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File: Diagram-of-P2P-Network-102(...).png (71.97 KiB)
Just posting this here incase anyone is interested. It's a project I've been working on, a fork of jschan that uses a P2P database system called Peerbit: https://www.gitgud.io/threshold862543/peerchan Right now it's kind of a hybrid model with a traditional http interface, but posts and files can also be posted, seeded, and downloaded via the P2P client: https://www.gitgud.io/threshold862543/peerchan-peer Still have a lot to do with it, but it's getting there bit by bit. Since it's open source if you want to get involved let me know. Particularly if you want to help with a frontend interface (for an in-browser javascript client to access the p2p database requiring no additional downloads). That's probably the next step I want to work on. Got a live instance here: https://peerchan.net/index.html
Anonymous 09/28/23(Thu)22:35:57 No. fprog-U1D1RLYU
People have already shilled it here.

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