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File: linux_is_an_app.jpg (201.72 KiB)
So what''s the point of installing Linux again? It''s literally an app.
>>fg-CA2E8FD7 (OP) >Its literally an app. I hate steve jobs for making that term mainstream GNU/Linux is a mindset.
File: fuck_you.jpg (115.62 KiB)
>>fg-CA2E8FD7 (OP) If all your Linux needs can be satisfied with Ubuntu WSL then there is indeed no reason to install Linux for you
Anonymous 01/16/21(Sat)06:42:41 No. fg-FDF1E619
>>fg-EE4BE084 What needs are not available via WSL? Preferably something that isn''t autistic. Plus the seamless integration with Windows is incredibly convenient.
Anonymous 01/16/21(Sat)07:43:01 No. fg-A075E289
Retarded win user
File: brainlet.png (53.25 KiB)
Imagine booting into windows everyday and then opening WSL
Anonymous 01/16/21(Sat)10:15:16 No. fg-2C1347EE >>fg-A0B110CB
>>fg-A741AE59 >GNU/Linux is a mindset this
Anonymous 01/19/21(Tue)01:43:38 No. fg-A0B110CB
>>fg-2C1347EE >>fg-A741AE59 That's not a mindset, that's a kernel.
Anonymous 01/20/21(Wed)07:53:35 No. fg-6D6E9137
>>fg-CA2E8FD7 (OP) are windows users scared of linux and hide behind the meme of getting work done?

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