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File: ba.png (231.42 KiB)
It's a shame how slow fchan is since it's conceptually so much better than 4chan. Why aren't more people using it?
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>>fb-XX52XSUD (OP) It's still not summer (when there's a school break)
deleted 04/15/22(Fri)01:49:43 No. OZ505OL3
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>>fb-XX52XSUD (OP) /g/ is good enough if you're a tranny, similar story to peertube where the people that use it are the people that are fine with the twitch TOS and the fringe elements get blacklisted in their "you're with us or with them" schemes that include the main instances usually.
Anonymous 04/16/22(Sat)12:36:38 No. fb-7DPPNAXB
it sucks
Anonymous 04/19/22(Tue)05:34:50 No. fb-ZHNIX896
>>fb-XX52XSUD (OP) conformity, commodity, and most importantly, nigger extraversion.

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