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File: D8D30C18-4269-4B78-AB1F-F8(...).jpeg (193.47 KiB) [Draw]
Fuck pedos, they’re the main reason that crypto anarchy sucks and we can’t have free speech/data absolutism.
Anonymous 02/22/22(Tue)04:31:15 No. 821U52I3 >>DWDR8K1S
>>fg-PFJ37RVE (OP) >Fuck <group I'm a closet of> *You* and only *you* are the reason why we can't have nice things.
Anonymous 02/22/22(Tue)20:38:29 No. fg-X18E4DJ5 >>fg-2G21E5B1
>>fg-821U52I3 → That’s a pedo cope trope. The fact that you posted this from an onion address only reinforces my point.
Anonymous 02/22/22(Tue)21:34:07 No. KAHRB6H7
>>fg-X18E4DJ5 Not the other guy. What did we ever did to you?
Anonymous 02/22/22(Tue)23:20:31 No. fg-2G21E5B1 >>fg-VZGK0WW6
>>fg-PFJ37RVE (OP) >>fg-X18E4DJ5 what did he say, what is this about. who is the guy in the image
Anonymous 02/23/22(Wed)00:35:23 No. fg-VZGK0WW6
>>fg-2G21E5B1 The dude in the picture is Aaron Swartz, genius programmer prodigy, free speech absolutist and absolute legend. His feelings on free speech: https://archive.is/d4NPt I agree with this expect the cp part. It is that, that ruins darknets, free speech at a technical level, and the right to deny request to decrypted encrypted hard drives.
Anonymous 02/23/22(Wed)00:50:00 No. T4H5MA1B
>>fg-VZGK0WW6 >His feelings on free speech: https://archive.is/d4NPt cuckflared; didn't read
Anonymous 03/01/22(Tue)01:35:13 No. DWDR8K1S >>UPSHAPDT
>>fg-PFJ37RVE (OP) >>fg-X18E4DJ5 This. >>821U52I3 Pedophilia is norm, with 25% (with not zero chance >80%) of human population are pedophiles due to own physiology. Since pedophilia along with drugs and other boogiemans almost exclusively used by government propaganda as "justification" for their existence. You're probably one of those: a) utter moron b) filthy statist c) government agent But for sure you're not Anarchist and especially not Crypto Anarchist.
File: D1rErvAVYAAth_E.jpg (63.91 KiB) [Draw]
Oh no he jerked of to a picture of a child he must go to prison. Think about the children, how it will effect them psychologically!
Anonymous 03/01/22(Tue)15:56:25 No. fg-5NMIS94G >>fg-77GU9L9B
>>fg-Q4Y88G05 literal aids. for there to be an image to jerk off to a child needed to be exploited/abused dumb fuck.
Anonymous 03/01/22(Tue)17:55:56 No. WNPWD1MX
>>fg-PFJ37RVE (OP) not really. Pedos are just excuse of the state to make totalitarian moves. Social services are there to help children, private communication plays insignificant role there.
Anonymous 03/02/22(Wed)13:58:01 No. fg-AY3KVULM
>>fg-WNPWD1MX → funny how lynchings are also illegal, despite them being far more effective than police investigation or government interference in dealing with pedophiles
Anonymous 03/02/22(Wed)13:58:36 No. fg-SA0TAS51
>>fg-DWDR8K1S → >>fg-Q4Y88G05 back to leftypol, subhuman pedophile
Anonymous 03/03/22(Thu)03:45:16 No. fg-QU8BLK7I
>>fg-PFJ37RVE (OP) You may not be a fan of stallman But admit it or not, almost all geniuses have abnormalities in their sexual preferences Face it
Anonymous 03/03/22(Thu)13:13:23 No. fg-77GU9L9B >>fg-K8DJKJBV
>>fg-5NMIS94G You don't need to exploit a child to have a nude picture. Because children are given phones with cameras. Think about how many of them took pictures of themselves while being naked?
Anonymous 03/05/22(Sat)07:47:14 No. fg-K8DJKJBV
>>fg-77GU9L9B This isn’t really about that. Like Aaron said in his manifesto, not all cp is abuse. Like you said self produced pictures. That’s not to say the existence of those on the internet doesn’t effect them later in life as an adult. The problem is defining the difference. It’s can already be difficult to tell if a particular photo/video is a minor or not now. Let alone trying to figure out whether it was by their choice verses coerced by an adult. There is a correlation based on age and whether it was coercion though. The younger they are, the more likely it was through coercion.
Aaron never talked about cp you fucking tard idiot.
Anonymous 03/07/22(Mon)01:54:59 No. fg-BDGB2XKH
>>fg-KPIWK6M7 read the thread chunt there's a link to his website that says otherwise
Anonymous 03/07/22(Mon)02:03:29 No. I2JLXOY0 >>fg-ECWFOA6R
>>fg-PFJ37RVE (OP) chog
Anonymous 03/07/22(Mon)02:03:29 No. I2JLXOY0 >>fg-ECWFOA6R
>>fg-PFJ37RVE (OP) chog
Anonymous 03/07/22(Mon)02:04:10 No. A5ZBI6BD
>>I2JLXOY0 sogg
Anonymous 03/07/22(Mon)02:05:17 No. fg-ECWFOA6R
>>I2JLXOY0 nog
Anonymous 03/15/22(Tue)22:40:24 No. fg-ZACD4RDT
>>fg-KPIWK6M7 For those of you who don't like cuckflare, here's a archive.org link. https://web.archive.org/web/20030210032247/http://bits.are.notabug.com/
Anonymous 03/15/22(Tue)22:44:13 No. fg-E79ZCJQU >>fg-GF7XINKA
>>fg-PFJ37RVE (OP) For those of you that aren't aware, Aaron is credited for making the tor2web proxy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor2web
Anonymous 03/17/22(Thu)00:28:01 No. fg-GF7XINKA
>>fg-E79ZCJQU >this nigga made the glowie proxy why are pedophiles always so retarded, they can't help themselves
Anonymous 06/24/22(Fri)03:04:52 No. 6ECDP8VG
>>fg-VZGK0WW6 >In the US, it is illegal to possess or distribute child pornography, apparently because doing so will encourage people to sexually abuse children. that doesn't really make sense if you think about it. do gore pictures encourage people to commit violence? do we ban them for that reason?
Anonymous 07/13/22(Wed)07:37:51 No. F88Y8I2N
Why are (((Swartz))), (((Bernstein))) etc so into free speech absolutism and crypto-anarchy?
Anonymous 07/25/22(Mon)03:09:58 No. CNJHT8PH
Because we are the based race, stupid goy.
Anonymous 07/29/22(Fri)14:57:31 No. SW9KHLJG
>>F88Y8I2N We were chosen because we're based.
Anonymous 08/09/22(Tue)14:01:15 No. Y3T6XC9J
>Fuck pedos, they’re the main reason that crypto anarchy sucks and we can’t have free speech/data absolutism. The problem is that your ideology is not conformant with reality.
Anonymous 08/10/22(Wed)09:12:28 No. 2UORXYNW
>>fg-PFJ37RVE (OP) pedos are just the scape goats. The real motivation is information control. When printing press was invented they quickly made rules to censor opinions that were dangerous for moral or state security reasons. Some things just never change
Anonymous 08/13/22(Sat)23:00:31 No. UPSHAPDT

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