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FireFox sucks, use SerenityOS Web Anonymous 03/16/22(Wed)16:39:42 No. fg-DXR7P4EO
To install SerenityOS Web you need to build SerenityOS and run it through QEMU. Installation:> https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/master/Documentation/BuildInstructions.md
Anonymous 03/17/22(Thu)00:04:47 No. fg-3HMNRNP0 >>fg-Z43MV1LJ
>>fg-DXR7P4EO (OP) is serenityOS Web portable? serenityOS is based but its choice of language was a mistake imo
Anonymous 03/23/22(Wed)12:30:11 No. fg-X83QE2NG
>>fg-DXR7P4EO (OP) That OS is for autists
>>fg-3HMNRNP0 No it isn't. That's because it's integrated to the OS. Meaning that you would have to rewrite a lot of the code for it work on other OSes.
Anonymous 03/25/22(Fri)14:21:47 No. fg-WAHFUDPJ
>>fg-Z43MV1LJ >unportable i hate this OS

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