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I Set up an ssh server on my desktop so that I can view images (mostly porn I downloaded) from my desktop in bed on my laptop.
Anonymous 10/21/22(Fri)04:31:25 No. fb-7B3ZNNE3
I use X11 forwarding over ssh with feh to do this.

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Just found this image today. I like it. It is my favorite Utena Crossover image. My second favorite Utena Crossover image is the MLP one.

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I am contemplating publishing erotic writing on a federated platform. Not sure if I should use writefreely or plume for it. Both of them say they are for blogs but there aren't any federated platforms for creative fiction as far as I can see so I think that they are the best options as of now. I also checked out read.as but It wasn't working on my computer (I block javascript, but It might have been another problem)
Anonymous 10/14/22(Fri)08:46:43 No. fmain-5AESLLR5
>>fb-RJG80EWM (OP) main

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You rocking with the new chainsaw man anime?!
6 replies and 1 images, Click here to view all.

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deleted 08/19/21(Thu)10:18:19 No. fa-UBQT8FOQ
deleted 08/19/21(Thu)10:20:12 No. fa-FYTOJ3O8
Anonymous 10/13/22(Thu)11:33:41 No. fa-OYSH9M1M
>>fa-K415DJQG (OP) What a shitty start.
Anonymous 10/14/22(Fri)06:09:58 No. fa-RI4P3OOB
I don't watch modern anime because I have a bunch of good old anime in my backlog. I also don't like to watch new anime because It is usually overhyped and then forgotten. If I wait a couple of years before watching new anime, then I will know which ones are actually worth watching because people were still talking about those.

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If you were a rat, it would be like you were playing dark souls in real life.

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I almost locked myself out of my main computer. I changed my password for security reasons and then went to bed but when I tried typing in the new password it wasn't working. Luckly, I had a fallback account with super user privileges so it wasn't that big of a deal.
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>>fb-9SN3ZBXV (OP)
Anonymous 10/08/22(Sat)18:59:20 No. fb-8JTPM7ME
I also found an error in emacs-guix. I haven't been able to use it for a while, the first reason was because I didn't have the right packages installed but then I also found out that the people over at geiser changed their software so that they don't set a variable that emacs-guix uses. If you just go C-h f guix-start-repl and the click on the source code file, and then remove the line (geiser-company--setup geiser-repl-company-p), re-eval (C-M-x), and then do a guix command then it will work fine. Apparently someone already reported this to guix.

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threading IS the heart of any textboard. Threading makes or breaks the functionality and usefulness of any board. Your css is very nice, it does no good when the threading is not easy to follow tho. No one wants to spend time figuring out what reply went to what...if we wanted a puzzle we would go buy a soduku book or something. This app will never take off unless the threading was modified. Say what you want, make excuses... i know im right tho, ask other random objective people, I am sure you will get the same feedback.
Anonymous 10/08/22(Sat)04:38:59 No. fprog-5QH6DP74
fprog-F81A1043 If you are talking about the text board, then I 100% agree, Shit is way too hard to read.

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I remember once I went to a mall in Vegas with two of my friends. We were having a fun time when they both had to use the restroom so I was just standing outside waiting for them to finish up, when I spotted Jerma shuffling around. I was a pretty big fan so I decided to walk up and ask for his signature. He was silent for a second looking me up and down, when he started making these weird clicking sounds with his tongue and giggling. After doing that for an uncomfortably long time he gave me a wink and wrote his signature. When he handed it back the paper had his signature, but he drew a bunch of hearts around it too and grabbed my hand when I took it. He said "You're pretty cute lookin, how about you come live with me? I'm famous on the internet you know." Naturally I was really creeped out and started to walk away but he just followed me talking about how he wanted me to be his new girlfriend, and how I could be in streams with him. I was really freaking out and decided to go into the women's room to get my friends, who were both washing their hands when Jerma followed me in. All three of us were really freaked out, as he spotted my friends and said "you can be my girlfriends too, there's plenty of me to go around, I'm famous!" while flexing and licking his lips. We shouted for help and a security guard grabbed Jerma, I'll never forget the face he made as we ran off :jermaEffU:

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joszko broda Anonymous 09/21/22(Wed)15:36:22 No. flounge-B5CF3543
with every your day get in touch with may the joszko play to the ends of time

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>>fa-PJ1Z80S5 (OP) Why not?
Anonymous 09/20/22(Tue)00:05:22 No. fa-RQQ6F67D >>fa-RCTRJHT3
>>fa-IXI2IIBJ The hair color is boring.
Anonymous 09/20/22(Tue)19:20:18 No. fa-RCTRJHT3
>>fa-RQQ6F67D Literally the most transgender reason I've ever heard.

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hello from plan9 Anonymous 09/10/22(Sat)08:22:55 No. flounge-D7064F8F
hello ������︎
try again 😅︎ Anonymous 09/10/22(Sat)08:27:34 No. flounge-B4832BFA
>>flounge-D7064F8F (OP) 👋︎

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I used to have a very autistic setup for generating my site, but I rewrote it on hugo and I liked using it. I spent a couple of days reading about it (it has good documentation) and messing around with it, so I will stick with it. My site still has that same boring look, but now that manipulating the layout is easier, I will try to create something that looks decent. I also spend some time surfing the web and reading other people's personal sites, so I have some ideas for how to design mine. Anyway, have you ever used hugo? What do you think of it?
6 replies, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 08/09/22(Tue)14:05:11 No. fg-D425D434 >>fg-A4842A04
I've come close to using Hugo but I keep using a really autistic and overengineered shellscript setup instead, but it has a slight sentimental value to it so I'll probably keep on using it for now. I am half familiar with how Hugo works and it would probably drastically simplify my website but eh. I also just kinda like the simplicity of lowdown | cat header.html - footer.html | sed whatever, except it's all wrapped up in a simple "make"
Anonymous 08/11/22(Thu)10:33:18 No. fg-A4842A04
>>fg-D425D434 My setup was similar except I used smu as my markdown translator. I used hugo not to simplify, but to automatize things i was previously doing manually, like the pages on the navigation bar and the list of articles on the articles page. I suppose, that counts as simplifying since I don't have to worry about that anymore. Obviously all of this could be implemented on a shell script using find to get a list of files and parsing that to know what to write on each list, but at some point, like you said, it becomes overengineered and you are better off using something written on a real programming language.
Anonymous 08/22/22(Mon)21:28:12 No. fg-C23B84EC >>fg-E1F6DCCA
Hugo is kinda dumb. It is 10000000000000 times simpler to take a hugo template and just hand code it and maintain/change it by hand. Hugo is the best site generator, but site generators are stupid in general. The markdown is just a stupid fucking thing to learn. Learn markdown in order to make simple html pages. Wait...isn't just learning html easier?? :)
Anonymous 09/05/22(Mon)13:19:20 No. fg-E1F6DCCA
>>fg-C23B84EC >It is 10000000000000 times simpler to take a hugo template and just hand code it and maintain/change it by hand. What. >Wait...isn't just learning html easier?? Do you mean to say that you think handwriting HTML tag soup is better than writing simple markdown and letting the computer doing the shit job of putting everything between <>? If that's the case I'm just gonna go ahead and assume you have never written a website with more than 3 pages.
Anonymous 09/09/22(Fri)03:59:39 No. fg-PEUHKFVD
>>fg-E1F6DCCA I like markdown but sometimes you can't do everything you want to do in it. I haven't tried hugo yet.

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The secret meeting of the high council will gather tomorrow to determine if poopchan shall be evicted from the group. We have to ask ourselves... do we really want some perverted anal prolapsed poop eater representing fchan??? It is not the best representative of fchan to have so much poop without no toilet paper. We MUST include toiletpaper chan OR get rid of poopchan. By the way the owner of poopchan likes to smear poop all over and get naked...its called scat parties.
Anonymous 09/09/22(Fri)03:57:49 No. flounge-E893CD8C
I liked poopchan but it seems like the mods have started neglecting it. Last time I checked the front page, most of /b/ was child porn. I don't go on it anymore because of how much CP there is. The sad thing is that I have a poop fetish so I thought it was going to be a good board for me.

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Starflex StatueOfDiveo

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Masturbation Anonymous 08/24/22(Wed)11:37:26 No. fb-4N9SMXHC
ITT we talk about masturbation. How often do you masturbate? 1- Never (you quit masturbating). 2- Once a week or less (you could be doing it just so that you don't have nocturnal emissions). 3- Frequently, Once every 2-5 days (You just like to do it). 4- Once a day, very frequently (You love to do it). 5- At least twice a day, extremely frequently (can't get enough of it). Do you have a preference for time of the day? 1- I am fond of doing it in the morning (It could be boosting you to start your day). 2- Middle of the day is good (Could be keeping you going). 3- Night time is optimal (You could do it before sleep for the dooziness). 4- I don't really have a preference. 5- I said I never masturbate! Do you think masturbation is good, or bad for **creativity** and **productivity**? 1- Very good. 2- Slightly good. 3- A bit bad. 4- Very bad and harmful. 5- Neither / dunno. For me, it is 3-3-3. The most concrete study I found was Freud's sublimination (https://youtube.com/watch?v=Kv-ZZYepjfY). It is said that you should sublimate your sexual energy to productive works, instead of orgasming. I do feel like cooming drains my energy to do any work, as I already have received a sense of accomplishment that my brain needed. (ALSO WHY CAN'T I STILL POST W/O JAVASCRIPT AAAA) Answer in the format of "2-4-1" and state your opinion anon.
Anonymous 08/26/22(Fri)09:09:56 No. fb-SIEITMBQ
>>fb-4N9SMXHC (OP) 3-3-3 also I don't use porn. My imagination is enough for me
Anonymous 08/26/22(Fri)16:27:44 No. fb-615ZKVIH
>>fb-SIEITMBQ >My imagination is enough for me based. though why don't you quit entirely?

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