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You guys!!!!!!!!!! https://github.com/anjumjfax/lupi can anyone fix this?? Its interesting as fuk cuz its only one small file!!!!!!!!!!!! so when you post, the image does not work at all. But like the first post will make a 0 file, the next post will make a 1 file and so on. looks like csv files interesting, when you go to /1 for example, it becomes a text board, no image file is asked for. Very interesting program, here is the whole code...https://github.com/anjumjfax/lupi fuck, that is just a few lines of code, ONE fucking small file!!! That is really, really cool, i don't suppose someone can fix it? Even if you made it a textboard, since the images do not work anyway. It is SO CLOSE to being an awesome, one file golang imageboard.

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halp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anonymous 08/22/22(Mon)23:10:54 No. fprog-D1074171
okay, ive posted this on SO many golng forums, and NO ONE ever helped!! Can someone be a golang hero and help?? ALL i want is the simple golang code to take html form input and write the results to a file. Kind of like the world's simplest textboard!!! Check this out...So there are TONS of example php scripts of how to do the above...it is all done in one php script. Oddly enough, in GO, there is not one single working script that does it!!! Google it--- You will see some half made scripts, but absolutely ZERO working full scripts that do a simple thing like take form inupt and write it to a file. If anyone can make that simple script, I will use it as the starting point for writing a textboard and learning go... and I will owe you big time!!! So can someone pls post or link to a working example???
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Anonymous 08/23/22(Tue)17:24:38 No. fprog-B0CF2DA8
Thank you so much, it works!!!!! I guess i have the start to a ib now :) I wanna make a simple but reliable ib eventually. THANK YOU so much tho, I went on so many golang forums and no one would answer. I appreciate it x10000. It prolly seems stupid to you, but I was stuck and i did not want to start with go until I had at least one simple script. I have tons of simple working php scripts, but had no go scripts to get started. I am in your debt...if you need anything let me know!!!! And do not be shy, any way I can help I will.
Anonymous 08/23/22(Tue)18:58:52 No. fprog-A06E51F8
https://paste.ee/r/KDiJk/0 that is so cool!!! Did you make that yourself? If so, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The wiki thing is also really cool!!!!!
Anonymous 08/24/22(Wed)01:36:08 No. fprog-A8972EC5
Wow some strange person make a git repo out of the code!! The guy is kinda dumb tho because the repo has a bore of a name. https://github.com/textboards/golang-textboard
Anonymous 08/24/22(Wed)01:57:05 No. fprog-BF8D3B1E
>>Wow some strange person make a git repo out of the code!! << I see what you mean. The jackass who made that repo is a complete moron who gave it a really dumb name.
Anonymous 08/24/22(Wed)04:47:55 No. fprog-C6A7927C
>>I see what you mean. The jackass who made that repo is a complete moron << Yup!!! I see your point!! what a dumb fucking asshole, to name that board something so pathetically stupid!!! Fucking retardedly autistic!! Duhhhhhhh

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Rocky Linux Anonymous 08/23/22(Tue)18:43:42 No. fprog-B0C2D309
I don't suppose anyone has experience with Rocky Linux?? Currently i use a digital ocean vps, a bunch of sites on one server. I use ubuntu 22. Digital ocean offers other servers, rocky linux is cool. I used to run rocky linux with the old school php control panel, plesk. Plesk is old as fuk, but it got a bit more modern. Docker manager, for example, right from plesk, allows people to run a docker image right from plesk. Like ghost.org the popular node js blog can be run on multiple sites with plesk. I always kind of wondered how to use golang with plesk. Like. I wonder if i can make a regular plesk control panel, run a bunch of static/php sites on it, then just hand code golang sites. One would think I could just make the nginx config files and point the port to the right one, and then just install go and run go sites manually along side the plesk php sites. Not sure, I never tried. Regular docker seems the ultimate way, no plesk needed. I could install docker, then run multiple sites with docker from the single vps. The ONLY slight prob is that i have no clue how to set that up,i get lost whenever someone makes a tutorial that tries to explain how to make multiple sites with docker. Besides, I was waiting for a more graphical/easier docker manager to be invented, so anyone could maintain a bunch of websites from docker. I would love to use rocky, it does not have to be rocky tho. SO far, in ubuntu i know how to use nginx to make multiple sites on ubuntu, even golang sites. I am sure the way I do it is not very secure, it would prolly be best to use a control planel or manager of some sort. Was wondering if anyone knows of a control panel or manager to easily run a bunch of golang sites?? Most will just be static, since go works do good to serve static sites, that would be easy. I would also run a bunch of ib or text boards on some sites, too. Not a major deal, like I say I know how to do it on ubuntu and nginx, just wondering if anyone knows of a control panel or manage made to run a bunch of go sites, because I am sure it would have less security holes than the way i run sites just hand coding the nginx.

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doing a different lang Anonymous 08/23/22(Tue)17:47:58 No. fprog-A595263C
I only learned the basics of how to make ib/txt board scripts with php. I realized years ago that vichan was doomed, cuz the php 8+ broke and ruined vichan. I do have tons of simple ib scripts tho in php, very simple, just a couple lines of code. Lynxchan is nice, but the maker is too dumb to worry about security. He refuses to use deno instead of regular node js. Lynxchan relies on dependencies which rely on dependencies which rely on dependencies. That is STUPID. So lynxchan is one of the most functional boards no doubt, but there WILL be a time in the future when it is too hard to maintain. And node js has tons of security risks in general because of the way dependencies are used. Tons of articles say node js and npm in general is considered a security risk by many devs. Go is really nice. I like how it can compile to windows or linux. I will miss messing around in php but im gonna totally switch to GO tho, because now that you gave me a working script to get started in making an ib, GO can do everything php can. Php could possibly morph into something better in time, but that will not happen tomorrow, to be sure.

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curl over tor Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)16:29:55 No. fps-PO97OG7Y
(can't complain about this one since i suggested it) i will teach you how to use curl over tor >step 1: install tor (not the browser) pacman -S tor it doesn't require much configuration, just start the daemon and it should just werk rc-service tor start rc-update add tor by default it will listen on port 9050 (more info at https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Tor) >step 2: install curl it should already be installed, if not pacman -S curl also just werks (not with tor, see next step) >step 3: configure curl to proxy connections through tor pass the --proxy flag pointing to localhost port 9050, specify the socks5h protocol for remote dns resolution (otherwise your dns request might leak) curl --proxy=socks5h://localhost:9050 <url> or add proxy=socks5h://localhost:9050 to your .curlrc change the port accordingly >step 4: use it for you covert operations just be ready to sometimes getting cuckflared when using curl, i still don't know what to do about it
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Anonymous 08/03/21(Tue)15:01:08 No. fps-8T5M6MVM
>>fps-TP4EYPQC ignore that first greentext whoops
Anonymous 07/13/22(Wed)07:44:12 No. fps-K3IB2TBK
>>277PE0VB don't forget to set the -i flag for automatic Tor isolation. Test "torsocks curl ifconfig.me" a few times with/without -i and watch your IP change.
Anonymous 07/15/22(Fri)19:38:31 No. fps-ZA20VPBP
>>fps-TP4EYPQC To my memory torsocks catches certain syscalls initiated by the program, before forwarding the corresponding network requests to the Tor. This should be considered a hack and cannot be guaranteed 100% fail-proof. It is always better to properly set up a program designed for proxified use than to hack the system.
Anonymous 07/16/22(Sat)08:45:58 No. fps-O64NBVQL
>>fps-PO97OG7Y (OP) socks4 or socks5? I am so afraid of DNS leak, like what the brave bros have accomplished.
Anonymous 08/14/22(Sun)11:56:57 No. fps-1IZCG720
>>fps-PO97OG7Y (OP) >step 3: configure curl to proxy Why didnt you just used torsocks? the thing is already auto configured

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Anonymous 12/29/21(Wed)21:43:29 No. fa-ASRA1MBR
Anonymous 08/14/22(Sun)11:41:07 No. fa-OHEIWT57
>>fa-UIWAZBQX (OP) itoddler kun?
Anonymous 08/14/22(Sun)11:41:39 No. fa-AHRROL4F
>>fa-UIWAZBQX (OP) Itoddler kun?

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Anime Kino Anonymous 03/31/22(Thu)07:16:04 No. fa-2W1WON69
Anonymous 08/09/22(Tue)13:50:46 No. fa-GD6MCTYJ >>fa-9LP76J5W
What anime is this.
Anonymous 08/10/22(Wed)02:24:48 No. fa-9LP76J5W
>>fa-GD6MCTYJ Last Period: Owarinaki Rasen no Monogatari

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https://radio.lucasvl.nl/ Good station

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What are you programming? Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)11:38:03 No. fprog-021AG738
What are you programming or wanting to program? I often have a hard time on where to start. Do you have this problem?
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Anonymous 02/03/21(Wed)23:12:32 No. fprog-T62PQHNG >>fprog-BAYDDEEY
i want to make a curses TCG which has some form of meme blockchain to keep track of card rarity and ownership of cards. challenging opponents through a network
Anonymous 02/05/21(Fri)03:21:10 No. fprog-BAYDDEEY
>>fprog-T62PQHNG Sounds rather easy, and also fun. Ignore the curses for now, interfaces can just be built on top of a sane backend. Rather that putting it on top of an existing blockchain product, you could modify one of them to make tokens equal cards, or via a token system. Might even be fun to make the system generic enough that other people can build their own card system on top of it just by modifying a few configuration files.
Anonymous 02/18/21(Thu)02:40:26 No. fprog-P225N5E0
>>fprog-MS0JZE10 Evernote is proprietary software so I won't use it
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>>fprog-021AG738 (OP) 3D rendering for my game or something
oqe anonimo 07/30/22(Sat)22:31:42 No. fprog-A2BBAEC5

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I'm being irradiated by the 5G network Anonymous 02/19/22(Sat)22:14:32 No. fg-DBTV5Q2Y
The government is pushing psyops to attribute the 60GHz wavelength to modifying oxygen absorption as a strawman to be able to disprove claims, but that's not the mechanism that it kills with. It kills through producing endogenous opiates to the point of respiratory depression and people die from ischemia (a lack of oxygen). It comes and goes. There are two noticeable kinds. One causes vascular spasms resulting in a pulsation feeling across the body and I can see it in my veins. It sometimes affects muscles and causes a them to twitch or causes me to spasm while trying to sleep by contracting muscles in my back and abs. After a long time of this my chest hurts, probably from my heart struggling to keep up with the alternating cardiovascular tension. I can block this immediately in a limb by wrapping it in mylar and the spasms stop in that part of the body. The second kind seems to be endogenous opiate production and it it interferes with breathing. The mechanism seems to be through 61.22GHz endogenous opiate induced-respiratory depression and it comes with a dulled sense of pain, but not mechanosensation. The government and/or telecom companies are trying to kill me with radiation, probably because I'm White or a White Nationalist. You can verify endogenous opiate production is caused by 61.22GHz radiation, it's called electromagnetic millimeter wave induced hypoalgesia. THE GOVERNMENT IS KILLING PEOPLE WITH 5G AND THEY HAVE BEEN TARGETING ME WITH IT.
Anonymous 03/29/22(Tue)12:35:48 No. fg-I0GG6OX2
>>fg-DBTV5Q2Y (OP) Well move away to a location with no 5G, and low radiofrequencies i guess. You also have paints that blocks EMFs. EMFs are the cause of the modern flu. Viruses do not exist, as viruses are your own cells breaking down. Genetic material from exosomes.
Anonymous 05/02/22(Mon)04:12:53 No. fg-VPS4GA49
>>fg-DBTV5Q2Y → you're just retard, relax
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>>fg-DBTV5Q2Y → Dude in picrel put his head inside of an particle accelerator and he is still alive, you will be fine. However 5g is actually shitty for other reasons, it allows for an even bigger spying and it will also look shit because you need more 5g towers
Anonymous 07/07/22(Thu)00:00:45 No. fg-J5VFDJTY
>>fg-DBTV5Q2Y (OP) >I'm being irradiated This has got to be the most unhinged nigger I have ever seen.
Anonymous 07/29/22(Fri)14:40:13 No. fg-EH73Z8OC
>>fg-DBTV5Q2Y (OP) if YOU offered me to have sex with ME I would not hesitate to say ?

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What do you think of gynophagia? Captcha related
Anonymous 09/20/22(Tue)19:23:39 No. fa-VZUTX5Z6
I am hungy for vagina.

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obligatory first post of me complaining about a board Anonymous 06/29/21(Tue)08:47:16 No. fa-28HIJJYS
congratz on the first clearnet-federated tor instance >first tor instance has a hentai board instead of a privacy board this is why hidden services have bad rep but fuck it ITT: post girls sexually harassing boys
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deleted 07/20/22(Wed)21:48:48 No. fa-IBVRQQZK

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been shillin Anonymous 07/08/22(Fri)18:16:06 No. fg-RCCL92SQ
so which one of you faggots has been shilling this shit over at https://boards.4channel.org/g/thread/87654853 i appreciate your intent but the turboretards on that board aren't going to bite
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Anonymous 07/11/22(Mon)13:41:07 No. fg-POZH7R4Y
>>fg-HMOUWPDH if there was any difference you would seethe about it and yes, despite no difference on the surface, there is a big difference on architectural level, and exactly that will be why Fchan will prosper
Anonymous 07/15/22(Fri)21:53:40 No. fg-VNR1E2ZY
When did 4chan become so dumb?
Anonymous 07/16/22(Sat)11:50:49 No. fg-55X8T8K9
>>fg-VNR1E2ZY → When media started talking about hacker group ,,Anonymous" that's when 4chan started declining. https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=3qHv_riV1AM
Anonymous 07/16/22(Sat)14:32:15 No. fg-6N8BHH4H
>>fg-RCCL92SQ (OP) who dat 4 chan
Anonymous 07/18/22(Mon)23:21:57 No. fg-LKBG9LCE
>>fg-55X8T8K9 I still remember once upon a time Anonymous was not synonym of 1337 wannabes...

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What do you guys think of Mental Outlaw? Are there any genuinely good tech youtubers out there? Linus is a consoomer shill, Luke Smith is a pretentious ass, every other one is either boring as fuck or super annoying. Mental Outlaw is the only one I've found to be consistently interesting, and funny.
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Anonymous 05/23/22(Mon)14:02:40 No. fg-TJ2URH11
>>fg-W0SNS81N Holy shit hahahah
Anonymous 05/26/22(Thu)12:06:01 No. fg-NGMRB3WP
>>fg-8CX2JLQF (OP) ugly ass nigger
Anonymous 07/15/22(Fri)22:52:57 No. fg-HH5KN4L7
>>fg-8CX2JLQF (OP) Y'all who browse this imageboard are autistic fucks and will never become a techtuber. Cope and Seethe.
Anonymous 07/16/22(Sat)00:47:31 No. fg-99XVAP6L
>>fg-HH5KN4L7 → is that supposed to be a bad thing?
Anonymous 07/16/22(Sat)10:00:39 No. fg-RQCPX11O
>>fg-99XVAP6L You will buy a webcam. You will wash off the grease over your face. You will learn to edit videos and stream. And you will write and practice your speech, something you have never done before. But you are not a techtuber, and you will NEVER become one.

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I always used Harry71's spider site for finding new .onions, but since I haven't lurked hidden services for a while, v2 links are dead and I have nothing. Figured this was a better place to ask than looking up le Hidden Wiki and sifting through fakes and feds for interesting sites. Help me out here, just need spiders. Much appreciated.
Anonymous 05/24/22(Tue)23:03:40 No. fps-RNWQYEOI >>fps-XYNTWO4Q
I'm not sure what a "spider site" is supposed to be, but if you just wanna explore onionspace, here is somewhere to get you started: http://xanthexikes7btjqlkakrxjf546rze2n4ftnqzth6qk52jdgrf6jwpqd.onion/rollcall/tor.html
Anonymous 07/16/22(Sat)08:48:16 No. fps-XYNTWO4Q
>>fps-RNWQYEOI Thanks my fedinon.

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