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File: gnyaa_uwu.png (88.10 KiB)
What have you done for software freedom today anon?
Anonymous 09/26/21(Sun)17:49:41 No. fg-Y9YFTD6M
>>fg-LVZRFVS1 (OP) >Using free software almost across everything >inviting others to use such for communications as a primer
Anonymous 09/26/21(Sun)22:35:39 No. fg-3AUS8IOV
>>fg-G3O9XQHX → >g-guys i just wrote this on my website >doesn't shill his website
Anonymous 10/11/21(Mon)08:20:30 No. fb-O7Z6EU3F
>>fg-J874N8L3 → Thanks for the stylesheet
Anonymous 06/26/22(Sun)03:57:41 No. fg-2RZH1P3M
>>fg-LVZRFVS1 → this

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