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File: screenshot_at_2024-03-08_1(...).png (14.15 KiB) [Draw]
The glider in this logo makes me cringe.
File: .png (260.07 KiB) [Draw]
i hate how this meme is forced so much buggy shit doesnt work
Anonymous 03/09/24(Sat)04:37:18 No. KZCJSSXF
>>T8JKPBY7 I've never used it before, I wouldn't doubt it though. There seems to be a certain breed of computer nerd that has a fetish for creating workarounds for over complex shit.

File: ayylmao.png (4.02 KiB) [Draw]
what did bunny mean by this
6 replies and 2 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 03/02/24(Sat)09:00:28 No. RPXXL8WL
fail -_-
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>>CXPUUJFL bunnyi entering her rebellious phase
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Anonymous 03/02/24(Sat)12:49:24 No. 9PFTPUK9
>>N5QICQ80 evil bunny tbf
Anonymous 03/03/24(Sun)04:34:29 No. LMYLJ8S8
bunny resolved pubsub refs send the onion and loki towards clear catalog buttons href breaks when the url is /b/ instead of /b probably a argument for forcing urls with redirections i didnt think of before xanadu is a joke

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Anonymous 03/02/24(Sat)08:46:49 No. 4WVHNEWJ
Anonymous 03/02/24(Sat)08:48:01 No. 4VOJLAH7
>>4WVHNEWJ id say it but its implied

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Somebody was walking an emu around town the other day. It was pretty cool, I got to pet it.
10 replies, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 02/17/24(Sat)02:32:47 No. Q063KNBE
>>Q3LSWC2M (OP) Are you Australian per chance? I've been informed that walking tamed emus in public is somewhat normal over there
Anonymous 02/17/24(Sat)02:40:46 No. O3GE1VYL >>3TQ5CV7Z
>>Q063KNBE I am not austrailian.
Anonymous 02/17/24(Sat)08:19:56 No. 3TQ5CV7Z
>>O3GE1VYL Then are you from a British colony?
Anonymous 02/17/24(Sat)09:13:15 No. 8Y3A91WU
>>3TQ5CV7Z No, I am from USA
Anonymous 02/18/24(Sun)03:14:36 No. S45JBSJU
I've seen people riding horses from time to time here in Wales.

File: stallman_free_software_son(...).ogg (6.40 MiB) [Draw]
The free software song by richard stallman.
7 replies and 5 images, Click here to view all.

File: gnu-v1.2-daniel_kelly.ogg (7.53 MiB) [Draw]
File: eternal-flame.ogg (5.26 MiB) [Draw]
Anonymous 02/17/24(Sat)04:05:04 No. Y0YI4ITS
Anonymous 02/17/24(Sat)08:26:35 No. ZVNI5B6C
File: Free-Software-Song-CAmFG.ogg (7.17 MiB) [Draw]

File: gelbooru_57551_803bdd68161(...).jpg (379.48 KiB) [Draw]
post backgrounds.
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How did you guys find fchan, personally I found it on 4chan's /g/ board after the original dev posted about it on there.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)13:59:54 No. EEC9N8ZP
>>SE9OFXT6 (OP) It was talked about on fedi iirc
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)17:44:24 No. U8DV81W9
>>SE9OFXT6 (OP) Memory is fuzzy, but I recall finding about it on GNU social.
Anonymous 02/17/24(Sat)01:54:52 No. NDKKF39I
>>SE9OFXT6 (OP) Yea I came from fedi, I remember fchan but I was too drunk at the time to have been a good contributor lol

File: Hello.jpg (20.82 KiB) [Draw]
dead board
I Love Akari !!4FAUSv8nf. 08/23/23(Wed)02:37:01 No. 2A0VGHHI >>Y0VB2WUH
dead board even though I post almost every day though.
Anonymous 08/23/23(Wed)04:27:17 No. Y0VB2WUH
>>2A0VGHHI you don't matter
Anonymous 08/23/23(Wed)06:36:30 No. B3USIIV1
>>6YGHEYGJ (OP) bro Wtf
Anonymous 08/23/23(Wed)14:39:22 No. Y1VJKCFO
Hello Goatman my old friend You've come to gape at me again
File: lost my keys.jpg (11.73 KiB) [Draw]
Good morning group chat

File: activity_pub_creator.png (145.44 KiB) [Draw]
Fun fact Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)10:50:44 No. S3WIDE2I
The ActivityPub standard was mostly written by Transgender/Queer people. 4 out of the 5 authors listed are trans/nonbinary. https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/
7 replies, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 02/06/24(Tue)18:19:10 No. DSAJ93YV
>>S3WIDE2I (OP) more like ActrannityPub amirite
Anonymous 02/07/24(Wed)14:01:43 No. MCSLCH2O
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=5VCU5feFRbk ActivityPub and the End of Walled Gardens, with Evan Prodromou (author listed in activitypub standard).
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)01:19:05 No. V7NRZQLH
>>S3WIDE2I (OP) Who wrote OStatus
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)03:07:52 No. FPU0WYTQ
>>V7NRZQLH Evan Prodromou was the main author. IDK who else worked on it.
Anonymous 02/08/24(Thu)03:12:37 No. D3771BEF
>>FPU0WYTQ IDK if OStatus ever became a published standard. I can only find this draft. https://www.w3.org/community/ostatus/wiki/images/9/93/OStatus_1.0_Draft_2.pdf

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Bra / Panty Pics Anonymous 02/05/24(Mon)18:16:57 No. 965Z2Q1M
bra / panty pics
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>>965Z2Q1M (OP)
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>>965Z2Q1M (OP)

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Pretty cool car.
Anonymous 02/01/24(Thu)19:16:24 No. K6FCUC0I
sex with chino

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>>40U93L3Y (OP) The imageboard's creator is suspicious. Apparently he created and took down a bunch of boards.
File: maxresdefault.jpg (177.14 KiB) [Draw]
bunny is not that dumb >>LJ0OZRYU im respectively telling you to stay in the pigpen i use my gnu+hurd to automatically roast piggers with jim accelerata post somewhere less organic and fun as thus

File: 1511057635186.jpg (50.75 KiB)
> https://peervideo.club/search?tagsOneOf=omoani gigajems
500 replies and 48 images, Click here to view all.

File: lol.gif (97.10 KiB) [Draw]
>>1QHQ5BFP Found out a way to turn it into a perfect square.
Anonymous 01/30/24(Tue)11:02:54 No. 05U4HKEH
>>4GCG2V68 > square rectangle.
Anonymous 01/30/24(Tue)14:15:18 No. O496BHM9
>>4GCG2V68 2.5 squares
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)08:59:42 No. A30DHUUH
https://github.com/pystardust/ani-cli Aryan software.
Anonymous 01/31/24(Wed)09:04:57 No. MZMAG2N0
https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240121.html Damn

File: 1704565736844624 bed.webm (4.06 MiB) [Draw]
I Love Akari !!4FAUSv8nf. 01/27/24(Sat)14:16:04 No. 5IV6FP0I
New uberkino gigabanger just dropped.
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Anonymous 01/29/24(Mon)20:04:59 No. 0JB1A4D5
Wtf is wrong with anime

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