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literally me.

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> The impact of the Internet on autistics may one day be compared to the spread of sign language among the deaf. Judy Singer.
Anonymous 12/02/22(Fri)04:50:27 No. fb-AABMG9DJ
> The impact of the Internet on autistics may one day be compared to the spread of sign language among the deaf. Judy Singer.

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>tfw you stayed up all night fixing a bug on a free software project but the second you finally fix it and are ready to post, some other guy beat you to it by a couple of minutes...
Anonymous 11/30/22(Wed)19:39:00 No. fb-ER8JAXPW
Should have let people know you were going to fix it.
Anonymous 12/01/22(Thu)08:48:50 No. fb-G36OYYTQ
>>fb-ER8JAXPW yeah I will probably do that next time

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I am having trouble finding porn that appeals to my tastes.
Anonymous 11/30/22(Wed)19:52:48 No. fb-5BXOGP4Z
NoFap for a week and all porn will appeal to your taste again.
Anonymous 12/01/22(Thu)08:47:46 No. fb-KY13YNHG
>>fb-5BXOGP4Z I still like porn that appeals to my tastes even if I haven't masturbated for a while. I might eat something I wouldn't want to eat if I am starving but I would still prefer to eat my favorite meal. It is the same with porn.
Anonymous 07/12/23(Wed)13:46:26 No. fb-O30J0G2W

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First stasimon Sophocles tragedy:Women from Trachis Kostas Vomvolos

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Just found out about rclone and holy fuck is rclone mount awesome.

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Anonymous 11/12/22(Sat)03:34:43 No. fremote-recent-posts-6P4XJEUZ
>>fb-4OFE1H9U (OP) test reply - federated
Anonymous 11/12/22(Sat)03:36:51 No. fb-1T68JNG8
>>fremote-recent-posts-6P4XJEUZ → test reply - local
Anonymous 11/19/22(Sat)07:51:17 No. fb-HNRJBOAS
I like how she bites the lolipop and has pointy fangs.

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I hate how the modern children are unable to run around town like they used to. Over all I think parents are keeping their kids too cooped up in their homes/extracurricular . A kid running around outside unsupervised is not dangerous, and it should not be illegal or considered "child neglect" to let them do that.
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nonironic my parents did this to me before it was a thing and it made me more `fucked up` than the internet internet was also shitty or didnt exist yet so i didnt use that either and no way would they get usenet i wasnt even allowed to go on 99% of the houses property outside and 87% of the inside theres ur information retarded glownigger due to what mantles i carried whenever i would have a chance to go anywhere everyone having to deal with me would seethe uncontrollably if i didnt follow in line to an absolute amount so theres no exit now things are worse somehow and theres no going back lmfao makes what happened in the past `training` bullshit for this endless bullshit its just some retard justifying bullshit then uncontrollably seething when im not doing anything that is my shizo life since my genetics are bottom of the barrel we have clockwork orange at home thanks for reading my ted talk
Anonymous 11/18/22(Fri)08:33:27 No. fb-4DNAB0E4
I tried to make a post a while ago but It didn't work.

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All of the soulfoul blog websites are either written by trannies or right wingers now adays.
Anonymous 11/13/22(Sun)08:02:32 No. fb-6N4KKLJF
https://xandra.cc/ Like this website
Anonymous 11/13/22(Sun)08:03:51 No. fb-96YB0GB5
https://voupie.lol/ Ausism website.

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is this dead?
Anonymous 11/09/22(Wed)22:57:09 No. fb-FHT0I1SO
>>fb-LD82CQSC (OP) yeah, it's a ghost town now that all the other instances are kil it used to be slow but comfy
Anonymous 11/10/22(Thu)02:13:23 No. fb-QVHBNMEY
Its been a ghost town. I hope for a resurgence eventually.
Anonymous 11/12/22(Sat)03:35:43 No. fremote-recent-posts-PZCT3T1F
>>fb-LD82CQSC (OP) >>fb-FHT0I1SO >>fb-QVHBNMEY test reply - federated
Anonymous 11/12/22(Sat)03:37:04 No. fb-HTMW97DQ
>>fremote-recent-posts-PZCT3T1F → test reply - local
Anonymous 11/12/22(Sat)05:36:39 No. fb-4V9WHW1F
Nagataro is so cute in cat ears

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Erotic panties
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Erotic pants
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>>fb-5404LYIL Why does she look so evil

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Damn I wish I were this cool.
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did the newfags from cuckchan start necroposting??? look what you fucking did you shill
20 replies and 3 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 12/08/21(Wed)19:02:07 No. fb-7LV69ABF
Anonymous 12/08/21(Wed)20:37:59 No. fb-25KAYA9W
>>fb-KL1T6Q1O (OP) double bump :)
Anonymous 01/03/22(Mon)19:16:23 No. fb-E1DNKIER
>>KNNVNQDE It is bad because a significant amount of time has passed, sometime years, so nobody from the original thread is likely to respond or remember. A better system would be to spin-off a new thread that reference the old one. Should someone happen to stumble upon the old thread, it would be noted someone necroreferenced it, so a connection can be made from both directions, but no bump for the old thread. Having the same threads over and over again does get old, especially if it's just rehashing what was said before.
Anonymous 02/14/22(Mon)21:43:24 No. fb-0HMVQWKU
>>fb-KL1T6Q1O (OP) sorry i brought one guy here, probably a healer who revived a thread. i saged just in case this thread is dead.
Anonymous 11/01/22(Tue)10:19:08 No. fb-EUJ2E765
nostalgic bump

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Is 8chan CAPTCHA working for everyone else?

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