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File: 1691853048403541.png (150.68 KiB) [Draw]
Anonymous 07/23/24(Tue)16:33:33 No. 4W3V3QQH
>>fext-ZK09DICA (OP) B
Anonymous 07/23/24(Tue)18:39:41 No. fext-STODQGF7
>>fext-ZK09DICA (OP) check in that
Anonymous 07/23/24(Tue)18:41:04 No. AEPZKI84
>>fext-STODQGF7 hurray! looks work)
Anonymous 07/23/24(Tue)19:16:17 No. fext-E9YZQ5M5
>>fext-ZK09DICA (OP) ok, looks that federate only new threads and if im remove thread (which created on remote side) on myside - another posts in thread will not federate.

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