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I have sometimes thought it would be cool if there was a specialised protocol for forums and imageboards that you could connect to via specialised clients instead of web browsers. There could be a web interface as well for people who don't want to use it. Using specialised clients would make possible techniques for detecting censorship, post editing, and other badmin behaviour. Everything (such as posts, threads, and attachments; or on normal forums also bios and user metadata) would be cryptographically signed and hashed, and public keys and hashes would be constantly saved by the client whenever it comes across them, allowing it to detect when content is altered or deleted, which it would inform the user about in the interface.
Anonymous 06/19/24(Wed)03:40:53 No. ALA49GHO
>>3HFBUF95 (OP) what like a nerdier version on an "app" that every other social media platform has? Cool but I don't use image boards (or any other social media) often enough to warrant downloading new software I just browse image boards while I take my morning shit or I'm trying to avoid eye contact.
Anonymous 08/04/24(Sun)03:37:43 No. VND3FQUG >>9D2VA1Q5
>>3HFBUF95 (OP) There was a guy working on an imageboard that worked with Usenet's protocols. I have no idea what it was called but that's the closest thing I could think of that's similar.
Anonymous 08/04/24(Sun)05:02:26 No. 9D2VA1Q5 >>H0Q2YVXB
Anonymous 08/04/24(Sun)16:05:22 No. H0Q2YVXB
>>9D2VA1Q5 yeah i think so. Idk what happened to that project, it was neat though. NNTP is kind of better thought out than ActivityPub but it requires more human intervention to get everything in order.

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