(Mon)00:09:39 No. fb-CT8216KE
>>fb-RPJ858EA thats a bruh moment ngl
Anonymous 12/21/21(Tue)04:54:01 No. fb-8HY4XPYN >>fb-OEJGTKTE
welp the tumor got him. hes been dead for a week. i tell myself at least he died without having to be put under then i question if he suffered dying on his own at home. it seems animals stay around for us i think they are fine dying at any moment and not care. so part of me feels even if he was in pain he was happy to be around us because it made us happy. we dont deserve them. im never getting another dog again..........
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Anonymous 12/29/21(Wed)23:55:11 No. fb-OEJGTKTE >>fb-C4QVK8JT
>>fb-8HY4XPYN 15 years is a good age for a dog.
Anonymous 01/12/22(Wed)16:06:54 No. fb-C4QVK8JT
>>fb-OEJGTKTE he was only 9 :( getting 6 more years would have been a lifetime i wish would have happened
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ANY pet is just a tragedy waiting to happen. We outlive pets, and no pet death is pleasant. That is the burden of pet owners. They die first. At least when dead the beloved pet is not suffering. And the good times you had will always be there.
Anonymous 01/14/22(Fri)04:19:19 No. fb-DGXVSDA1
stop feeling sorry 4 urself.
Anonymous 01/14/22(Fri)04:22:41 No. fb-P7VSP0KP
you gotta accept what you cant change. You can always love your pet for the rest of your life ... but the sadness and pain goes away in time and is replaced by love for the pet. that is y they say love is the strongest thing. its ok 2 b sad, but ur gonna have to try and not feel sorry 4 urself. its hard. but it is done all the time by millions of ppl.
Anonymous 01/14/22(Fri)11:19:43 No. fb-FSB64WZS
pets are better than people- but people live longer. WHEN - not IF the tragedy happens... you will have to realize that the burden of the longer living being is to press on.,,,,
Anonymous 01/14/22(Fri)11:32:13 No. fb-OVHW430J
i had my fingers in a friends skull holding his brains in... he was dead and there was nothing i could have did the dr's claim ---and still, when a pet dies it bothers me horribly. IF your dog is the worst experience you had so far... you will feel it for quite a while. Rest assured there will be other tragedies in your life...so you might as well try to learn now how to deal. Just dont feel TOO sorry 4 urself... u will feel quite sad but theres gotta be a point where you can appreciate at least your pet will not be in pain any more.............
Anonymous 01/17/22(Mon)01:11:58 No. fb-KFBNC1P2 >>fb-KQFS1BDK
i thought this thread was gay from the get go, but decided to ignore it because op seemed sad but now it's full blown faggotry and i will not stand for this >boohoohoo my goldfish that has a lifespan of 5 days is dead wah wah im so sad Q_Q >y-you just gotta hang on, bro! r-remember them good feefees you had, life is like t-this! letting autistic social retards pretend they are friends with animals was a mistake
Anonymous 01/17/22(Mon)04:17:00 No. fb-KQFS1BDK
Anonymous 01/18/22(Tue)08:13:56 No. fb-3G7VKCSA
>>fb-VL9C8IY0 (OP) You'll get over it. First few deaths are hard but then you're fine. Watch a couple hundred animals die and you completely stop giving a shit.

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