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File: tegaki.png (181.48 KiB)
Esoteric Lisp Anonymous 02/18/23(Sat)09:05:49 No. fprog-KIDSQOQK
I figured someone may be interested to see my attempt to add insanity into Lisp. Normal Lisp syntax: (func arg arg arg arg) (func1 (func2 arg arg (func4 arg arg)) (func3 arg arg)) (* (+ 1 2 (- 6 5)) (/ 10 5)) Esoteric/ Midfix Lisp: () arg arg )func( arg arg () () arg arg )func4 arg arg )func2 )func1( func3( arg arg () () 5 6 -) 2 1 )+ )*( /( 10 5 () I call this midfix, since all functions are in the middle and arguments are at the edge. First function to be read will be in the middle. This case it's * (multiplication). Then the program is going to read the function on the left. This case it's + (addition). Then all the arguments are going to be read. From right to left. First 1, then 2. 1 + 2 = 3. Then the program is going to read the function on the left. This case it's - (subtraction). 6 and 5 subtracted is 1. 1 + 3 = 4. The program will keep reading until it hits the wall (). Now the program is going to read everything from the left to right. It reads / (division) and the arguments 10 & 5. 10 / 5 = 2. It will hit the wall (). It will come to middle and multiply left with right. 4 * 2 = 8.
Anonymous 02/20/23(Mon)00:36:56 No. fprog-80M64UVD
>>fprog-KIDSQOQK (OP) Mindfuck LISP!

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