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File: ehhl2.jpg (232.46 KiB)
Nostr Badfaith-sama =3 03/12/23(Sun)15:28:23 No. fg-KIYGGGAY
Why did they have to make the protocol so entwined with the Lightning Network (shit)? A decentralized* protocol that is married to a network which takes bitcoin and essentially adds reliance on centralized nodes. What compels people to kneecap their own work? Fuck your Bech32 motherfucker!
Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:30:29 No. fg-CX4M20ZV
>>fg-KIYGGGAY (OP) >NO but you can run your own Lighting nodes bro, trust me bro you can be lighting network i swear this is how nostriges think, do not TRUST THEM
Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:33:25 No. fg-ICFJPWUW
>>fg-KIYGGGAY (OP) also I am NOT a homosexual admin, i will forgive you just this once, but in the future please do not disgrace me in such a way...

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