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Anonymous 01/15/21(Fri)05:01:56 No. fg-41D670D7 >>fg-URSWL9E4
>>fg-984C846B (OP) Gonna say, this is infinitely better than JewishChan already, Tor works.
Anonymous 01/15/21(Fri)05:05:03 No. fg-A51F3D59 >>fg-DE277002
>>fb-48448580 → I have to parse the cross posts for duplicated XD, will do that soon(tm)
Anonymous 01/15/21(Fri)05:06:03 No. fg-DE277002 >>fg-019FE2ED
>>fg-A51F3D59 How does the crossposting work? Assuming this isn''t a cia honeypot that is... When i go on 0x it only has /b/, but shows every thread
>>fg-DE277002 its all activitypub json, you can view everything from the server links. The client just parses the server activity streams. you can view all of /b/ from 0xchan at https://0x00000000.xyz/b/outbox you can make your own client that reads the outbox of an instance. Then when you follow another instances you are just pulling for all the other instances outboxes. Its all based on activitypub protocol. A board is an "Actor" in activitypubs terms. you can view /g/ board actor here https://fchan.xyz/g and you can see all its posts here https://fchan.xyz/g/outbox its all parsing the activity objects getting the data you want and displaying it.
Anonymous 01/15/21(Fri)05:12:51 No. fg-60735DF3
>>fg-019FE2ED >/g/ board actor here https://fchan.xyz/g
Anonymous 01/15/21(Fri)05:34:56 No. fg-46973A3C >>fg-8092D921
>>fg-984C846B (OP) is it too late to break free from big tech? or is it the best time to be able too?
Anonymous 01/15/21(Fri)05:41:27 No. fg-8092D921
>>fg-46973A3C BEST TIME
Anonymous 01/15/21(Fri)05:56:59 No. fg-FF3CF91D
what''s good ppl! does noscript work with this?
Anonymous 01/15/21(Fri)06:21:17 No. fg-522AF0DF
Now we need a decentralized miiverse. Only rules are game screenshots and drawings only.
Anonymous 01/15/21(Fri)06:27:31 No. fg-6ED213EF
Anonymous 01/15/21(Fri)06:30:13 No. fg-EEB8DC7A
>>fg-984C846B (OP) Dont we all?
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>>fg-984C846B (OP) > I HATE BIG TECH they hate us more :( how dare we not go back to the days of time share computing of the 1970s and not OWN software anymore. big tech sucks humongous horse cocks.
Anonymous 01/15/21(Fri)08:07:35 No. fg-99CB5E23
>>fg-984C846B (OP) That''s sounding like some inappropriate thought, buddy.
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how do we redpill normies on big tech?
Anonymous 02/22/21(Mon)10:57:01 No. fg-HWDDRLO3 >>fg-UBZTSV84
>>fb-D0E329I1 → Because what they do will inevitably impact us (e.g. housemates buying smart devices etc.)
Anonymous 02/22/21(Mon)18:47:26 No. fg-UBZTSV84 >>fg-3SWW9KHZ
>>fg-HWDDRLO3 >housemates get a real job, hippie failing that, unilaterally lock down the router and only allow approved MAC addresses
Anonymous 04/16/21(Fri)17:07:06 No. fg-HON73L16
>>fg-427SVY9U Well, you don't do it with that garbage fucking documentary which directly begs for more online censorship.
Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)18:45:41 No. fg-1784X4LH
>>fg-984C846B (OP) based
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)05:40:43 No. fg-Z3JI65O4
why does the internet feel so dead and boring now compared to early 2000s
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)09:06:58 No. fg-U9QRSITF >>fg-ZASNT5N9
>>fg-019FE2ED so federation is pull based? All the servers pull from eachothers outboxes? How exactly does it work?
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)09:17:34 No. fg-ZASNT5N9 >>fg-WSIQNXHX
>>fg-U9QRSITF each board is subscribed to other boards that they want to see. when a post is made the post is sent to all the boards that follow that board. if a board makes a post that you are not following you will not see it. there is no mention support at this time its either subscribe to a board, or you have boards subscribed to your board.
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)11:51:47 No. fg-5XSWE91T
>>fg-427SVY9U we need to distill and aggregate down all the important shit into a simple picture that even the smoothest of brains can comprehend something that will act as a hook that will then lead normalfags to the main knowledge repository of how they have been fucked in the ass for many years now some website that displays well on mobile phones, contains the most important redpills, summary of big tech shit, list of sites and organisations that help people unfuck themselves there were some "big tech exodus" threads on F-Bchan/pol/ , but it died out https://wiki.techxodus.org/ is what came out of that, but it's far from being a normalfag-friendly site. https://switching.software/ is a bit better, but doesn't go that deep into all aspects of big tech I would be happy to participate in creation of something like this
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)11:59:23 No. fg-WSIQNXHX
>>fg-ZASNT5N9 that sounds cool. I think it would be good to have a diagram of how federation works in a githubs readme.
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)19:27:17 No. fg-ZV3FWQXI >>fg-XIT9798K
>>fb-RGQZXY8D → >Walls of text about how big tech is bad and normie friendliness are diametrically opposed I agree that's why I said that the hook should be small and efficient. Wall of text should be available for those who are interested, but it should be behind few layers of more normalfag-friendly presentations. >What will happen is that governments will pass some "no fucking people in the ass" laws last time I checked it was so that governments did not give a fuck about people and sucked major corporate cock so yes, maybe there will be some LARP about how this time they will really stop big tech, but then there will be no noticable change also thank you for sticking with the assrape analogy, made it fun reading your post
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)19:37:39 No. fg-HU39RKMT
>>fb-RGQZXY8D → >Populism is a meme Democracy is the biggest meme. Its basically MSM driven reality show or as I have started to call it recently: MSM+Oligharcy
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)22:31:23 No. SRQHLI2Q >>DF7JZZ46
>>fg-5XSWE91T >switching.software doesn't have LBRY or anything freezepeachy. I dont see why there can't be a normie-friendly site that isn't cucked
Anonymous 07/02/21(Fri)22:47:07 No. fg-XIT9798K >>fg-ZPI7B45L
>>fg-ZV3FWQXI But they don't care about the hook either. Unless they hook contains "this software has more features and it's easy to use" normies don't care. You can make some concise page but it will do nothing. If they cared they would have already done the research, Snowden leaks are public knowledge is so is Google's rampant data collection. Governments are full of 60+ year olds that have no idea why Google collecting data is bad. The government might not care about the public all that much but they are the only ones with the power to stop them. Sure it will be a moderate policy that doesn't so much kill Google as hamstring targeted ads, but it will still ensure that they slowly fade from the public eye. Apple knows it's coming. That's why they're billing themselves as a privacy friendly company, so that they can pivot to a non-surveillance business model when the time comes.
Anonymous 07/07/21(Wed)13:08:14 No. fg-URSWL9E4 >>fg-OIB176PA
>>fg-41D670D7 Do I need Tor for this wtf?
Anonymous 07/07/21(Wed)13:30:50 No. OY5SZSGV
>>fg-URSWL9E4 Yes, and make sure to only use circuits that contain nodes from United States, Germany, and Latvia.
>>fg-XIT9798K it drives me mad that normalfags refuse to see the potential of FOSS how do we show them that world would be much better place if people embraced FOSS? some simple mobile game where player has a choice between doing things the open way vs doing things proprietary way, where going open results in exponential growth after some time while proprietary looks promising at the start but that path leads to player fucking up? some simulation with friendly-looking characters that demonstrates this concept? keep in mind that normalfags are clinically retarded, so any way of presenting the long-term advantage of FOSS would have to be so simple that mentally handicapped 5yearold can understand it I'm interested, what method of convincing normalfags into embracing FOSS would you use?
Anonymous 07/11/21(Sun)16:02:54 No. fg-2RH4UXLU
>>fg-ZPI7B45L >some simple mobile game I feel like this would unironically be a good method, but it does have to be REALLY simple (considering the current market of mobile games) Generally the best way to do it is to strengthen the existing network of FOSS software, and it will slowly allow others to switch. Having lots of people use a software will attract others, and is probably more effective then trying to convince a brainwashed roastie.
Anonymous 08/05/21(Thu)05:06:24 No. fg-A8BBOS86 >>fg-IHPSTUJO
>>fg-ZPI7B45L >what method of convincing normalfags into embracing FOSS would you use? By actually making good software. Normies will never care about the ideology of FOSS, they will only see the convenience of good and useful software. Nothing else will matter as long as shit just works. I bet you don't question the values, philosophy or ideologies of different consumer products you use daily because you just don't care or don't see the value. There may be environmental conscious people triggered by your daily missteps for example, but you may don't even know you're doing something -bad-. It is the same thing with normalfags and proprietary software. Why would they care? These services are easy to use and also used by a lot of their friends and family.
Anonymous 08/05/21(Thu)22:48:50 No. fg-3SWW9KHZ >>fg-K192TBB2
>>fg-UBZTSV84 this works until amazon makes use of amazon sidewalk. The chip and Bluetooth standard for it is already standard and might be in devices that don't advertise it. bezos's botnet will finally have access to a meshnet. https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/blog/amazon-sidewalk-review/
Anonymous 08/06/21(Fri)05:01:18 No. fg-K192TBB2 >>fg-72J2I1BU
>>fg-3SWW9KHZ But anon, you don't even own Amazon botnet hardware, right?
Anonymous 08/06/21(Fri)13:06:59 No. YQH96BS8
>>fg-A8BBOS86 >By actually making good software It is too late for that to convince them, everything they use is already "good enough"
Anonymous 08/06/21(Fri)16:57:31 No. fg-3G4RHY0T >>fg-6KED350T
>>fg-YQH96BS8 → >everything they use is already "good enough" you would be surprised. microsoft has been getting too cocky lately and even normies are annoyed that windows is slow as fuck on their computers, if someone cared to patiently show then an alternative system that is light on resources, they would probably be willing to switch if it isn't too alien (so no installing gentoo), not being spied on is a nice bonus too. remember that for them, the operating system is just a bootstrapper for the browser.
Anonymous 08/06/21(Fri)18:37:21 No. fg-6KED350T
>>fg-3G4RHY0T >the operating system is just a bootstrapper for the browser And this is why ChromeOS is the second biggest OS worldwide and yes, Gentoo will be the most used distro ever. At least until Google decides to rebase the system or replace it entirely with Fuchsia.
Anonymous 08/07/21(Sat)05:26:08 No. DF7JZZ46
>>SRQHLI2Q why don't you make one
Anonymous 08/07/21(Sat)08:50:23 No. fg-IHPSTUJO >>fg-KZPBO012
>>fg-A8BBOS86 >they will only see the convenience of good and useful software. Nothing else will matter as long as shit just works. Normies don't care about software quality or usability because they don't have any technical knowledge to pass a judgement on that. What they do is trust the popularity ie. herd mentality. >I bet you don't question the values, philosophy or ideologies of different consumer products you use daily because you just don't care or don't see the value. I don't see the value because I don't have enough knowledge to make a judgement. >There may be environmental conscious people triggered by your daily missteps Caring about FOSS is caring about your freedoms right here and now...it's easy to make missteps if the only consequence are some catastrophic weather forecasts made 50 years in advance
Anonymous 08/09/21(Mon)03:34:32 No. fg-72J2I1BU >>fg-MAINLZTH
>>fg-K192TBB2 yeah but this is a bluetooth standardm and you know everyone is gonna implement something like this. Regardless this is about anon's roommate who does have amazon hardware privacy is a teamsport.
Anonymous 08/09/21(Mon)03:36:44 No. fg-MAINLZTH
>>fg-72J2I1BU ring doorbells are amazon hardware and you cant make your neighbors uninstall their doorbells. Cops are already using this free all-pervasive surveillance system and pretty soon they wont even need you to connect to the internet.
Anonymous 08/11/21(Wed)01:44:24 No. fg-KZPBO012 >>fg-28ZT8PGM
>>fg-IHPSTUJO >I don't see the value because I don't have enough knowledge to make a judgement wow you're right, you have no idea what you're talking about: >the only consequence are some catastrophic weather forecasts made 50 years in advance please stop less time on random linux and anime forums and educate yourself on different topics and don't reproduce for the sake of the planet, but I guess that one is already covered.
Anonymous 08/17/21(Tue)10:35:06 No. fg-KOIET2OW >>fg-CTPJ5ZLY
how hard would it be to make FOSS federated clone of TikTok? wouldn't that be just PeerTube with a custom mobile-first interface? I think that having something like this would be a good step towards saving zoomers. Well, those that can still be saved.
Anonymous 08/17/21(Tue)11:16:38 No. XNMSGOQ2
>>fg-KOIET2OW Doesn't seem like it'd be too hard, all you'd need to do is to clone TikTok's UI and make a mobile app but good luck getting any zoomers already on there, the creators won't change platforms because the won't get a viewerbase there and the consumers won't change platforms because there will be no content.
Anonymous 08/17/21(Tue)20:22:19 No. fg-TITV60J9 >>fg-8EBBL87E
>>fg-XNMSGOQ2 → valid point also, somewhat relevant, I strongly suspect that Vine was brutally murdered in order to make space for TikTok they are basically same thing, except that now chinks have even more control over platform than they had before
Anonymous 09/05/21(Sun)06:01:32 No. fg-8EBBL87E
>>fg-TITV60J9 No, poor management and fierce competition killed it, schizo retard. They never had a proper business model and Twitter lost interest. Western social faggotry and declining social capital will bring the demise of the other major tech companies to make way to chinese and indian ones.
Anonymous 09/06/21(Mon)10:25:04 No. fg-28ZT8PGM
>>fg-KZPBO012 >educate yourself you stupid freetard Really convinicing argumentation faggot
Anonymous 09/06/21(Mon)10:33:57 No. fg-CTPJ5ZLY
>>fg-KOIET2OW It would be hard to make a distributed recomendation alghoritm that doesn't suck. Or you could just let there be thematic instances but I don't think that TikTok content is diverse enough for that.
Anonymous 09/12/21(Sun)14:49:41 No. fg-J94ONON3 >>fg-IFJZ7OWP
>>984C846B It's the reflection of what people want. If you hate it, reject it, and invite others to do the same.
Anonymous 09/13/21(Mon)13:58:08 No. fg-IFJZ7OWP >>fg-PO9985DR
>>fg-J94ONON3 Isn't that what all of us are doing here?
Anonymous 09/14/21(Tue)06:51:39 No. fg-PO9985DR
>>fg-IFJZ7OWP Yes, but we need to create an incentive to battle the spreading big kek
Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)13:05:17 No. fg-GP548ZQJ >>fg-KG7EFRKO
>>fg-984C846B (OP) I love BIG TECH
Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)13:07:14 No. fg-1AIN0OCL
>>fg-D65N4TQZ → 畏缩|COPE
Anonymous 06/26/22(Sun)01:16:28 No. fg-UUXS0R1J
>>fg-984C846B (OP) same
Anonymous 06/27/22(Mon)23:54:12 No. fg-KG7EFRKO
>>fg-GP548ZQJ I love my BIG PENIS

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