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Hey all anyone have any ideal bout the performance of fchan? Like, is it reliable and could someone have a site with lots of boards? Every listed site only have a few boards, so its impossible to see if a site with shitloads of boards and users would work well. Oah and the pic is the closest thing I had to poop, since I am posting on poopchan lol
Anonymous 08/12/22(Fri)03:14:10 No. KZX4Z3D0
>>fg-QAVHQFZK (OP) Nobody tried yet.
Anonymous 08/12/22(Fri)09:19:49 No. fg-H0XZT58G
i told ppl on yeshoney xyz / lynx how much lyncx sucks in comparison to fchan
Anonymous 08/12/22(Fri)09:20:30 No. fg-7QVH44ZP
lynx is a fag who deletes good points

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