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Why do I need to enable java-script to see images here?
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>>fb-DPUA4T2B → I'm fine either way with that. I'm referring to image previews.
Anonymous 06/01/21(Tue)20:35:22 No. fg-58B131T7 >>fg-CA3OMM06
>>fg-4W5W6IWJ There is JavaScript checking the attachment type and embedding the attached media based on what type of element it is. https://github.com/FChannel0/FChannel-Server/blob/master/static/posts.html#L85 A JavaScript free version will come soon(tm) ill just do all the conversions server side, but working on other stuff first.
Anonymous 06/02/21(Wed)02:11:47 No. fg-CA3OMM06
>>fg-58B131T7 then good luck to you.

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8 replies, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 05/07/21(Fri)04:28:05 No. fg-ISGX89LT
>>fg-2202D97G add scripting capabilities to my C programs, the api is very good
Anonymous 05/07/21(Fri)04:56:32 No. fg-SRF92S9M
>>fg-2202D97G You can make some nvim plugins with lua
Anonymous 05/14/21(Fri)16:50:39 No. fg-QQ9LYK2S
>>fg-2202D97G Prototyping netbsd drivers
Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)15:01:54 No. fg-AY3LPWW3
>>fg-2202D97G Transpile it from Fennel to make 2D toys. https://fennel-lang.org/

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do sjws give root privileges to all their users, or they completely remove the root user so that nobody has more privileges than the others?
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>>fg-5QDZDI1W (OP) yes
Anonymous 05/17/21(Mon)10:57:10 No. fg-PB02GKW8
>>fg-5QDZDI1W (OP) Sjws only have regular users because peiviledge raycist and hierarchy ree any semblance of order too
Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)14:59:54 No. fg-QQPYZMTK
>>fg-5QDZDI1W (OP) Jews really fucked you guys up. They got root access to your morals.

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I still don't understand federation.
11 replies and 1 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 04/16/21(Fri)17:40:44 No. fg-03IAC4YT
>>fg-W8MSDK6Z an instance is a server fchan is only federated with the /b/ board with 0x00000000.xyz/b/ and 0xchan is federated with all of fchans boards consolidated all into its one /b/ board. so if you want to see all of fchans boards in one feed you can just use 0x00000000.xyz/b/catalog and view all of the current FChannel instances and post from there.
Anonymous 04/18/21(Sun)01:46:51 No. fg-CQM41NNC
>>fg-E0527DF6 this is highly debatable, especially since there's no way for instances to post to one another without pre-authorization basically, you can either play blacklist spam whackamole or you can whitelist and hope that other servers reciprocate
Anonymous 05/20/21(Thu)18:12:51 No. fg-GDB9AQL8
>>fg-7C788821 (OP) this site can talk to other sites that "speak" activitypub, which is the protocol this site uses. this means you can see and reply to threads that users on other sites made.
Anonymous 05/23/21(Sun)23:19:55 No. fg-M56VXLOX
>>fg-7C788821 (OP) If you want to learn more a good place to start is here: http://activitypub.rocks/
Anonymous 05/31/21(Mon)13:10:32 No. fg-OKLYCORY
>>fg-7C788821 (OP) It feels like an exercise in distributed database design.

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do you guys think that plan9 namespaces could do the same thing as qubes vm's without being bloated cancer?
7 replies and 1 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 05/22/21(Sat)23:52:07 No. fg-SSK8BPV9 >>fg-GKP4OHY1
>>fg-1IC7V7NM *suckless maintains a lit version of plan9port sorry
Anonymous 05/23/21(Sun)00:16:59 No. fg-7DHLJQ19 >>fg-GKP4OHY1
>>fg-M2EZ71EA >>fg-M2EZ71EA Your thinking of 9base https://tools.suckless.org/9base/>>fg-M2EZ71EA
Anonymous 05/23/21(Sun)00:19:06 No. fg-DW2OGTP6 >>fg-0Z20AD81
>>fg-1IC7V7NM Sounds like jails in freebsd. I am not intimate with plan9 but have been using acme for a while. Also plumbing is a really awesome concept.
Anonymous 05/23/21(Sun)01:24:57 No. fg-GKP4OHY1
>>fg-1IC7V7NM seems interesting, i will look into it >>fg-SSK8BPV9 >>fg-7DHLJQ19 yea, thats where i remember seeing it
Anonymous 05/23/21(Sun)03:20:39 No. fg-0Z20AD81
>>fg-DW2OGTP6 yea. just namespaces are more tied to the system and easier to work with, since its just how the entire system is organized. plan9 has a lot of neat stuff

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my ISP blocked me from making threads on 4chan, any help to bypass that?
25 replies and 3 images, Click here to view all.

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>>fb-XOOLSTE4 → >>fg-7NGWMV8S >>fg-6RPUOKSQ >>fg-W29C0RCP >>fg-AE8ZSQEW install gentoo
Anonymous 04/26/21(Mon)13:39:42 No. fg-UTYEJ1GW
>>fg-0W9GRYXZ This might work. He is Egyptian, so poor, and won't be able to afford a VPN anyway.
Anonymous 04/26/21(Mon)13:42:26 No. fg-M2MMXNZD
>>fg-QVV3XKY1 Zeronet is cool, but the user interface of boards suck.
Anonymous 04/26/21(Mon)21:20:25 No. fg-CC6FYRBP
>>fg-EC52033E (OP) Use this VPN. The nodes are hosted by volunteers, so it's less likely to be blocked by 4chan's VPN detection. https://www.vpngate.net/en/
Anonymous 05/22/21(Sat)18:04:59 No. fg-HO3S4KLE
>>fb-0DB8FCFF → no, 4chan blocks tor users. its notoriously not or vpn friendly. you'll need a pass for that

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Free your computer from proprietary software today! Install the GNU operating system with Linux added that respects your freedom.
21 replies and 1 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 02/07/21(Sun)10:00:40 No. fg-MUF4RH7W
>>fg-PH4J9AX9 yellow people are the only people
Anonymous 04/18/21(Sun)20:12:56 No. fg-VI2RLAI1
based and GNU pilled
Anonymous 05/20/21(Thu)13:33:55 No. fg-4WE1Z31G
>>fg-3489DC4F (OP) GNU is for twinks and I am right about it.
Anonymous 05/22/21(Sat)16:28:11 No. fg-ZIY6QSYJ
>>fg-92EEG269 nigga you really think netbsd is going to be even remotely better? i mean those faggots don't have half the mitigations that openbsd and hardenedbsd have and also include linux_compat, making them vulnerable to LINUX vulnerabilities. they're main purpose is running on toasters, its a joke. openbsd is still the best for security and its overall just neat
Anonymous 05/22/21(Sat)16:28:40 No. fg-WLDK1OGL
>>fg-G6CF6608 based

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reminder that tor, zeronet and similar alternatives are the only legit option. bittorrent is decentralised and yet LE and ISPs have done a fine job screwing people for using bittorrent when it comes to stuff they genuinely see as a threat (no one cares about copyrighted music or movies, retard). you will never be able to have a clearnet equivalent to 8/pol/ anymore, decentralised or not.
7 replies and 1 images, Click here to view all.

Anonymous 04/12/21(Mon)15:24:08 No. fg-2ZGK97TW
>>fg-LFIEMPJ3 (OP) Buzzwords
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>>fg-AWIXOZ0K Federated servers can choose to expose a hidden service (or loki etc) per the admin's wishes. Then tinfoilers can use the tinfoil instance and everyone is happy. Federation is wonderful.
Anonymous 04/15/21(Thu)19:11:09 No. fg-R6HRCZ88
>>fb-AQ80ZPHM → Recommend an imageboard.
Anonymous 04/15/21(Thu)19:13:28 No. fg-WC8SYPSA
>>fg-2KJ7ZJ46 Agree, zeronet feels so gimmicky with all the animations and the client bullshit.
Anonymous 05/11/21(Tue)18:01:01 No. fg-I1TFR8GE
>>fb-AQ80ZPHM → Technically there can still be censorship, because the one who has the Zite (Zeronet site) private key can manage the content of the Zite. Only boards i've tried without any censorship at all was freenet FMS and Sone.

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>be me >AI researcher >finally discovered how to create a human-like AI >turns out it is pretty cheap to simulate lots of humans in a single computer >idea >get a super computer >simulates 100 billion humans on my basement >hook up the super computer directly to the pirate bay >have the humans i created watch all the copyrighted material in the world >without paying for a loicence to distribute such content to them, of course >turns out industry's money actually vanishes from their safes when someone watches their product without their authorization >hollywood declares bankruptcy within the hour >all music companies are closing their doors >people are no longer motivated to do creative endeavors >no more entertainment is created >people fall into a depression as there is no more content to consoom and distract them from their existential dread >suicide rates skyrocket to 100% >mankind is no more, the closest things to humans now are the AIs running in my basement >mfw i singlehandedly crashed the entire world economy, bringing meat humans to extinction and replacing them with zeroes-and-ones humans another day in the life of a pirate

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Dark Mode: A Return to Tradition Anonymous 04/26/21(Mon)19:27:40 No. fg-10KWJP5I
Who else is looking forward to everything finally having dark mode? Computers were originally always in dark mode, i.e. white or green text on a black background. "Light mode" was a great folly where people wanted stuff on their computer to look like the printed page. It makes no sense when you think about it, why would you have the entire screen light up except for the text? It would be like printing out a page covered entirely in ink, except for where the words are meant to be. I for one long for the day when every browser renders an HTML page with no CSS as white text on a black background.
Anonymous 04/26/21(Mon)20:04:53 No. fg-REPW72S5
>>fg-10KWJP5I (OP) Maybe I am just a boomer but dark mode annoys me. White text on black screen is not good. I do use it for some applications, but I do not seek out to turn everything into dark mode.
Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)00:05:57 No. fg-PV6X7APU
>>fg-10KWJP5I (OP) Yes.
Anonymous 05/03/21(Mon)08:54:53 No. fg-9EFEWK6H
>>fg-10KWJP5I (OP) I'm looking forward to the day when everything can follow the system theme. Seamless switching between day/night mode would make be cum.
Anonymous 05/05/21(Wed)01:30:24 No. fg-E9MAAP4W
>>fg-10KWJP5I (OP) Dark mode is okay for me. But If there're many texts with small fonts while using dark mode. My eyes are gonna be tired too fast. So I use dark mode only for apps UI, not for reading something on pages.

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is there any point to minifying javascript and css if your server already compresses the files it sends?
Anonymous 04/28/21(Wed)03:43:17 No. fg-4JYXWX2S >>fg-4WDAMNL0
I can only see it make a difference if you have hundreds of thousands of lines of javascript/css It really just obscures your scripts so people cant audit them easily which is a terrible idea IMO because code should be freely and easily audited.
Anonymous 04/28/21(Wed)10:08:11 No. fg-4WDAMNL0
>>fg-4JYXWX2S my point exactly i'd prefer to keep js readable and the only justification for minification i see is that it reduces bandwidth usage, making your site load faster, but if the file is already gzipped i imagined the size reduction would be minimal

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Did you really think you could escape me iToddlers? Lol. ITODDLERS ETERNALLY BTFO
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Anonymous 04/18/21(Sun)20:15:34 No. fg-7E57VU4K
>>fg-1071B403 (OP) bastille
Anonymous 04/19/21(Mon)00:15:07 No. fg-RLNIVYQQ
>>fb-C56D7520 →
Anonymous 04/22/21(Thu)06:55:25 No. fg-R4L9KHCW
>>fg-1071B403 (OP) best
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But even Satania knows Apple is best
Anonymous 04/25/21(Sun)15:37:58 No. fg-5OHRWISJ
>>fg-1071B403 (OP) Baseline

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This is test Anonymous 04/25/21(Sun)12:49:17 No. fg-ADW2IH2H
Test is this

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Is this the final red pill?
Anonymous 04/16/21(Fri)12:51:27 No. fg-H4W1AWOL
>>fg-712BF6VE (OP) Yes
Anonymous 04/19/21(Mon)00:48:13 No. fg-5T944TEX
>>fg-712BF6VE (OP) Of course. Becoming NPC is the final red pill.
Anonymous 04/19/21(Mon)17:34:29 No. fg-QN3GOYJY >>fg-T41BXVP8
>>fg-712BF6VE (OP) the final redpill is not using eletronics
Anonymous 04/21/21(Wed)23:16:38 No. fg-T41BXVP8
>>fg-QN3GOYJY This. Also nice GOY trips
Anonymous 04/25/21(Sun)08:23:24 No. fg-QKZ53X2P
>>fb-BPS60W0E → My friend stole one of these from me. Honestly it's a piece of crap but it looks like a banana.

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Anonymous 01/16/21(Sat)06:33:28 No. fg-45C0C8EC
>>fg-EBE1843D (OP) will DODGE ever hit $1? I heard it is the new bitcoin
Sneed 01/16/21(Sat)22:39:05 No. fg-887D26C9 >>fg-D6SHA94B
Are there jannies on this website?
Anonymous 04/19/21(Mon)06:40:13 No. fg-D6SHA94B
>>fg-887D26C9 do it pussy post it

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