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File: mcfucking_killyourself.jpg (11.86 KiB)
dead website anyone know another chan that has more frequent posting and isn't completely cucked like this site and 4ch*n?
File: fchancrypto.png (165.97 KiB)
>>fb-W68LZPRQ (OP) Most alt-chan are just as dead as this one
Anonymous 02/14/22(Mon)11:08:07 No. fb-56RZXFSU
>>fb-W68LZPRQ (OP) Nanochan has more activity. It's an .onion website (Tor). But why should we care, because nanochan is centralized? I mean, you have to understand that a centralized website could disappear any day. fchan, as dead as it seems, is invincible.
Anonymous 02/14/22(Mon)12:48:21 No. fb-ZSUIFINR
>>fb-W68LZPRQ (OP) i've always told you guys repeatedly that there is leftypol.org, it's active there, also it's sane ctpb

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