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Nostr-style imageboard Anonymous 06/28/22(Tue)16:20:43 No. fg-FROBG07O
The main censorship-resistance benefits of FChannel come from posts federating to other instances, not from people having choice in what instance to post on like fediverse (since everyone is anonymous and no accounts are required, one instance is just like any other). The problem is that it's not obvious which instances/boards federate with which others. If you accidentally post on a board that no one follows you are just pissing in the wind. One solution would be for everyone to use FCHAM (but that is currently nowhere to be found) or a site that hosts and updates the diagrams it generates. Or better, display a list of boards that your post will federate to in the 'create post' section. Another solution would be to make an imageboard inspired by or based on Nostr (https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nostr). Instead of instances, we would have 'relays'. Posters post to multiple relays and subscribe to multiple relays. Posts would have an ID to prevent duplicate posts from showing up in people's feeds. Like federation, this provides censorship-resistance as posts would be hosted on multiple relays. But doesn't have the problem of it not being clear where posts are going to go. What do you think of this idea?
Anonymous 06/29/22(Wed)18:43:46 No. fg-87QEY2V4 >>fg-OD0WS287
>>fg-FROBG07O (OP) I think that's cool, I will try to write imageboard-like platform that you can use from browser, cli or gui that uses nostr.
Anonymous 06/30/22(Thu)11:48:49 No. fg-OD0WS287
>>fg-87QEY2V4 Nice!
Anonymous 06/30/22(Thu)22:40:18 No. fg-FGJO54GK
>>fg-FROBG07O (OP) it's not plainly obvious, but check out /<board>/followers, like /g/followers, same for following. it's json, not pretty, but you get to see. there's not a lot of activity on any instances (yet, hopefully) so it probably wouldn't make a difference >other solution this is almost entirely how it works now just with different terminology...? asides from posting to multiple relays and asymmetric cryptography of course. i personally don't see a point in building anew unless you want to try out new technologies
File: SataniaThumbsUp.png (246.45 KiB) [Draw]
>One solution would be for everyone to use FCHAM That's very flattering. >or a site that hosts and updates the diagrams it generates. I'm currently working on implementing FCHAM on FBI2, so you can view the federation map directly on your client.
Anonymous 07/13/22(Wed)12:16:39 No. fg-DPRWSUVR
>>fg-IE2P9QEV hello there what is FCHAM and what is FBI2? thank you for your efforts anyway

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