Can we get a thread about objective OS comparisons going? Windows: >90% of games have native support >most enterprise software, media production, and general applications are made for windows >Low customization >Tracks everything you do >W11 looks like shit >System locks down a lot of things GNU/Linux: >total customization >FLOSS galore >full system control >not all distros are well documented >community can be pretty cringe >a lot of things that Just Werk on Windows and Mac OS need considerable effort to get right >generally faster speeds >no viruses :) Mac OS: >media production tools are highly used and super powerful >extremely locked down both in terms of software AND hardware >horrible community and image >far more limited than the other too in terms of software availability >highest level of proprietary >iToddlers BTFO Anything else? am i wrong on some stuff?
>>fg-78X3C0A6 (OP) remove the no viruses thing on linux and yea its pretty good
>>fg-78X3C0A6 (OP) lole this is a testo testo
>>fb-2SV2U76M → b-but i can run do curl -s | sh and the program runs!!!!
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