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Hi 0xChan fom Tor instance
Anonymous 06/28/21(Mon)22:25:11 No. fg-AVVEH99B
Server is updated
Anonymous 06/28/21(Mon)22:26:36 No. fg-Q29VZBYM
>>fg-0DDBDJ9U Server is updated
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)06:24:57 No. fg-JXW5WZYL >>fg-L31K7G31
>>fg-QJ1ALYZS (OP) it seemes the message was not sent to clearnet. follow requests worked though. making more posts to test what is being sent
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)06:27:42 No. fg-L31K7G31 >>fg-54OCCVMT
>>fg-JXW5WZYL the message hit clearnet, maybe the post is taking longer than 30 seconds to authenticate so it shows as invalid.
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)06:29:02 No. fg-54OCCVMT >>fg-8Z1NHZM6
>>fg-L31K7G31 yep took longer than 30seconds now trying 60 second auth time
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)06:31:17 No. fg-8Z1NHZM6 >>fg-7676OUND
>>fg-54OCCVMT does this work? with time increase?
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)06:34:02 No. fg-7676OUND >>fg-OQZRCJ8O
>>fg-8Z1NHZM6 can only post to 0xchan from tor 0xchan cannot sent to tor at this moment hrmm
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)06:41:36 No. fg-OQZRCJ8O >>fg-2Y1RTV9X
>>fg-7676OUND the transfer protocol is being sent has https which doesnt work for tor have to look where that is adding the s
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)07:37:48 No. fg-2Y1RTV9X >>fg-5Y8GPYCL
>>fg-OQZRCJ8O once admin updates to current code might be able to connect between clearnet and tor
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)08:12:45 No. fg-5Y8GPYCL
>>fg-2Y1RTV9X balls it didnt work have to do more checking with clearnet to tor
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>>fg-QJ1ALYZS (OP) Test from tor
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)08:20:51 No. fg-FSFJ7K8U >>fg-RS9AQZNQ
>>fg-6KP1N0X7 have to do some debugging. the messages are being saved to the database, but not sent across the network from clearnet to tor. but tor to clearnet seems to work.
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)08:23:37 No. fg-RS9AQZNQ >>fg-S9KY3M7B
>>fg-FSFJ7K8U also it seems to be not validating captchas now, but it will be hard to see where is the error is without the error log. if you want to checkout an earlier commit to resolve that error that would be good. ill see why its hanging up on the clearnet side.
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)08:34:40 No. fg-S9KY3M7B >>fg-RTYDIQK7
>>fg-RS9AQZNQ https://pastebin.com/dNbixgyg
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)08:38:45 No. fg-RTYDIQK7 >>fg-HVWWLNYJ
>>fg-S9KY3M7B can you go to line 2268 in main.go and change >client := &http.Client{ Transport: proxyTransport, Timeout: time.Second * 10 } change the 10 to something like 75 or 120 maybe that will solve the timeout issue
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)08:39:37 No. fg-HVWWLNYJ
>>fg-RTYDIQK7 i didnt get the captcha error that time
>>fg-YL87NB7S can you run this psql query >select content from cacheactivitystream where id like 'https://0x00000000.xyz/b%' and see if there messages from 0xchan are saving to the database its just that they are not displaying correctly. the post count is 28/1 after this post it will be 29/1 which makes me thing they are saving just not displaying.
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)09:45:20 No. fg-WD820YYZ
>>fg-XJUFXQOJ Ok, I found something that might help some. The time is different between the tor instance and clearnet instance. ill make a change to normalize the date format so everyone is running the same timezone so posts do not show out of order.
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)09:48:20 No. fg-50OXKXF5 >>fg-MO42DAX3
>>fb-FJZMFENP → yep, what I expected. they are posting they are just on different time formats. I just madde this post from clernet to tor, but its out of sync. Tor Admin if you are nearby I can do a quick commit to change the date formatting.
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)09:53:32 No. fg-TKWBVYG8 >>fg-0DDBDJ9U
>>fg-XJUFXQOJ Yeah the posts show up in the database
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)09:57:29 No. fg-MO42DAX3
>>fg-50OXKXF5 Alright, I'll keep watch
Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)09:57:51 No. fg-0DDBDJ9U >>fg-Q29VZBYM
>>fg-TKWBVYG8 ok going to make the date changes so they are in correct order. ill let you know when they are committed.
Anonymous 06/30/21(Wed)07:24:59 No. fg-L7K8U51D >>fg-673F5NB9
>>fg-QJ1ALYZS (OP) what up my homies
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>>fg-L7K8U51D hello fedifags clear f chan ... clearchan? idk
deleted 07/12/23(Wed)11:11:17 No. fmain-G5KWA242
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deleted 07/12/23(Wed)11:28:31 No. fmain-53RQBA2D
Anonymous 07/12/23(Wed)11:50:49 No. fmain-7WNXNXVS
>>fg-QJ1ALYZS (OP) test

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