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File: received_542037267314825.webp (11.21 KiB)
Test###icles Anonymous 09/21/23(Thu)00:13:52 No. fb-RJPS7FDO
Testing tripphrases https://git.usagi.reisen/udonge/fchan/commit/0f38f34baba31009a4ef02bbe2c46626e4256051
Test (noxiously rank the thule) 09/21/23(Thu)00:17:55 No. fb-A1YGIYL6
File: Screenshot_20230921-011730.png (25.18 KiB)
Trying again
Anonymous 09/21/23(Thu)00:19:12 No. fb-CPM6X8Y6
Works Cool
Anonymous 09/21/23(Thu)00:20:10 No. fb-NR43W955 >>fb-C56809XC
Are they secure/salted or not?
Anonymous (this irresponsibly hokey mouthbreeder) 09/21/23(Thu)05:36:20 No. fb-C56809XC
>>fb-NR43W955 Salted, they use the instancesalt from the config like secure tripcodes.
Anonymous (my permanently outward-bound crone) 09/22/23(Fri)06:29:59 No. fb-WQFOEDWY

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