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This is dope

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How to learn to program more effectively? MrUnknown 03/06/23(Mon)10:26:56 No. fprog-EF777E18
I'm a beginner in the area of programming I know basic things but I wanted to know if there is any way to learn more efficiently
Anonymous 03/09/23(Thu)13:50:57 No. fprog-887RVMJH
Stay open minded and constantly keep learning, changing things here and there, to get accustomed to learning. Brain is a muscle, treat it like one.
Anonymous 03/13/23(Mon)01:22:16 No. fprog-B5F36498
Read code from others and take notes. You may be surprised at what you can learn that way. I have applied this to every language I know to great effect.
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>>fprog-EF777E18 (OP) >more efficiently use emacs

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Nostr Badfaith-sama =3 03/12/23(Sun)15:28:23 No. fg-KIYGGGAY
Why did they have to make the protocol so entwined with the Lightning Network (shit)? A decentralized* protocol that is married to a network which takes bitcoin and essentially adds reliance on centralized nodes. What compels people to kneecap their own work? Fuck your Bech32 motherfucker!
Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:30:29 No. fg-CX4M20ZV
>>fg-KIYGGGAY (OP) >NO but you can run your own Lighting nodes bro, trust me bro you can be lighting network i swear this is how nostriges think, do not TRUST THEM
Anonymous 03/12/23(Sun)15:33:25 No. fg-ICFJPWUW
>>fg-KIYGGGAY (OP) also I am NOT a homosexual admin, i will forgive you just this once, but in the future please do not disgrace me in such a way...

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Big win for matgeek

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too much pizza ow my tummy hurts

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Admin, whenever I report a thread it redirects me to the thread after I report it. This is a terrible behavior because it means I am seeing the shit that I want off the board. This is a minor nuisance when it comes to some things but I absolutely do not want to get redirected into a child porn thread every time I report something. Make it redirect you to the index instead of the thread you are reporting.
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Anonymous #Admin 03/05/23(Sun)13:11:04 No. fb-37LCYPHO
>>fb-5REEAKM1 (OP) >>fb-1X1XELHG Oh yeah, and feel free to open some test reports if you want.
Anonymous 03/06/23(Mon)04:16:03 No. fb-UHFNET8N >>fb-2V5RQ1AZ
>>fb-37LCYPHO Ok, thanks. I tried it out and it always redirects me to the report page for the post I want to report (IE filing a report on https://usagi.reisen/make-report?actor=removedBecauseIdkIfItIsIdentifying&post=https%3a%2f%2fusagi.reisen%2fb%2f5REEAKM1 redirects me to https://usagi.reisen/make-report?actor=removedBecauseIdkIfItisIdentifying&post=https%3a%2f%2fusagi.reisen%2fb%2f5REEAKM1 after I am done filing it) It's like an infinite loop.
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>>fb-UHFNET8N It should work properly now
Anonymous 03/07/23(Tue)04:02:37 No. fb-HYVB5C0X
>>fb-2V5RQ1AZ it works
Anonymous 03/08/23(Wed)21:43:40 No. fb-MMNMRP02
>>fb-5REEAKM1 (OP) prprpr

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nep boobs
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bylth boobs
Anonymous 03/08/23(Wed)21:43:07 No. fb-92453ITU
>>fb-QBSB9CSU (OP) prprprpr

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uohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh >no cute + funny

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Anonymous 02/25/23(Sat)11:10:01 No. flounge-E07264A8
>>flounge-EE3D808D (OP) hello buddy

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Hello from 0chan 0chan dev 05/27/21(Thu)06:27:21 No. fprog-ZS0MGEI9
0chan.vip is a node running "multichan" , a federated textboard that uses tags rather than boards . It can federate over Tor ! we also have a shitton of ATOM feeds: > https://0chan.vip/atom/ What do you guys think of our project?
18 replies and 3 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)03:48:57 No. fprog-ELTST4BH >>fb-K9UOZKIJ
>>fprog-01IJ07Q7 brought it back up for the 1 year anniversary >>fprog-ICULFQQT that's bbs.killthepresident.club , took it down because I got sick of getting CP / nazi shit uploaded to my server with no easy way of shutting it down.
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>>fprog-ELTST4BH Don't want to jinx it but it's nice the feds fucked off for now.
Anonymous 10/14/21(Thu)22:44:12 No. fprog-LPA40OPD >>fprog-R0FI8MGI
>>fb-K9UOZKIJ spoke too soon
Anonymous 11/02/21(Tue)18:42:57 No. fprog-R0FI8MGI >>fprog-TK7FIF1N
>>fb-K9UOZKIJ >>fprog-LPA40OPD What's wrong with them? Why do you think they're feds?
Anonymous 11/03/21(Wed)03:23:10 No. fprog-TK7FIF1N
>>fprog-R0FI8MGI they attract the them so they might as well be them

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Esoteric Lisp Anonymous 02/18/23(Sat)09:05:49 No. fprog-KIDSQOQK
I figured someone may be interested to see my attempt to add insanity into Lisp. Normal Lisp syntax: (func arg arg arg arg) (func1 (func2 arg arg (func4 arg arg)) (func3 arg arg)) (* (+ 1 2 (- 6 5)) (/ 10 5)) Esoteric/ Midfix Lisp: () arg arg )func( arg arg () () arg arg )func4 arg arg )func2 )func1( func3( arg arg () () 5 6 -) 2 1 )+ )*( /( 10 5 () I call this midfix, since all functions are in the middle and arguments are at the edge. First function to be read will be in the middle. This case it's * (multiplication). Then the program is going to read the function on the left. This case it's + (addition). Then all the arguments are going to be read. From right to left. First 1, then 2. 1 + 2 = 3. Then the program is going to read the function on the left. This case it's - (subtraction). 6 and 5 subtracted is 1. 1 + 3 = 4. The program will keep reading until it hits the wall (). Now the program is going to read everything from the left to right. It reads / (division) and the arguments 10 & 5. 10 / 5 = 2. It will hit the wall (). It will come to middle and multiply left with right. 4 * 2 = 8.
Anonymous 02/20/23(Mon)00:36:56 No. fprog-80M64UVD
>>fprog-KIDSQOQK (OP) Mindfuck LISP!

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ching chong ning nong! CHING LONG! LIN DONG!!! CHICHICHI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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YEAR OF THE REISEN!!! Anonymous 01/01/23(Sun)16:04:23 No. fb-DM2BTG93
7 replies and 3 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 01/29/23(Sun)14:40:04 No. fb-ZVEDGMAN
I love udongein
Anonymous 01/31/23(Tue)06:08:14 No. fb-XNMN7EEW
I would like to thank the admin of this website for keeping it up for so long. I like your website and I want to see it succeed. I know it probably takes time out of your day to moderate this board so I am happy you are willing to spend your time and money keeping this site afloat.
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Anonymous 01/31/23(Tue)21:12:16 No. fb-O314FYTI
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> udongein

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I finally found that they started translating Aru Asa Dummy Head Mike ni Natteita Ore-kun no Jinsei to english and now I am ready to watch peak fiction.
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Anonymous 11/27/22(Sun)01:54:21 No. fa-S8TJNNXD
I don't like how this is supposed to be a yuri anime but the girls are all talking about dating boys.
Anonymous 11/27/22(Sun)01:58:32 No. fa-C4XRL7WN
This asmr shit actually makes me want to throw up.
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I like this girl.
Anonymous 02/02/23(Thu)07:29:11 No. fa-UVIW67SD
The anime fucking ends right before the girl confesses her love. You've gotta be fucking kidding me.
Anonymous 02/05/23(Sun)08:01:01 No. fa-XMBM55SL
4/10 kinda funny sometimes but over all bad.

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Who remembers this part in yuru yuri?
Anonymous 01/08/23(Sun)05:17:06 No. fa-XFQ6J7DK
I am downloading princess tutu let's see how good it was.
Anonymous 02/02/23(Thu)06:53:26 No. fa-42S8GMZO
>>fa-XFQ6J7DK Princess tutu was amazing. Probably in the top 3 anime I have ever watched.

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