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anomolous xmpeepee Anonymous 09/06/24(Fri)20:06:04 No. HQ4JUWYE
Anyone else tried using XMPP with the anonymous SASL mode? It's not that great an experience. There are only 3 clients listed on https://xmpp.org/software/ that support it (or at least, that support XEP-0175) It would be great if there were an easy client that could just connect to the given server anonymously and you could do your thing and then leave without all this messing about with "adding accounts" (Gajim) or there being no connect command (poezio), or it only working on Haiku (Renga). It would also be great if there were supporting mobile clients.
Anonymous 09/07/24(Sat)22:47:10 No. GX6O7RDV
Like most thigns I share the interest and lack the skills to make it
Anonymous 09/08/24(Sun)23:31:49 No. 2W3PVE21
Web clients would be a good fit actually
Anonymous 09/14/24(Sat)19:44:19 No. 6O0YHOKW
>>HQ4JUWYE (OP) Also, hardly any server or MUC supports it Anyone know any that do?
Anonymous 09/17/24(Tue)17:54:11 No. N6DDYLI4 >>O0I01SVS
what's the point of using xmpp if there's no one to talk to
Anonymous 09/18/24(Wed)18:03:22 No. O0I01SVS >>YT4NAICI
>>N6DDYLI4 Wdym? I have plenty of people to talk to. Idk about you. Maybe someone should make an FChannel MUC. Then you'd have people to talk to.
Anonymous 09/18/24(Wed)18:30:52 No. YT4NAICI
>>O0I01SVS Oh wait, there already is one. I forgot. I can't remember the address and I don't think it's active though.

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