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File: proof-of-work-la-gi.webp (36.85 KiB)
Adaptive proof of work Anonymous 02/24/22(Thu)00:39:32 No. fg-KJXPU1UM
Adaptive proof of work is a proof of work that adjust it's complexity. This means for most real users the proof of work is completely undetectable taking less than 100 milliseconds, and only increases in difficulty and time-delay for specific networks or regions where the Adaptive Risk Engine perceives higher risk. Adaptive proof of work can be combined with a classic Captcha, in order to mitigate spam, shilling, and bots on anonymous boards. FChan Captcha can be solved by deep learning. On the other hand, image captchas can be bought $3 per thousand. Combining adaptive proof of work, with an open-source image captcha, could be a solution against the spam problem.
Anonymous 07/13/22(Wed)10:26:23 No. fg-HD91YHRY
>You will run PoW codes on your computer. >And you will be happy.

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