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File: 035e3e4.jpeg (366.05 KiB)
How do you create a new board? Anonymous 09/10/21(Fri)20:21:09 No. fb-WO8KOHVN
How do you create a new board? How does the federation work -- when I tried to go to /amh -- a board findable here (http://kyogi7dxn3mr6a7eabaqh3jnxbbqbhty46aqstuhmqmokcxgr4vnbpid.onion/amh) -- on this site, I just got a "404 no path" error. Sorrrry for being a newb.
Anonymous 09/11/21(Sat)01:02:10 No. fb-K7NC4U40 >>fb-1KJ4MK37
>>fb-WO8KOHVN (OP) >>>amh is only on kyogi, each site can have their own different boards. I think a couple other instances have /a/ or /amh/, you've just gotta find them
Anonymous 09/11/21(Sat)01:02:57 No. fb-1KJ4MK37
>>fb-K7NC4U40 accidental greentext whoops!!!!!!
Anonymous 11/10/21(Wed)21:34:13 No. fb-A978RDWH
>>fb-WO8KOHVN (OP)
Anonymous 11/11/21(Thu)04:44:40 No. fb-LPE3NSJ4 >>fb-O21JZ5A5
>>fb-WO8KOHVN (OP) does she have a third hole!?
File: dlord_fight.gif (1.25 MiB)
>>fb-1KJ4MK37 whoopsie doopsie
Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)17:47:56 No. fb-XEKNZW66
>>fb-WO8KOHVN (OP) who is she?
Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)19:27:37 No. fb-KKUBONJZ
>>WO8KOHVN Dud that hoe got an extra butthole
Anonymous 11/26/21(Fri)19:28:01 No. fb-8GMSYSEZ
>>WO8KOHVN Dude that hoe got an extra butthole
Anonymous 12/21/21(Tue)21:07:47 No. fb-O21JZ5A5
>>fb-LPE3NSJ4 It’s for chinamen
File: animu.png (997.86 KiB)
I gave her da extra hole.
Anonymous 12/22/21(Wed)00:57:12 No. 7Q4KG0UI
>>fb-KKUBONJZ this picture is so disgusting ... i think im about to vomit

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