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I Love Akari !!4FAUSv8nf. 08/27/23(Sun)08:14:42 No. fb-UBDPZGUG
I am thinking that I should leave society to live in the woods.
Anonymous 08/27/23(Sun)14:12:17 No. fb-AU9J9N41
slobbering all over akari!
Anonymous 08/28/23(Mon)05:49:17 No. fb-AC13K3PM
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leave society to go live in the woods complete with neogreenfag books and lowtech niggerfaggot gadgets and freewifihack by siggers akari phenotype and personality type gf included dont fuck it up retard <RXRX
Anonymous 08/28/23(Mon)20:56:46 No. fb-958SSPBZ
>live in the woods Have fun dying, city slicker.
Anonymous 09/03/23(Sun)05:21:47 No. fb-F41MJFKM
Thought it over for five days and I think I'm gonna do it.
I Love Akari !!4FAUSv8nf. 09/03/23(Sun)05:22:51 No. fb-W7HAXJB5
>>fb-F41MJFKM This is me
Anonymous 09/03/23(Sun)05:36:24 No. fb-2RDWOO66
>>fb-W7HAXJB5 ur going die lol
I Love Akari !!4FAUSv8nf. 09/05/23(Tue)13:23:21 No. fb-9ENX3X5L
I thought I was having a major depressive episode but I realized that some of my symptoms are actually indicative of Type 1 diabetes instead. I wanted to go into the woods because I was feeling depressed and wanted a lot of time to think about my life, but I think I should get checked out for type 1 diabetes because auto immune diseases run in my family and my brother got type 1 diabetes around this age. I got infected with a really bad cold a little bit before I started feeling shitty and a disease is usually that's what triggers the auto immune disease. I already have one auto immune disease (hashimotos disease). I am going to go to the doctor and if I seem fine then I will still go in the woods for a couple of months but otherwise I will try being treated for diabetes (or whatever disease I have).
I Love Akari !!4FAUSv8nf. 09/05/23(Tue)21:59:55 No. fb-MD8CPDR2
>>fb-9ENX3X5L Actually now that I think about it more, I think it is depression and not diabetes. I had just woken up when I wrote that post. I find that I have crazier ideas right when I wake up. I am gonna leave for the woods tonight.
I Love Akari !!4FAUSv8nf. 09/07/23(Thu)15:33:27 No. fb-YN0IJ0MH
Ok, I am going to go now. Bye, I will probably come back in a couple of months.
Anonymous 09/14/23(Thu)10:45:57 No. fb-TNAHEG6K
This place sure is dead without ya. Do tell how your Ted Kaczynski experience goes, and take pics!
I Love Akari !!4FAUSv8nf. 09/28/23(Thu)02:33:36 No. fb-6W7UZUHL
I decided to come back for a little bit. I saw a mountain lion, it was pretty cool.
Anonymous 09/28/23(Thu)06:44:53 No. fb-Q6B0Y7IA
I have been fantasizing about creating a second earth ruled by an Akari Akaza AI goddess. I would "destroy" all life on earth by sterilizing it. After that I would want to teraform the earth so that there are much more lakes and edible food all over the place. The inhabitants of the earth will be broken up into two classes, an artificial futanari administrative class who are loyal to Akari Akaza, and a nomadic hunter gatherer loli class. The hunter gatherers would be able to get most of what they need through very little work, since the animals and plants will be edible to them, water will be easily accessible, and the earth will be tailor made for them in general. There will be no competition because all the animals in existence will be sterile, therefore there is no exponential growth, and no Malthusian struggle for existence. Hunted Animals would be brought back into earth by Akari controlled machines that manufacture them. The lolis would spend the rest of the time having yuri sex, singing songs, playing language games, dressing up, and doing other things humans usually do when they do not have technology. (Although idk how common lesbian sex is in the wild). Evolution would have to be stopped completely, all organisms would be replaced by biologically immortal versions that do not reproduce. If they die they would be manually replaced. If you have evolution, you have diseases that would end up infecting the population, or the earth. The organisms that were created for the purpose of humanity would have to fight against evolving organisms. I would use bio technology and nanobots to genetically modify the current inhabitants of earth. They would be lolified, I would change their age, genders and give them biological immortality. The lolis will all be female (there will be no shotas). As a result, there will be no reproduction except through futanari sex. The futanaris would mostly keep to themselves only impregnating lolis to keep the population of biologically immortal lolis stable in case one dies due to unfortunate circumstance. The person's sexual orientation would also change so they were attracted to lolis, that way all of the population would be able to experience love with other lolis. The rarity of pregnancy would most likely lead to the lolis wanting to experience it, it would be determined by lottery. Child birth would be painless. The Akari Akaza goddess would be a distributed array of consciousness altering nanobots covering the earth. They would hide their existence by altering the conscious experience of observers to make it look as though they do not exist. Akari's appearances will then seem miraculous because she could manifest anywhere or in multiple places at once. The nanobots could alter the consciousness of the people so they see her. The futanaris will have wings and spend most of their time in low earth orbit, if the nanobots detect somebody is about to commit a crime then futas will gather around the person and stop the crime right when the person begins to act. That way there will be no wars between separate loli tribes. Alternatively the Akari AI simply use the nanobots as a tool rather than being the nanobots if there is some reason you couldn't make a distributed computer AI with a bunch of nanobots. Another thing the nanobots could do is let people telepathically communicate with one another. There would be forced telepathy in case Akari Earth needs to make people understand each other, but it would only be used occasionally, it would not be on all the time. The nanobots could make it look like anime is playing in the night sky some nights, they could make the lolis dream about anime, this would allow the population of earth the ability to experience anime in appropriate amounts. The futanari class would be in charge of anime creation. The age of the lolis will be 12-14 years old. As they are in yuru yuri. (1/??)
Anonymous 09/28/23(Thu)06:48:49 No. fb-ODU3OTJ8 >>fb-ZIAI5VEY
I will post the rest later since the website is not letting me post it (probably a spam filter which is understantable).
I Love Akari !!4FAUSv8nf. 09/28/23(Thu)19:28:44 No. fb-WLKODSR7
I had a dream where I was speaking Japanese again. Sometimes I had trouble forming sentences but over all I think I did OK. I do not know Japanese very well.
Anonymous 09/28/23(Thu)22:33:39 No. fb-IE4Q65BX >>fb-ZIAI5VEY
It's not letting me post it at all so I am not going to post the rest.
Anonymous 09/28/23(Thu)23:14:12 No. fb-ZK21ME07
Post your autism on pastebin
Anonymous 09/28/23(Thu)23:26:50 No. fb-MCKVI4SV
>>fb-ZK21ME07 This is the full post I wanted to make. https://pomf2.lain.la/f/r5klt42y.txt I also made a shell script to unfold the text so that I can post it on websites. sed -Ez 's/([^\n])\n([^\n])/\1 \2/g'
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>>fb-ODU3OTJ8 >>fb-IE4Q65BX Yeah sorry, I fucked up one of the regular expressions which was blocking your post.
Anonymous 09/29/23(Fri)20:08:20 No. fb-JRAJMM46
>>fb-ZIAI5VEY I haven't watched that anime yet.
Anonymous 09/29/23(Fri)21:05:02 No. fb-LEEEHW1F
>>fb-MCKVI4SV One problem is if people had the chance to live millions of years, they would be more afraid of dying from immediate events.
Anonymous 10/05/23(Thu)07:10:35 No. fb-XTITZ24Q
my stupid fucking bitch wife

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