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joszko broda Anonymous 09/21/22(Wed)15:36:22 No. flounge-B5CF3543
with every your day get in touch with may the joszko play to the ends of time

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hello from plan9 Anonymous 09/10/22(Sat)08:22:55 No. flounge-D7064F8F
hello ������︎
try again 😅︎ Anonymous 09/10/22(Sat)08:27:34 No. flounge-B4832BFA
>>flounge-D7064F8F (OP) 👋︎

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The secret meeting of the high council will gather tomorrow to determine if poopchan shall be evicted from the group. We have to ask ourselves... do we really want some perverted anal prolapsed poop eater representing fchan??? It is not the best representative of fchan to have so much poop without no toilet paper. We MUST include toiletpaper chan OR get rid of poopchan. By the way the owner of poopchan likes to smear poop all over and get naked...its called scat parties.
Anonymous 09/09/22(Fri)03:57:49 No. flounge-E893CD8C
I liked poopchan but it seems like the mods have started neglecting it. Last time I checked the front page, most of /b/ was child porn. I don't go on it anymore because of how much CP there is. The sad thing is that I have a poop fetish so I thought it was going to be a good board for me.

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lynxpox!!!!!!!! Anonymous 09/05/22(Mon)06:44:58 No. fb-G0LLRR7F
Beware of lynxchan!!!!!!!!

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Do you like blumpkins? A blumpkin is when you take massive amounts of laxatives and then when ur on the toilet shitting, a chick sucks ur cock. It probably smells like shit to her but she sucks ur cock anyway as massive amounts of shit exit your burning asshole. Pro tip...eat tons of hot sauce so it burns ur asshole.

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Masturbation Anonymous 08/24/22(Wed)11:37:26 No. 4N9SMXHC
ITT we talk about masturbation. How often do you masturbate? 1- Never (you quit masturbating). 2- Once a week or less (you could be doing it just so that you don't have nocturnal emissions). 3- Frequently, Once every 2-5 days (You just like to do it). 4- Once a day, very frequently (You love to do it). 5- At least twice a day, extremely frequently (can't get enough of it). Do you have a preference for time of the day? 1- I am fond of doing it in the morning (It could be boosting you to start your day). 2- Middle of the day is good (Could be keeping you going). 3- Night time is optimal (You could do it before sleep for the dooziness). 4- I don't really have a preference. 5- I said I never masturbate! Do you think masturbation is good, or bad for **creativity** and **productivity**? 1- Very good. 2- Slightly good. 3- A bit bad. 4- Very bad and harmful. 5- Neither / dunno. For me, it is 3-3-3. The most concrete study I found was Freud's sublimination (https://youtube.com/watch?v=Kv-ZZYepjfY). It is said that you should sublimate your sexual energy to productive works, instead of orgasming. I do feel like cooming drains my energy to do any work, as I already have received a sense of accomplishment that my brain needed. (ALSO WHY CAN'T I STILL POST W/O JAVASCRIPT AAAA) Answer in the format of "2-4-1" and state your opinion anon.
Anonymous 08/26/22(Fri)09:09:56 No. SIEITMBQ
>>4N9SMXHC (OP) 3-3-3 also I don't use porn. My imagination is enough for me
Anonymous 08/26/22(Fri)16:27:44 No. 615ZKVIH
>>fb-SIEITMBQ >My imagination is enough for me based. though why don't you quit entirely?

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Masturbation Anonymous 08/24/22(Wed)12:43:34 No. fb-BXXU6ODM
ITT we talk about masturbation. How often do you masturbate? 1- Never (you quit masturbating). 2- Once a week or less (you could be doing it just so that you don't have nocturnal emissions). 3- Frequently, Once every 2-5 days (You just like to do it). 4- Once a day, very frequently (You love to do it). 5- At least twice a day, extremely frequently (can't get enough of it). Do you have a preference for time of the day? 1- I am fond of doing it in the morning (It could be boosting you to start your day). 2- Middle of the day is good (Could be keeping you going). 3- Night time is optimal (You could do it before sleep for the dooziness). 4- I don't really have a preference. 5- I said I never masturbate! Do you think masturbation is good, or bad for **creativity** and **productivity**? 1- Very good. 2- Slightly good. 3- A bit bad. 4- Very bad and harmful. 5- Neither / dunno. For me, it is 3-3-3. The most concrete study I found was Freud's sublimination (https://youtube.com/watch?v=Kv-ZZYepjfY). It is said that you should sublimate your sexual energy to productive works, instead of orgasming. I do feel like cooming drains my energy to do any work, as I already have received a sense of accomplishment that my brain needed. Answer in the format of "2-4-1" and state your opinion anon.

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The Black Problem Anonymous 08/17/22(Wed)23:24:29 No. fb-Y2N1P4AQ
The blacks are committing massive amounts of violent crimes around the globe. How do we end their reign of terror? We will not allow a country where people must live in fear of niggers. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I strongly suggest you *DOWNLOAD* and learn the PDF available here, containing all the information you’re not allowed to know and much more: https://files.catbox.moe/52salp.pdf (67 pages, 50 MB) (infographics, lulz, and others) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The jews are running the government and media and they’re rigging the system for niggers to attack whites. https://youtu.be/4fsJGrx99R4 Liberal democracies, as espoused by the jews, are anti-white. Jews and niggers are the oppressors, not the oppressed. We are in a situation where we cannot rely on or trust the governments. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The nigger problem must be brought to everyone’s attention until it is fixed. Whites are being punished for acting too civilized and not fighting back. Any diversity laws must be repealed.
(view full post...)

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8 replies and 2 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 08/09/22(Tue)13:08:24 No. FYJMYKNX >>fb-5YUD77FI
>>Q6HFW5E9 Then why don't you do something about it instead of bitching and moaning?
Anonymous 08/09/22(Tue)14:06:53 No. fb-5YUD77FI
>>FYJMYKNX because its more fun seeing how shitty the gifs render
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>>Q6HFW5E9 render this
Anonymous 08/14/22(Sun)16:25:14 No. 44F3THFR
>>Q6HFW5E9 its a feature not a bug
Anonymous 04/04/24(Thu)19:15:52 No. D7MTY2SN

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Poopchan says this on every board "OutboxGet:529 : WantToServePage:1120 : GetCollectionPage:331 : GetRepliesLimit:667 : GetRepliesReplies:704 : pq: remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections" what does that mean???????

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Wtf happened to 0x00000000.xyz/ and fchan.xyz
7 replies and 1 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 08/06/22(Sat)03:37:12 No. fb-KAEVCKJF
The mods need to do something about all the child porn. Literally every other thread is a CP advertisement.
Anonymous 08/06/22(Sat)16:25:00 No. XA6GVARJ
I'm no longer hopeful about fchan.xyz coming back. The instance list works however must've been modified to start looking for instances on usagi.reisen because the instance list would fail otherwise.
Anonymous 08/10/22(Wed)14:22:50 No. YONWCQGM >>fb-RA901RYG
>>XA6GVARJ I moved over to usangi because poopchan is too full of CP advertisements.
Anonymous 08/10/22(Wed)20:03:28 No. fb-RA901RYG
>>YONWCQGM what the fuck is usagi. and why doesnt ssome one tell sam about it
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poopchan was here

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House of The Dragon Anonymous 08/11/22(Thu)12:03:41 No. fb-9BE41140
if we don't see Mushroom fucking young Rhaenyra Targaryen In this then it's going to be a huge let down

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Anonymous 01/01/01(Mon)00:00:00 No. flounge-BB50CB63
>>flounge-EF0FFE6C Odd, I've never had this issue. My problems with Awoo were caused by a shitty ISP, they cut my internet for a few minutes at the time while I was hosting it out of my house. Tor always managed to recover itself though. I've been disconnected 3 times since I've stopped almost a month ago.
Anonymous 08/09/22(Tue)19:46:09 No. flounge-B0BE9A30
It's working as intended. Usagi's /lounge/ isn't following Awoo's.
Built tor from the latest source release, hopefully I no longer need to keep restarting the daemon every 5~ ish hours (switching to the tor project deb repos fixed this on the fchannel server, they don't provide aarch64 RPM packages (╥︣﹏╥᷅) ). To any tor sages out here, please teach me the seance I need to perform to make tor automatically rebuild it's circuits without getting stuck, no matter the network or distro I cannot seem to escape this curse...

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peertube Anonymous 12/08/21(Wed)20:53:28 No. MKHKIFOQ
>https://deadsuperhero.com/peertube-content-wasteland/ this guy is right. where's all the peertube content anons? it's in a really good working state with a bunch of features. but there's still no true cozy peertube community yet.
Anonymous 12/14/21(Tue)02:36:01 No. fb-87G4B67N
It's a circular problem. People stay on youtube because all the content is on youtube so new producers start on youtube, etc. Peertube doesn't have any killer features compared to youtube, so it needs a content producer who is really committed to the platform and has fans who are enthusiastic enough to follow them to the platform. Nobody has stepped up to fill that role, partially because anyone super committed to making videos on the internet could do it on youtube and get paid for it, too. (Yes I know they could use patreon and liberapay but if they want to make it a job they will hedge their bets with money and stay where the views and the ads are.)
Anonymous 12/17/21(Fri)06:15:18 No. fb-IGOMJMJ9
>>fb-6EPHPXBP → i'm cynical and elitist as hell when it comes to this sort of thing, i have seen enough good things being ruined because it was overrun by normalcattle and started trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator. i suppose the fediverse might be able to cope with this since you aren't forced to live in the same space as the rest of the NPCs, but it will become a huge problem if the protocol itself changes to cater to them (similar to what happened to the HTML format, but maybe worse since ActivityPub is used mainly in social networks) because it can cause serious backward compatibility with those who refuse to use the new pozzed specification. there is also another, more annoying problem: normies generate a lot of noise, so it might be hard to find good fediplaces among all the trash that will be created. this problem arises when it is dead simple to create something, it is true that more great stuff will be made, but also garbage will be a lot more common. see what happened to game development now that any clown can pick up unity and make a prepackaged game. i don't think fedi will die out, it is a good spec, even gopher is still alive nowadays, if only as a niche thing, and it remains unpozzed. i think fedi has a better prospect if it is run by autists and schizos like it has always been, because they are more likely to do things out of passion than looking for clout.
Anonymous 08/06/22(Sat)03:42:24 No. fb-DIRCPP92
I tried making peertube let's plays but after I updated my OS my computer would always freeze when I opened OBS.
Anonymous 08/06/22(Sat)03:43:16 No. fb-6TMB1QM0
thecool.tube seems like a cozy community.

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