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Hey, so I installed this, what is a good way to keep fchan running when the ssh terminal closes tho? Im used to using pm2 for node but that dont work here.
Anonymous 08/19/21(Thu)20:46:01 No. fprog-FBXAMHOE
>>fprog-HBB7L95M (OP) just use systemd unit
Anonymous 08/27/21(Fri)03:17:44 No. fprog-V04LVUBT
>>fprog-HBB7L95M (OP) ./fchan &
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>>fprog-HBB7L95M (OP) If you don't like systemd, I recommend using runit for your long-running services. https://jtimberman.housepub.org/blog/2012/12/29/process-supervision-solved-problem>>fprog-HBB7L95M (OP)
Anonymous 08/31/21(Tue)14:39:22 No. fprog-U8D2DI5J >>fprog-YPMD2WP2
>>fprog-WA6R5DYI runit is based
Anonymous 08/31/21(Tue)16:23:42 No. fprog-YPMD2WP2
>>fprog-U8D2DI5J runit is the best
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For me it's busybox. It uses the /etc/inittab file, from where I call a single /etc/rc script (that's where I put all the commands that run at boot). This version of Ubuntu also had Upstart, but I didn't want to bother with that. Busybox does everything I need.
Anonymous 12/10/21(Fri)23:35:22 No. fprog-7DRAKDLJ
>>fprog-WA6R5DYI > https://jtimberman.housepub.org/blog/2012/12/29/process-supervision-solved-problem This is the article that sold me on runit years ago. I still use runit to this day. I love it.
deleted 04/13/22(Wed)01:30:30 No. fprog-TGZX3AOR
deleted 04/23/22(Sat)01:36:44 No. fprog-1MUVSO8H
Anonymous 07/12/23(Wed)13:16:47 No. fprog-NBMTQF58

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