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Tripcodes Anonymous 07/22/23(Sat)23:08:28 No. 3UQ5XP37
Why haven't tripcodes been updated since the early days of imageboards? Insecure tripcodes are, as the name suggests, insecure and secure tripcodes don't work cross-site (which is essential for a federated network like this one is supposed to be). I propose using public-private keypairs as tripcodes. You can do this already by pasting the output of GPG into the post field, but it would be more convenient if a browser extension or client-side JS did everything automatically.
Anonymous 07/22/23(Sat)23:17:36 No. 26VTQP8X
To avoid walls of text, the signature and public key should be hidden from the user by default.
Anonymous 08/02/23(Wed)22:01:30 No. TW4IJWO0
Maybe WebAuthN could be used.
Anonymous 08/03/23(Thu)20:06:55 No. FS1VBKDH
>>3UQ5XP37 (OP) ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
Anonymous 08/18/23(Fri)22:26:45 No. EYIR6P7Q
>newgen tripfaggotry nah just do it like me develop such an unique and retarded writing style that ppl can spot it from miles away no bloatware necessary

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