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File: 1618355415050.jpg (193.73 KiB)
Is this the final red pill?
Anonymous 04/16/21(Fri)12:51:27 No. fg-H4W1AWOL
>>fg-712BF6VE (OP) Yes
Anonymous 04/19/21(Mon)00:48:13 No. fg-5T944TEX
>>fg-712BF6VE (OP) Of course. Becoming NPC is the final red pill.
Anonymous 04/19/21(Mon)17:34:29 No. fg-QN3GOYJY >>fg-T41BXVP8
>>fg-712BF6VE (OP) the final redpill is not using eletronics
Anonymous 04/21/21(Wed)23:16:38 No. fg-T41BXVP8
>>fg-QN3GOYJY This. Also nice GOY trips
Anonymous 04/25/21(Sun)08:23:24 No. fg-QKZ53X2P
>>fb-BPS60W0E → My friend stole one of these from me. Honestly it's a piece of crap but it looks like a banana.

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