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It would be really cool if you could talk to people from imageboards privately. Maybe there could be a browser extension that adds a random (for anonymity) address with a communication application to each post. I think SimpleX Chat would work well because of it's "Incognito Mode" and because you don't have to make millions of accounts with a server that might not like that.
Anonymous 12/29/23(Fri)07:18:13 No. N4ST5IRM
>>4UU9TJLP (OP) The email field kind of did that, although it wasn't very private.
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You can sort of achieve this with Desu Desu Talk, it uses steganography to embed encrypted messages in images. https://github.com/desudesutalk/desudesutalk Messages can be addressed to a broadcast address (everyone), a contact, a group, or all contacts. You can share your address to everyone in the thread by sending a message to the broadcast address, then people will be able to add you to their contacts, or you can also just include your address in your post. I hacked together a version that works with fchan sometime last year, it works for replies but not new threads, autoscan doesn't work, there is no feedback if a post was successful, and it doesn't auto refresh after posting. https://files.catbox.moe/cxpni5.js The way you use it is open the reply field (not quick reply) at the top of the page [Post a reply], enter the captcha, open DesuDesuTalk (icon bottom right), "log in", click Write reply, select an image, then click crypt and send. You can refresh after your message has diappeared.
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and this is what a private message looks like
Anonymous 01/02/24(Tue)12:04:26 No. NOULCNPI
>>96E5SQI3 >https://files.catbox.moe/cxpni5.js There's a lot of really hard to read JS in there. Some binary data (code?) even. I don't think I trust it. Do user script managers even have sandboxing? But Vanadium doesn't support extensions anyway.
Anonymous 04/06/24(Sat)22:33:57 No. 1IMEJGPZ >>BVVI5RWQ
Just post your PGP key and ask people to use it
Anonymous 04/09/24(Tue)22:42:07 No. BVVI5RWQ >>7HX7O0W7
>>1IMEJGPZ No because it would have to be a different PGP key for each post and it needs an alternate data channel other than the imageboard.
Anonymous 04/11/24(Thu)00:17:03 No. T5RA1YMQ
>>BVVI5RWQ thats sks
Anonymous 04/12/24(Fri)10:29:42 No. 7HX7O0W7 >>YWBW9TRW
>>BVVI5RWQ >No because it would have to be a different PGP key for each post ?? Just write once: This is my key: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- etc -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Anonymous 04/18/24(Thu)02:24:07 No. YWBW9TRW >>SO1QORXH
>>7HX7O0W7 Takes up space and there's no communication channel to send messages over other than the imageboard itself
Anonymous 04/20/24(Sat)11:13:56 No. SO1QORXH >>JXYG9FPS
>>YWBW9TRW While some imageboards have gotten rid of the email field in the reply form, the email field is the original way to start private communication channel from an imageboard.
Anonymous 04/20/24(Sat)22:05:29 No. FY2FYQ3E
>>YWBW9TRW thats sks if ur abusive and the email ids >>SO1QORXH
Anonymous 04/24/24(Wed)23:07:14 No. JXYG9FPS
>>SO1QORXH Not end-to-end encrypted or easy to be anonymous (as you can't usually make new addresses on the fly that aren't tied to an existing one)

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