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Should these chain boards have themes, or are we going to stay like this?
Anonymous 09/23/21(Thu)02:38:05 No. fb-E3W7T87D >>fb-M2726Y2Z
>>fb-ZLRKXHZ1 (OP) there was a pull request that was merged with development that enabled theme selection. the first theme made is a dark theme. its still onlyon in development because there are some rendering bugs to resolve. some instances are running the themed version.
Anonymous 09/23/21(Thu)21:57:30 No. fb-M2726Y2Z
>>fb-E3W7T87D Eh, that's alright.
Anonymous 09/25/21(Sat)13:00:00 No. fb-FWVH7SLS >>fb-O7TNUV7U
Do you guys think it'd be useful to have an /all/ board?
Anonymous 09/25/21(Sat)15:16:19 No. fb-O7TNUV7U >>fb-GD8F8WWF
>>fb-FWVH7SLS >what is https://0x00000000.xyz/
>>fb-O7TNUV7U It doesn't have everything, like /fit/ & /out/ posts, for example.
>>fb-GD8F8WWF that might just be the dev being lazy, you could make your own instance as an /all/ board. Saves from bloating up the codebase
Anonymous 09/25/21(Sat)17:35:38 No. fb-XQUTE22C
>>fb-GD8F8WWF >>fb-602XK3QR 0xChan is to easily monitor FChans posts. it doesnt have other instances because its mainly used to be able to easily see all the content on FChan to remove things if they need to be. if it had every board of every instance it would make monitoring FChans content more cluttered. since i only care for the undesired media that can be hosted on FChans server. for the moment the possible solution as suggested would be create your own /all/ of all the board from instances you want to see. it seems kind of redundent post to /all/ when the other boards are local to the instance for FChan. i do understand the convience of /all/ since 0xChan makes it easier to monitor FChan, but it might be the better solution to have this based on instance preference.
Anonymous 09/26/21(Sun)04:19:31 No. fb-EMN8BUWW >>fb-ABFH2Y93
>>fb-XQUTE22C yeah, adding /all/ into the software when you can make it yourself doesn't really seem all that useful imo however his point about not having /fit/ or /out/ seems concerning since they're literally on fchan
Anonymous 09/26/21(Sun)15:12:37 No. fb-ABFH2Y93
>>fb-602XK3QR >>fb-XQUTE22C >>fb-EMN8BUWW It's OK, I was more so just trying to make conversation.
Anonymous 09/26/21(Sun)22:43:15 No. fb-7BRV5G91 >>fb-785T5N17
one anon created a local client for fchan a while back, not sure if he got around to implementing merging everything in a single board. i can't even go and check because he and his site disappeared along with devchad. wait, are clientdev and serverdev the same person?
Anonymous 09/27/21(Mon)01:04:42 No. fb-785T5N17
>>fb-7BRV5G91 cliendev is a frequent poster on /prog/ his site is only up on weekends, but he might not be running it this weekend. I'd reply to his post on /prog/ and see if he responds

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