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File: Revised.jpg (791.55 KiB)
Message from leftypol Anonymous 03/15/23(Wed)01:01:37 No. fb-TAD7VNYV
Hey anons! Think again before you pick a side regarding the Russia-Ukraine War! Your support for Ukraine translates to: >supporting NATO's use of Ukraine as a launchpad so that they can do incursions into Russian territory >stage a 30 September 1965 style coup >install a pro-Western dictator on the likes of Suharto, Pinochet, and Yeltsin >brainwash the entire Russian populace into subservience to the West >infect the Russian populace with cheap pop culture while denigrating authentic Russian culture and local working-class culture >massacre ¼ths of the Russian population, preferably communists but also sympathisers and other leftists >let Western companies exploit Russia >make Russia into a launchpad to start Jakartas in Beijing, Pyongyang, Tehran, and Damascus >from there achieve world domination >in the end the world would be a worse place, with American Dream style freedoms and fun culture exported from the lower echelons of American society In short, your support for Ukraine greatly accelerates the expansion of American imperialism and hegemony, first into opposing countries, and from there to all remaining corners of the world. Be warned and read Andre Vltchek!!!
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>>fb-TAD7VNYV (OP) I don't care
Anonymous 08/29/23(Tue)19:54:24 No. fb-CM2WZF47
>>fb-TAD7VNYV (OP) >in the end the world would be ... with ... freedoms Based lol
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>Russia-Ukraine War! >pick a side goy >\leftypol\ committing /idpol/ and identifying with this red vs blue meme shiggy funny glownigger 60/69 ngl fap at this literally me propaganda cuckime girl goyim
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Anonymous 09/03/23(Sun)05:32:58 No. fb-3MXW2IBD
>>fb-6CL8PSK8 awesome bocchi post

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