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File: Maria†Holic.full.574886.jpg (826.77 KiB)
What is your favourite Shaft anime? Anonymous 01/08/23(Sun)05:25:31 No. fa-0DJUYDKJ
For me is is probably Maria Holic or SoreMachi.
Anonymous 01/09/23(Mon)20:58:17 No. fa-YWBD4GST
Mine is probably March Comes like a Lion. Maria Holic was all right.
Anonymous 01/09/23(Mon)21:04:38 No. fa-6YRIAE0N
>>fa-YWBD4GST I didn't like the lack of yuri in maria holic. Also It had very little plot and a lot of the humor came from nostalgia grabs and references which don't really make for timeless comedy.
Anonymous 01/09/23(Mon)21:13:52 No. fa-5TLE95JF
>>fa-6YRIAE0N The archer girl Yuzuru Inamori was pretty cool in that anime. Sachi Momoi was also pretty funny.

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