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>Diabetes mellitus: any of a group of metabolic diseases whereby a person (or other animal) has high blood sugar due to an inability to produce, or inability to metabolize, sufficient quantities of the hormone insulin. >this causes the urine to have a high amount of sugar >Mellitus (Latin): Of or pertaining to honey. >Diabetes insipidus: any condition characterized by excessive or incontinent urine, now specifically as caused by impaired production of, or response to, the antidiuretic hormone vasopressin. >this causes the urine to have little to no sugar >Insipidus (Latin): tasteless, insipid. Who the fuck was the piss drinker that named the different types of diabetes?
Anonymous 02/09/22(Wed)15:37:19 No. fb-CL4CG04V
>>fb-M0Y55BZI → degeneration might be bad for the soul, but at least it is good for the health
Anonymous 07/27/23(Thu)04:01:22 No. fb-HM8YBQTI
>>fb-GXVJ1ZTH (OP) I read that somebody in Egypt saw that ants would always crawl around his urine, so he decided to taste it, and then it tasted sweet, and then he went to a "doctor" and had him taste the urine as well. It was probably apocryphal but that seems like a likely explanation. There is another story that in Japan people noticed that dogs were drawn to certain peoples urine, so they tasted it and it tasted sweet. It seems likely that an animal would try drinking it first, people would notice the animals drinking it, and then people would taste the urine themselves. Diabetes Insepitus probably had the similar symptoms but without the sweet flavor. They could ask the person urinating to taste it, Somebody probably tasted their own pee, but it did not taste sweet, so they told their doctor.
Anonymous 07/27/23(Thu)04:12:01 No. fb-C0ACOBP7
>>fb-HM8YBQTI I read about the history of diabetes. William Cullen was the first person to call attention to the tasteless diabetes. Johann Peter Frank was the person to distinguish the two diseases, and he coined the term Diabetes Insipitus. Thomas Willis was the person who added Melletus to Diabetes Milletus. The ancient indians also discovered the disease in 600 bc but they called it something like "honey urine". They decided to try tasting it after certain peoples urine would attract ants and flies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_diabetes
Anonymous 07/27/23(Thu)04:13:28 No. fb-4RC7NSBP
>>fb-C0ACOBP7 The chronology goes like this people find out about diabetes (increased urine output) > person coins diabetes mellitus > person coins Diabetes insipidus
Anonymous 07/30/23(Sun)03:56:05 No. fb-DRS51MXQ
I wonder is people coveted the sweet pee at any time..
Anonymous 08/18/23(Fri)17:24:31 No. fb-J6QK1GEP
>>fb-DRS51MXQ i wonder if they ever forced a cute girl to develop diabetes so they could drink her sweet girlpee everyday

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