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Flags! 🇺🇸 Anonymous 07/18/21(Sun)14:28:18 No. fint-GJ06V387
flag tests
19 replies, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 07/28/23(Fri)03:02:30 No. fint-67XNLXR5
Anonymous 08/18/23(Fri)17:31:09 No. fint-SZV95D3L
is this a gentoo thread?
Anonymous 08/19/23(Sat)00:39:54 No. fint-7UYVBOBI
Fail (LOL!)
Anonymous 10/04/23(Wed)09:29:12 No. fint-WSQ20YW2
new test :)
Anonymous 02/29/24(Thu)08:14:43 No. fint-FRQ82MPD

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That face when no duck GF

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Kannazuki no Miko's ED music is way too good for the anime it was made for. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ujnZMSrCZT8
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This nigga is actually brain dead.

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what she said
Anonymous 09/14/23(Thu)10:42:47 No. fa-ZW0710X6 >>fa-30RV407O
Translation for English-only plebs?
Anonymous 09/28/23(Thu)08:05:30 No. fa-7NLGQYAF
>>fa-ZW0710X6 v 3AByXAH
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File: Ostannia Pisnia-Ptah Za Vi (3.83 MiB) [Draw]
Sometimes I am not sure if knowing the lyrics to a song would ruin it or not.
7 replies and 1 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 09/28/23(Thu)23:39:56 No. fmu-D6PMH5F8
Nice, relaxing music. Thank you, anon! After some research I found that they are both from a Ukrainian band called "Viy/Вій". I wonder where I can find more by them.
Anonymous 09/28/23(Thu)23:41:37 No. fmu-L39RBNTL
Found some stuff on youtube
Anonymous 09/29/23(Fri)01:50:00 No. fmu-8KWSFF0N >>fmu-ZTMLP5KE
>>fmu-L39RBNTL I was the person that made the post. He has a lot of songs on the internet archive since his band used to post songs under a free license on jamendo. https://archive.org/details/jamendo-albums?query=Viy
Anonymous 09/29/23(Fri)01:51:33 No. fmu-1S7GBMU4
>>fmu-8KWSFF0N By "I was the person who made the post" I mean I am the OP poster.
Anonymous 09/29/23(Fri)23:11:56 No. fmu-ZTMLP5KE
>>fmu-8KWSFF0N That's cool. It would be great if more artists did that.

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This country dog won't die in the city

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Who was best girl? Anonymous 09/28/23(Thu)22:45:40 No. fa-FTV6NA5B
A-ko B-ko or C-ko For me It's B-ko
Anonymous 09/28/23(Thu)23:35:29 No. fa-SJ5UM3DA
This anime was pretty boring though.

File: 11. p.stmdrn - 翠RMJN玉.mp3 (3.47 MiB) [Draw]
Only True yuritards will know what anime this samples.
Anonymous 09/28/23(Thu)07:06:14 No. fmu-JIS1TX6C
> anime I mean song
Anonymous 09/28/23(Thu)22:39:42 No. fmu-8CEYPCPG
>>fmu-JIS1TX6C Actually I meant anime.

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Konosuba - Isekai shit - not funny - nobody goes anywhere cool Mahoujin guruguru - Fantasy trusoul - Very funny - very cool locations
Anonymous 07/27/23(Thu)20:07:09 No. fa-V3XOPEMX
Mahoujin also has waymoregigalolipedo which makes it better.
Anonymous 09/28/23(Thu)22:38:25 No. fa-5FI57S6K
Oniisama e... was the bomb.

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Just posting this here incase anyone is interested. It's a project I've been working on, a fork of jschan that uses a P2P database system called Peerbit: https://www.gitgud.io/threshold862543/peerchan Right now it's kind of a hybrid model with a traditional http interface, but posts and files can also be posted, seeded, and downloaded via the P2P client: https://www.gitgud.io/threshold862543/peerchan-peer Still have a lot to do with it, but it's getting there bit by bit. Since it's open source if you want to get involved let me know. Particularly if you want to help with a frontend interface (for an in-browser javascript client to access the p2p database requiring no additional downloads). That's probably the next step I want to work on. Got a live instance here: https://peerchan.net/index.html
Anonymous 09/28/23(Thu)22:35:57 No. fprog-U1D1RLYU
People have already shilled it here.

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The pussycat is on the bed. I repeat. The pussycat is on the bed. Dubs (but ultimately my whim) decides what I do next.
6 replies, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 09/24/23(Sun)23:28:59 No. fb-VIDV7QMV
Pet the pussycat.
Anonymous 09/25/23(Mon)14:30:39 No. fb-GHICJ7AF
>>fb-1J35FM01 (OP) Give a lecture about the historic relationship between humans, dogs and pussycats to the pussycat.
Anonymous 09/26/23(Tue)02:13:07 No. fb-VKMHTJZS
Give kitteh catnip.
Anonymous 09/26/23(Tue)22:24:41 No. fb-G5ID4W2S
Hold up him or her like longcat for comparison.
Anonymous 09/27/23(Wed)23:03:10 No. fb-ZR5XEOL4
Mission failure: the pussycat is off the bed tonight. I think he doesn't like how I fidget :(

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Some very scary happenings. Stay safe out there friends.
Anonymous 09/25/23(Mon)16:54:07 No. fb-GHMUG31G
Save us god
Anonymous (my crisply multiform chimneystack) 09/27/23(Wed)08:16:09 No. fb-JMVRYF2O >>fb-N2SBC9XK
you know that thing thats happening yeah augo listened
Anonymous 09/27/23(Wed)22:59:26 No. fb-N2SBC9XK
>>fb-JMVRYF2O Augo hears all. Augo knows all. All praise Augo!

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cute dead imageboard you have here i could help bring some activity here if ppl care to interact on blog threads im currently learning to sew so i can make a costume for me for halloween maybe after that ill learn to make dolls and sell my own bootleg fumos at conventions fufufu i wanna talk about my autistic interests but ppl dont although tbf i only visit dead places i dont wanna post on big ibs bc its too full of drooling retards but ig ill have to bite the bullet at some point bc damn, even my own site is deader than dead and i even made a form where ppl can write letters directly to me, no need for email bullshit or anything and yet i hardly get more than a couple a month well im just complaining for no good reason i actually have some posts to reply to, but none of them are about sewing would be cool to find fellow tailors to talk about projects but ig id need to go to a female-oriented ib for that and uh, yuck i dont wanna get coochies i need new socks and i kinda wanna make them myself, but im afraid ill inevitably also look up how to make thighhighs and then ill start crossdressing and become a femboy and cut off my p*nis and become a girl do i wanna be a girl? idk, not really, well, maybe, i mean, girls do be kinda cute but i hate women so much its unreal
17 replies and 3 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 09/21/23(Thu)00:25:32 No. fb-IN5GJMR1
>>fb-LCJKIOBC (OP) Where's your site? i2p.rocks is down
Anonymous 09/21/23(Thu)03:35:33 No. fb-JXRMBKKI
>>fb-LCJKIOBC (OP) >i hate women so much its unreal Why do you hate women? I think I hate women too sometimes but come to think of it it's actually only women in fiction that I hate. I just finished watching Princess Mononoke and it really rankled me how the women at Lady Eboshi's ironworks expected the men to fight and die for them but showed them no gratitude. I suppose they did their own bit of fighting towards the end though.
Anonymous 09/22/23(Fri)23:33:00 No. fb-1JL3CZDB
>>fb-LCJKIOBC (OP) Where can I find the last remaining NNTPchan boards, if there are any?
Anonymous 09/26/23(Tue)09:40:18 No. fb-59V3F22L
>>fb-LCJKIOBC (OP) just saw your ad for wife. Think I found you someone, sending you a DM
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Test###icles Anonymous 09/21/23(Thu)00:13:52 No. fb-RJPS7FDO
Testing tripphrases https://git.usagi.reisen/udonge/fchan/commit/0f38f34baba31009a4ef02bbe2c46626e4256051
Test (noxiously rank the thule) 09/21/23(Thu)00:17:55 No. fb-A1YGIYL6
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Trying again
Anonymous 09/21/23(Thu)00:19:12 No. fb-CPM6X8Y6
Works Cool
Anonymous 09/21/23(Thu)00:20:10 No. fb-NR43W955 >>fb-C56809XC
Are they secure/salted or not?
Anonymous (this irresponsibly hokey mouthbreeder) 09/21/23(Thu)05:36:20 No. fb-C56809XC
>>fb-NR43W955 Salted, they use the instancesalt from the config like secure tripcodes.
Anonymous (my permanently outward-bound crone) 09/22/23(Fri)06:29:59 No. fb-WQFOEDWY

File: Screenshot_20230921-042014.png (56.80 KiB) [Draw]
Where can I find this Chinese anime? From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deer_in_mythology
Anonymous 09/22/23(Fri)06:29:37 No. fa-FYI81ED0
scenetime maybe

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