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File: 7fd56f07be62c5b617ba3ee793(...).png (352.32 KiB) [Draw]
I think I saw a chan that uses ZeroNet advertised on this network. I can't remember what domain name it used. I thought it was ZeroChan.bit but that is being currently occupied by a friendly squatter (picrel). Can anyone tell me? pic unrelated
File: Imagepipe_19.jpg (28.62 KiB) [Draw]
>>fg-RYEF780S (OP) oops forgot the pic. I'm a dumbass kek
File: 1617973254578.jpg (203.26 KiB) [Draw]
>>fg-EAJ9NPC7 → He didn't say it was on the clear web or an onion site, retard. I found pic related by following links. >>fg-0WGIAPPK → Thanks. Having trouble connecting though.

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