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My old blogthread (https://usagi.reisen/b/FLVRRGD8) got to 500 posts so I'm gonna create another blogthread (the 500 post one is taking too long to load).
491 replies and 77 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)12:11:49 No. fb-RL0VQGQA
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=k8THcx23og4 kyoko
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)12:13:40 No. fb-OYCE1ARA
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=RgZKxHDWTo0 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=hFJTEI7Ambw yuru yuri
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)12:16:00 No. fb-OT5K8CB6
I am not very interested in security but I might want to read about cryptography because it seems like it has a lot of good math.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)13:26:00 No. fb-6ZXU3JPN
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=EBv2c6fLai4&listen=false wholesome
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)15:00:21 No. fb-ZP26WB9B
https://islam.stackexchange.com/questions/33670/hadith-about-protecting-yourself-from-satan-when-going-to-the-bathroom > "When a Muslim goes to the toilet, he should conceal himself, even if it is a pile of sand, because Satan plays with the behinds (or privates) of the children of Adam" Lmao.

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Interesting News & Links Anonymous 10/17/23(Tue)11:03:32 No. fb-ZECX7JON
What have ya got?
72 replies, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 05/05/24(Sun)17:39:28 No. fb-EJYXQD9W
>>fb-GPDIC1CQ so (((ddg))) is broken too >>fb-803BFDAX if it cant resolve brandons everloved blog archive its broken
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)07:32:41 No. fb-F7EM36YO
https://phys.org/news/2024-05-door-millions-qubits-chip.html Experiment opens door for millions of qubits on one chip (2024/05/06)
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)12:06:47 No. fb-2RZPN7NU >>fb-3L6I5ROG
>>fb-F7EM36YO Ugh, I don't like quantum computers because they can fuck up our current public key cryptograpy schemes. These can be replaced but Agencies are probably harvesting tons of encrypted and are planning to decrypt it if quantum computers come out. Also I'm not sure if we'll ever get consumer grade quantum computers, but if we do, I would be happy about that because I want a good way to factorize numbers, which shoors algorithm provides. It might also be fun to program them. They can also efficiently simulate quantum systems, which could be a good way to learn about quantumn physics. I've also read that quantum computers don't show supremacy over regular computers when it comes to most useful tasks. This could change since it only requires certain algorithms to be developed, but it doesn't seem very exciting right now. I wonder if quantumn computers can solve problems faster than classical computers. It seems like they can, but we don't know for sure.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)06:46:49 No. fb-3L6I5ROG
>>fb-2RZPN7NU I was thinking about the asymmetric cryptography angle myself. There is work underway on post-quantum crypto, but it's early days right now. That quantum computers capable of breaking crypto widely used today might arrive sooner than expected is a concerning thought, especially coupled with massive data collection.
Anonymous 05/08/24(Wed)10:50:16 No. fb-1KDG343Y
>>fb-3L6I5ROG > There is work underway on post-quantum crypto, but it's early days right now. Some cryptography schemes don't have to change (symmetric and hash based), it's only public key cryptography that has to change. There's something called lattice based cryptography that could be used to implement quantum safe public key cryptography. There are also some newer schemes that aren't lattice based. The main problem with these approaches is that they have larger keys than the ones we use in our current cryptography algorithms. Some of these systems have been around for decades. In addition, We haven't proven that one way functions exist, so there's no way to know for sure if any cryptography scheme is safe. Every cryptography system could be crackable, and we just don't know it.

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To what are you listening right now? Anonymous 06/01/23(Thu)00:02:56 No. fmu-CCWY191F
Music, podcast, audiobook, game, environment, or anything else welcome - with links if desired
152 replies and 27 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 04/18/24(Thu)02:26:47 No. fmu-9OHUIGA4
Dreamstate Logic - Edge of Eternity /watch?v=6KnzhmE1pic
Anonymous 04/18/24(Thu)22:45:00 No. fmu-BYZFTBNG
Tangerine Dream - Alchemy of the Heart https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OWU1R-_K20
Anonymous 04/23/24(Tue)05:50:14 No. fmu-EC80ILW8
Suduaya - Naica /watch?v=DP2ui_vE-Ec
Anonymous 04/29/24(Mon)04:13:30 No. fmu-QIG5DLKK
Bassment - Nomads /watch?v=RjOMt6Eh9lw
Anonymous 05/07/24(Tue)07:29:21 No. fmu-DYTO6OB7
Baom - Extraterrestrial Encounter /watch?v=McEzfN-Q-1o

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Anonymous (ID: HiddenID) 03/27/24(Wed)14:31:06 No. fbint-R6VLEY4A
Anonymous (ID: HyqTyGRr) 05/06/24(Mon)20:02:14 No. fbint-XE0R9JON
did it work?
Anonymous (ID: HiddenID) 05/07/24(Tue)04:18:23 No. fbint-YDIZDPKB
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>>fbint-XE0R9JON no bunny its still broken and you know who fucked up big time

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I'm so lonely. I don't have any friends IRL or even any online community I feel comfortable with. People seem repulsed by me, and sometimes, I am repulsed by them. I am ignored all the time. Even my own family leave me to rot.
I love Akari !!4FAUSv8nf. 04/30/24(Tue)04:30:58 No. fb-9QMUFJOO
That sucks. Hope you can find some friends.
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yeah, I think you get over the loneliness after enough time, at this point I've accepted being friendless but also my life is just boring. Feels like I'm just waiting to die and try again in the next life. Womp womp

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I don't understand something. How come this area of the internet (dark fedi, this imageboard) is so racist against Jews and blacks, but simultaneously very friendly towards the LGBT (for instance, trans people)? I guess it doesn't technically contradict but it still feels very odd. Am I missing something? (Tried to find a pic that was related but couldn't so pic unrelated)
Anonymous 05/03/24(Fri)21:56:27 No. fb-C43SDDB3
I don't think we are particularly prejudiced against jews and blacks here. I only use this website, no other fediverse, but I could hazard a guess about the other websites. Most of the time, people become less prejudiced after they have friendly interactions with different kinds of people. There are tons of LGBT people on the fediverse, so I would guess that some people realized that they are good people and stopped hating them. There aren't very many black nerds on the fediverse, so most people probably don't have any interactions with them. Most ethically jewish people don't mention they are jewish, so people might not realize they are friends with jews.
Anonymous 05/03/24(Fri)23:22:39 No. fb-SAFI0BPD
Newsflash: We're not all the same. I've noted before elsewhere that many LGB people may well come to regret their association with the trans movement. Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual are merely sexual preferences. Trans[genderism|sexuality] is much more than that; I can elaborate if requested, but I prefer to stay out of this particular quagmire especially on Usagi.
Anonymous 05/04/24(Sat)11:19:29 No. fb-2VDN3UYL
fedibant site really is fedibant site
Anonymous 05/06/24(Mon)14:00:24 No. fb-EQH49W3O
>>fb-GY4CW95N (OP) My views are this: 1. Jews are good, my closest internet pals are Jewish, as long as they aren't ideological Zionists. 2. Blacks or simply negros are good as long as they aren't under the spell of BLM. 3. Lesbians and gays are fine, but transsexuals are mentally ill. Transsexual ideology is a subvariant of taking law (or more correctly imagination) of attraction to the extreme. Law of attraction defined as belief that the more you think, manifest, scient and talk about something you want, the more likely you will get it. I have met and communicated with the transsexuals, they are usually good people except in this single category. My standpoint of viewing someone positively is the question: To what extent is he controlled by his beliefs.
Anonymous 05/06/24(Mon)19:44:05 No. fb-Z7QNS8VE
I don't really give a shit about anything I just like to LARP as a hateful racists/homophobe/whatever because it tickles my brainstem. Also the fedi is lame and boring.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6wL_CwCMy4 >final coincidence I predict that one day we will learn to harvest vacuum energy leading to the universe falling into that stable state. When that day comes, the world will feel lifeless and dead, as we will have sucked the life out of everything. Or maybe we will harvest enough energy to tip the vacuum over the edge, and then fall downhill the rest of the way (pic related) and the sudden release of energy will tear everything apart.
Anonymous 04/28/24(Sun)21:05:39 No. fb-8760F5RV
>>fb-Q347V1ET (OP) I think when you cause a false vacuum collapse, the rules of physics change, so anything that previously worked no longer works. Human biology would probably cease to function if they caused a false vacuum to collapse. > If our universe is in a false vacuum state rather than a true vacuum state, then the decay from the less stable false vacuum to the more stable true vacuum (called false vacuum decay) could have dramatic consequences. The effects could range from complete cessation of existing fundamental forces, elementary particles and structures comprising them, to subtle change in some cosmological parameters, mostly depending on the potential difference between true and false vacuum. Some false vacuum decay scenarios are compatible with survival of structures like galaxies, stars, and even biological life, while others involve the full destruction of baryonic matter or even immediate gravitational collapse of the universe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_vacuum
Anonymous 05/06/24(Mon)19:40:17 No. fb-Q10U17WO
we should do this I want to set the universe on fire just to spite god for making me impotent

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*Usami board
10 replies and 2 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 04/30/24(Tue)17:15:14 No. fb-RI4P6ZE3
>>fb-LNE0J434 I've never smelled a pussy before. Except for the feline variety.
Anonymous 05/01/24(Wed)00:14:38 No. fb-OW73OAVY >>fb-B9DJ4N8F
>>fb-RI4P6ZE3 it stinks of various types of decay but ull be so horny about it its how (((nature))) works
Anonymous 05/03/24(Fri)19:17:59 No. fb-B9DJ4N8F
>>fb-OW73OAVY >(((nature))) Yes, the Jews were behind the natural world (more specifically, their God)
Anonymous 05/04/24(Sat)10:58:50 No. fb-NNS8JWMH
>>fb-B9DJ4N8F oy vey iz mir well anyway im using it more as something thats sketchy but you can look at it like that
Anonymous 05/04/24(Sat)11:00:28 No. fb-BCZ2EIBR
might as well be less jewish about this one dicks smell of nasty germs get it germs are attracted to and cause decay dont get started on parasites with the (((human body)))

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POBN5PMYfRE This looks really interesting but sadly, I don't understand much of it. Could be useful for making P2P networks more efficient perhaps?
Anonymous 05/03/24(Fri)04:35:53 No. fg-T0ZP0ZBB
I don't think so, As far as I understand, the talk was about verifying distributed computing models. And the "exploration" was about exploring the potential states a bunch of distributed actors could be in. You'd want to do this for the purpose of proving that there isn't a configuration that leads to errors. I've read that some proof checkers are very slow, so I think the work the woman did was to help speed them up for distributed systems. It could indirectly have an effect of making P2P networks more efficient, is that someone might be able to make a more efficient protocol, verify that it's correct, and implement it quicker. It would only have an indirect effect on P2P applications if I'm not mistaken.

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I'm bored, post internet radio stations. Music or otherwise.
6 replies, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 04/21/24(Sun)07:06:37 No. fmu-E74FQ8OQ
I listen to Hirschmilch streams on occasion: https://hirschmilch.de/ >>fmu-IVPBFVVU That hidden service isn't working for me (tried yesterday and again today).
Anonymous 04/25/24(Thu)02:27:10 No. fmu-X5RAGCF4
>>fmu-E74FQ8OQ operator wants to run a ceefax station on lokinet now
Anonymous 04/25/24(Thu)02:28:16 No. fmu-U4BPARIH
not how ceefax works but thats what she considers it
Anonymous 04/30/24(Tue)12:59:33 No. fmu-RRSSXLWG
heres a new link http://mlkc77sivn6eghltmruu4hwadpuxmniamqe6w7y7l25xysxumpld7jyd.onion/ cant tell how long it will stay up for bnuuy better not let me post from overboard but it makes sense for fchannel
Anonymous 05/01/24(Wed)10:02:33 No. fmu-6L3WAZM7
im not sure if im meant to share this http://c5lydmzixkra4zqbjs4gyetewqoci4kmt3sf5ij4njn3ymb4h6kxpwyd.onion/live/test.m3u8 >mu sometimes the operator puts on elevator music right now its just testing

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What's the point in having a password field if there's no option to delete posts?
>>fg-LJNHSFWV (OP) If you scroll to the bottom of the page, and look at the bottom right, there is a delete button. To delete a post, click the checkbox by your name, and type in your password at the bottom right and then click the delete button.
Anonymous 04/29/24(Mon)04:57:52 No. fg-6XF3JA3R
>>fg-SFU4VCKN what he said
Anonymous 04/30/24(Tue)16:43:23 No. fg-L69VQ6O7
>>fg-SFU4VCKN I see. Thank you.

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Random images & videos Anonymous 07/27/23(Thu)02:32:32 No. fb-EKHVNKGT
63 replies and 54 images, Click here to view all.

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Anonymous 04/28/24(Sun)01:31:34 No. fb-WZ3E7UD8
>>fb-08C2FXET > Newton [the guy who drew that picture] died of typhus in London at the age of 21 Wow, crazy.

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Anonymous 05/05/24(Sun)03:27:50 No. fb-2ABO94CI
People like you are the reason Ryan's science is going away

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBTBj9yBy1o 24, the answer to death, a small corner in a bathroom in a rundown building in Chernobyl, and nothing
Anonymous 04/27/24(Sat)02:14:47 No. fb-C0EEM3S5
String theory is nigger voodoo. > The possible existence of, say, 10^500 consistent different vacuum states for superstring theory probably destroys the hope of using the theory to predict anything. If one picks among this large set just those states whose properties agree with present experimental observations, it is likely there still will be such a large number of these that one can get just about whatever value one wants for the results of any new observation. - Peter Woit

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>nsfw im not posting my pp here b
Anonymous 04/26/24(Fri)04:34:05 No. fb-D5O8PNUX
Cute anime girls.
Anonymous 04/26/24(Fri)04:37:07 No. fb-7TRHJ44B
Why does their hair have polka dots though?
Anonymous 04/26/24(Fri)06:38:54 No. fb-6HWEPXCV
>>fb-7TRHJ44B appeal for autists much like moon rabbit girls are
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dumb furry bunny cant make me take a bath btw meowmoewmoewmow

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