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Anonymous I2P instance project? Anonymous 08/04/24(Sun)19:11:41 No. UZJ286BR
Would host-kun be interested in making an I2P proxy and documenting the process? I'm thinking of running a personal (private) instance behind I2P for anonymity (and curiosity) reasons. I'd be nice to federate with y'all, I love this instance. If I can't inject the internet directly into my penis, why even live? Oh, here's the I2P website for the uninitiated https://geti2p.net/en/
Anonymous 08/16/24(Fri)21:12:29 No. CIY9TUGB >>37ZZGACX
>>UZJ286BR (OP) for i2pd all work fine need only patch fchan with this PR https://github.com/anomalous69/FChannel-Server/pull/1 and configure upstream http proxy (for ex privoxy) for cross federation between clearnet/tor/i2p/loki networks
Anonymous #Admin 09/07/24(Sat)15:06:25 No. 37ZZGACX
>>CIY9TUGB Thanks, I will merge this soon.
Anonymous 09/07/24(Sat)18:16:20 No. 2NI9BLGV >>EA9JKLQC
>>UZJ286BR (OP) Based. I'll probably migrate more sites to their I2P domains, it's just a shame that a lot of darknet sites/boards are usually more dead.
Anonymous 09/07/24(Sat)23:09:13 No. EA9JKLQC >>OWYW194N
>>2NI9BLGV the problem is the lack of accessiblity, FChan/Usagi at least lets us federate. The other problem is that they can be harder to moderate, I'm not sure how you could possibly prevent malicious users since making a new identity takes minutes. I guess having really active moderation is the only way, but for that you need a sizeable userbase. Chicken and the egg
Anonymous 09/09/24(Mon)17:07:05 No. OWYW194N >>UG5R38JM
>>EA9JKLQC yeah, sybil attacks are hard to counter. PoW could be implemented to reduce the spam, it may take you under a second to post, but take the amount of computational resources * the amount of fake identities, and it's gonna cost you a ton of resources. pair that with increasing difficulties, and sybil attacks are not as easy to perform. captchas work, but once solved they only serve as annoyance for humans. moderation can be biased (cough cough lemmy), and since you add humans into the equation, you also need to take into account that humans make mistakes, so sometimes shit will slip through.
Anonymous 09/14/24(Sat)14:38:19 No. UG5R38JM >>9AMBJB91
>>OWYW194N I'd rather have biased moderation than prison time personally. I'm also mostly fine with removing transphobic, homophobic, racist bs even if its an imageboard. IMHO divide imageboards in topic centric boards and freezed peaches boards where all the slop can go at
Anonymous 09/18/24(Wed)18:28:49 No. 9AMBJB91 >>UEOZN7O9
>>UG5R38JM I'm okay with removing aggressive bigotry and promotion of violence. But not people just exploring ideas of, say, different races or sexes having different skillsets, or the morality of different sexual orientations.
Anonymous 09/18/24(Wed)19:29:25 No. UEOZN7O9
>>9AMBJB91 People/Companies should be allowed to censor whatever they want on their websites. I have some personal preferences about what should and shouldn't be censored (generally I like forums with very few rules, where they only filter spam, blatant advertising, and things that are illegal in the USA), but I can see the worth communities with more heavy regulation even if they're not for me. Some people like safe spaces or echo chambers, and they should be allowed to go to them when they want. Different platforms for different communities. People who want free speech can find a platform. It's just that the platform isn't popular. The reason why the platform's not popular is because it's a free speech platform, most people don't want to see racist/sexist tirades, gore, extreme pornography, or pedophilia advocacy, and will click off of any website that hosts them.

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